Hag Players

I don't know if it is just me, but recently I hardly can hit someone instantly after teleporting to my trap. I insta teleport as usual, but or they already are too far away for the lunge, or i hit the air when attacking, even tho I'm pratically inside the survivor.
Anyone having the same problem?
This should probably be in Bug Reports if it's happening more than once
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It's been like this for a long time, since dedicated servers I think, at least on ps4. Hag certainly ain't high tier on console because you never hit the survs right after the teleport since somehow they always have time to get distance from the trap.
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It could be a lot of things.
You could be getting triggers from people who are walking up to your trap, so they instantly just walk the other way and they’re out of your range. Same with running if they’re facing your trap and expecting the trigger.
Could be lag. Happens often and you just kind of have to deal with it.
If it happens more than once in a match I try to remember to hold my attack after teleporting.
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It has happened for the last 7 matches. It had never happened before
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Probably lag then.
Try restarting your router?
Sometimes it’s minimal and you don’t notice.