Spirit "WOOSH" effect while phased, power startup/cooldown and passive phasing

The woosh? Needs to not be directional. Needs to be OMNI-DIRECTIONAL. Too easy to tell where she's coming from. Defeats her purpose.
The cooldown of her power is too long, and its startup is INSANELY long. Needs to be at LEAST 0.5s to 0.8s faster starting up. The cooldown needs to be changed drastically. From empty to full, the CD is WAY too long (15s? Really? The nurse can use her power WAY more often than that). 8 seconds. That is the sweet spot, and gives her power far more usability. As it stands now, every other killer can use their abilities 3-4 times as often as she can.
Passive phasing needs to be reworked. You never know WHEN you're phasing...the whole passive concept just feels useless. Make passive phasing happen for 3s to 5s when you gain a stack of bloodlust. Problem solved. Gives her better utility and the passive has an actual USE. Change the passive phasing add-on to a VERY RARE and make it half the amount of time you can use phasing, but it would allow you to clip through pallets. (maybe that's too strong... dunno... just spitballing an idea)
Other than that, I can't think of anything else for now.
Not every killer is meant to be viable
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So you're saying she was designed to be horribly flawed and aggravating to play? That's a pretty stupid thing to do.
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I don't think you should compare Spirit with Nurse from all killers - the strongest, and probably the most hated killer to play against. We don't need a second nurse. On the other hand while she can blink very often landing a hit actually takes a skill while that is not true for the Spirit. Her power is just way eaier to use, she can easly navigate and hit while phased. So lower cooldown is just unreasonable unless her hits become somehow skill based
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@Haku said:
I don't think you should compare Spirit with Nurse from all killers - the strongest, and probably the most hated killer to play against. We don't need a second nurse. On the other hand while she can blink very often landing a hit actually takes a skill while that is not true for the Spirit. Her power is just way eaier to use, she can easly navigate and hit while phased. So lower cooldown is just unreasonable unless her hits become somehow skill basedI disagree. If you consider the utility and how every other killer works, they can ALL use their powers much more often than she can. It's simple math, and her math is being low-balled on purpose because of whatever reason. 8 seconds is MORE than reasonable as a cooldown from empty to full. It gives her greater utility, has better usability and gives her the mobility she needs to be what she was DESIGNED to be. I'm sorry but I'm going to make a comparison to Billy here... he has insane movement speeds at the cost of a VERY SHORT cooldown. If we're talking "balance", then she's ridiculously underbalanced in that respect.
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We don't need a second Billy either. I think the main reason for the cd is the dev just have already these killers with insane mobilty in the game and they just don't want to make another one. While the mobility on both Billy and Nurse is great they both get punished if they miss while using their powers while the spirit can just swing once more - there is just the normal atack recovery time which is very low or she can just continue to chase - there is no stagger after she gets out of her power. So I think it comes down to how hard it so for her to follow her target and how hard it is for a survivor to juke her while she's using her power - when we have definitive answers to these questions then the cd can be adjusted
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Agreed, she should be more viable. Lower the cooldown, make her able to see blood and fix the sounds.
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They already lowered the CD, it used to be 20 seconds. Her ability isn't meant to be spammed, its like a sniper shot, you have to make the times where you use it count. I like that players are unable to spam her ability because it makes using her ability, and how you use that ability, feel important. And remember its 15 seconds to recharge from full. Increasing her base movement speed from 110% to 115% to free up her ability use so that it is not always required to move around the map, and decreased the amount of time it takes to activate her ability by 15%. She would have less restriction about how she needed to be played which would increase the killer's ability to manifest their skill through The Spirit.
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@Haku said:
We don't need a second Billy either. I think the main reason for the cd is the dev just have already these killers with insane mobilty in the game and they just don't want to make another one. While the mobility on both Billy and Nurse is great they both get punished if they miss while using their powers while the spirit can just swing once more - there is just the normal atack recovery time which is very low or she can just continue to chase - there is no stagger after she gets out of her power. So I think it comes down to how hard it so for her to follow her target and how hard it is for a survivor to juke her while she's using her power - when we have definitive answers to these questions then the cd can be adjustedThey should have thought of that before they made another mobile killer. There doesn't need to be any stagger when she comes out of her power, she has to stand still for a solid TWO seconds to start it up. That's 2 seconds where a survivor with Urban Evasion can evade no problem and just troll the killer, or even a competent survivor who has the common sense to NOT RUN. The startup time is already a nightmare, then you cannot see your target, and when it runs out, you're stuck running around like a Huntress without throwing hatchets.
So, they either make the power more viable or stop making mobility-based killers. Those are their choices.
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@Aviema said:
They already lowered the CD, it used to be 20 seconds. Her ability isn't meant to be spammed, its like a sniper shot, you have to make the times where you use it count. I like that players are unable to spam her ability because it makes using her ability, and how you use that ability, feel important. And remember its 15 seconds to recharge from full. Increasing her base movement speed from 110% to 115% to free up her ability use so that it is not always required to move around the map, and decreased the amount of time it takes to activate her ability by 15%. She would have less restriction about how she needed to be played which would increase the killer's ability to manifest their skill through The Spirit.While I don't disagree, the fact that it takes so long to regain access to your power is kind of a nuisance. I would be fine with it if you could continue activating the power unless you hit the "empty" threshold and THEN you have to wait for it to fully recharge. Better usability that way imo.
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Haku said:
We don't need a second Billy either. I think the main reason for the cd is the dev just have already these killers with insane mobilty in the game and they just don't want to make another one. While the mobility on both Billy and Nurse is great they both get punished if they miss while using their powers while the spirit can just swing once more - there is just the normal atack recovery time which is very low or she can just continue to chase - there is no stagger after she gets out of her power. So I think it comes down to how hard it so for her to follow her target and how hard it is for a survivor to juke her while she's using her power - when we have definitive answers to these questions then the cd can be adjusted
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I agree about woosh sound. I think the recovery speed should be reduced to 10 seconds if she can't use it without needing to wait for it to be fully recharged. If you can use it before it's fully charged then I think 15 seconds is fine. I would also increase the moment speed in phase walk a bit. We should definitely be able to know when the passive phasing occurs, we could then use it to mind game, just like how vaulting a window doesn't look like she's vaulting at first. That would be enough to make her good imo.0
The whoosh is being adressed mid-chapter patch, it's on ptb right now. There won't be any whooshing sound when within husk terror radius. There's a ton more mind game potential with this already. And the sound is no longer coming directly from her when outside of husk's terror radius.
And to be honest, I played the Spirit quite a lot recently and she is really really great and a lot of fun too. From my perspective the ONLY thing she really could use is a little splice with the lunge out of phase walk. Tune down the add-ons afterwards, but she really is fine otherwise. Maybe if we want to get freaky, give her a 'passive', that if she hits out of phase walking she regains 50% of the ability cooldown instantly.
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Mercury said:
The whoosh is being adressed mid-chapter patch, it's on ptb right now. There won't be any whooshing sound when within husk terror radius. There's a ton more mind game potential with this already. And the sound is no longer coming directly from her when outside of husk's terror radius.
And to be honest, I played the Spirit quite a lot recently and she is really really great and a lot of fun too. From my perspective the ONLY thing she really could use is a little splice with the lunge out of phase walk. Tune down the add-ons afterwards, but she really is fine otherwise. Maybe if we want to get freaky, give her a 'passive', that if she hits out of phase walking she regains 50% of the ability cooldown instantly.
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@Bravo0413 said:
Mercury said:The whoosh is being adressed mid-chapter patch, it's on ptb right now. There won't be any whooshing sound when within husk terror radius. There's a ton more mind game potential with this already. And the sound is no longer coming directly from her when outside of husk's terror radius.
And to be honest, I played the Spirit quite a lot recently and she is really really great and a lot of fun too. From my perspective the ONLY thing she really could use is a little splice with the lunge out of phase walk. Tune down the add-ons afterwards, but she really is fine otherwise. Maybe if we want to get freaky, give her a 'passive', that if she hits out of phase walking she regains 50% of the ability cooldown instantly.
Can you tell where she is while she's phasing this is something that I've heard mixed on.. can you still hear her while she's in phase?
You don't hear her direct location, only the whooshing sound all around you.
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Mercury said:
@Bravo0413 said:
Mercury said:The whoosh is being adressed mid-chapter patch, it's on ptb right now. There won't be any whooshing sound when within husk terror radius. There's a ton more mind game potential with this already. And the sound is no longer coming directly from her when outside of husk's terror radius.
And to be honest, I played the Spirit quite a lot recently and she is really really great and a lot of fun too. From my perspective the ONLY thing she really could use is a little splice with the lunge out of phase walk. Tune down the add-ons afterwards, but she really is fine otherwise. Maybe if we want to get freaky, give her a 'passive', that if she hits out of phase walking she regains 50% of the ability cooldown instantly.
Can you tell where she is while she's phasing this is something that I've heard mixed on.. can you still hear her while she's in phase?
You don't hear her direct location, only the whooshing sound all around you.
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@Bravo0413 said:
Mercury said:@Bravo0413 said:
Mercury said:
The whoosh is being adressed mid-chapter patch, it's on ptb right now. There won't be any whooshing sound when within husk terror radius. There's a ton more mind game potential with this already. And the sound is no longer coming directly from her when outside of husk's terror radius. And to be honest, I played the Spirit quite a lot recently and she is really really great and a lot of fun too. From my perspective the ONLY thing she really could use is a little splice with the lunge out of phase walk. Tune down the add-ons afterwards, but she really is fine otherwise. Maybe if we want to get freaky, give her a 'passive', that if she hits out of phase walking she regains 50% of the ability cooldown instantly.
Can you tell where she is while she's phasing this is something that I've heard mixed on.. can you still hear her while she's in phase?
You don't hear her direct location, only the whooshing sound all around you.
Gotcha so you can't hear her moans or footsteps etc... ?
Not entirely sure to be honest... I imagine they are drowned out by the sound itself. It is quite loud. Still weird, since I thought they initially wanted her to make a moaning sound instead of the whooshing... like there is literally an add-on to make those moans less audible.
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"The Spirit's phasing audio has been adjusted: Survivors within the Spirit Husk's terror radius will not hear the phasing sound. Survivors outside the Spirit Husk's terror radius can hear the Spirit's phasing sound, but will not be able to determine its direction. Survivors will no longer be able to hear the Spirit's breathing while she is phasing."
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Raven24 said:
"The Spirit's phasing audio has been adjusted: Survivors within the Spirit Husk's terror radius will not hear the phasing sound. Survivors outside the Spirit Husk's terror radius can hear the Spirit's phasing sound, but will not be able to determine its direction. Survivors will no longer be able to hear the Spirit's breathing while she is phasing."
I know what the patchnotes say but streamers have stated and players on here have stated that they can still hear her moans and footsteps so I'm just trying to get the idea if its bad and if the devs still need to touch it up or not..