"Just don't tunnel" k

^ Excuse the totally amazing console nurse gameplay.
Quick rundown of the clip: I hook Cheryl, go to the other side of the map and down someone while the last gen pops, she dies on hook, I get back to the other side of the map to stop them from opening the gate and get DS'd by Cheryl.
There's already quite a few DS rework threads, but I'm just showing how BS this perk can currently be. Their DS let them get a free escape depite the fact that I didn't tunnel.
I've seen people say that killers also have strong perks, or that you can only use DS once but for it to literally give them a free escape? Idk man, guess I shouldn't have tunnelled.
It's not an anti-tunnel perk. Or, to be precise, not purely anti-tunnel.
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Na man that's just a balanced perk you filthy tunneler. /s
On a serious note yea that's BS. Endgame is probably when DS is at it's strongest.
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Lol there was probably like 5 seconds left literally all you had to do was hit her.
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Then what is it?
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First of all....
The doors weren't even opened yet. Why couldn't you semi-camp the door instead of going for the grab?
Second of all, the game cucked you out of multiple blinks, so that's not your fault, nor theirs.
Why didn't you go for the swing and down instead of the grab? The doors weren't opened, AT ALL.
Meg was already damaged, you could have had 2 potential downs right then and there if you slugged the Cheryl.
You did so many things wrong, the game also wronged you.
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Yay, another “I don’t know how to play around DS, so please nerf it so the game is on EZ mode for me” thread
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The idea is that its supposed to be anti tunnel/anti farm according to Stephen Horvath. Heres the link for anyone who thinks I'm pulling this out of my ass.
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"Q: What led to the decision to put the timer or Decisive Strike?
A: We decided to put a timer on Decisive Strike as one of the solutions to Decisive Strike being used too often, we tried 2 minutes internally and found that players were able to use DS a long time after being unhooked, where it no longer serves the purpose to protect you from being tunneled/ farmed"
So the game designer says it's to protect you from being tunneled/farmed, but the community says that's not what it is because... they know more than the game designer, I guess?
Also, maybe this is just me, but it's hard as hell to actually get grabs, doubly so with the unreliable servers. There should be no defense against a grab. DS should just yeet itself off your screen if you get grabbed.
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That's painful to watch. Feels bad.
Also, git gut and don't tunnel baby killer gg ez
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Yeah, its an anti tunnel/anti farming perk. I never said it was purely anti tunnel, because it clearly isn't. What from my post told you it was purely anti tunnel?
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Ah, but you see, just because the game designer clearly stated its dual purpose of protecting you from being tunneled and from being farmed by your teammates and Peanits later said it wasn't just anti-tunnel (because farming and tunneling are not the same thing) that also means that it's whatever you want it to be and is totally accomplishing its really vague goal of... uhh. You know. DEFINITELY NOT THE THINGS THE GAME DESIGNER SAID. Because it's not about those. It's about uhh... You know. It's not even really a top 5 survivor perk if you think about it. I run Saboteur instead. And Hope.
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Sometimes the grabs works too well.
I got DS-ed so many times by trying to hit a surv while slow vaulting and instead of getting the hit, i grab them even though i was like 6ft away of them.
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It's a "hey, killer, you're starting to doing good now, let me take that away" perk
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I've got a friendly suggestion for you that will help your gameplay alot, coming from a PC nurse I can tell you're not bad but if I were you I would take shadowborn off , I Know you're probably like "what!! No way!" But I would trade that out for discordance and learn her a little better without that and with no add ons whatsoever until you feel optimal that way , I did this for a month straight perkless also and Im not gonna lie I got wrecked at first pretty bad but at the end of that month I faced the same swf that wrecked me the first week I started and I slugged them all in 3 minutes and the last one DC when I picked him up
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Yeah, since when did that equal purely anti tunnel?
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"Dont nerf DS, so I can keep MY EZ mode! Whaaa!"
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I didn't want to grab her, but I blinked blindly to get whoever was on the gate off of it and managed to grab. I did hold down the attack but I didn't blink further from them to get a lunge instead, so yeah it's my fault.
My plan was to have the Cheryl slugged but that DS grab was really unexpected.
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Actually, Peanit's said that it wasn't anti-tunnel and that the entire concept had been invented by the community. Of course, I have yet to see a comment about the literal statement on its anti-tunnel nature that a Dev had said earlier.
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shouldn't work in egc when last gen done something.there no real down side to that perk.
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Well, not quite. That's not at all what Peanits said. Peanits said it wasn't purely anti-tunnel. Somehow people construed that simple sentence to mean it wasn't anti-tunnel at all. As we can see from the ****GAME DESIGNER'S**** own mouth, it was indeed not just anti-tunnel. It was also anti-farm. So both statements are clearly true from both staff members. There's no conflict between what they said. The thing is, Peanits missed the point that Killers talking about DS are obviously not concerned with the anti-farm part.
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Glad to see the perk being useful. You still got 2 kills.
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I think it´s pretty sad IMO, because perks like DS and BT were in fact made for tunneling, but they´re severely abused, and there are some people who don´t abuse it, but use it as actual anti-tunneling perks.
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What was the play around for that? He blinked right inside of her and got the grab. Its silly that the perk was still active after she was sitting on a gen and someone else got hooked.
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Yes how dare he not play around DS
Even tho he couldn't play around it2 -
What if ds can't be used when the last gen pops
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By the Devs own reasons for nerfing Ruin, DS also should be nerfed.
Old Ruin had counterplay. Either break the totem or hit great skillchecks.
DS has counterplay, eat the DS or wait it out.
Either Ruin should not have been nerfed, or DS needs to be nerfed.
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You got bhvr'ed, normally you wouldn't have grabbed them......this guy is hacking, there is no way you got a grab on this game.
Jokes aside, I hate DS for this reason but usually I try not to complain about it since I know people will get mad if I say that DS is easy mode and a get out of jail card.
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Because the entire previous sentence was answering the question "is DS anti-tunnel" with the word: No.
On top of that, it is a perk that only directly activates if you have been recently unhooked and the killer tries to hook you again, and even the Devs blame farming on the survivor that farmed, not the killer trying to snowball or the survivor that got farmed.
I believe there is something to be said about having ones cake and eating it too when it comes to the Devs and DS.
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Yeah for alot of ds threads just turn into lots of shouting and not alot of well reasonable debate. With normally someone just coming in and just saying all killers are bad due to x, anyone who plays killer is bad due to x, rather than make any point and are just more interested in demonizing killers rather than talking about the perk.
Since there was one thread I saw, where someone said the perk is not for anti tunneling by pointing to the devs but than never stated what the point of the perk was. For well it's hard to talk about a perk, when the question is a perk working the way it should or effective at doing the thing it's meant for can't be answered. Since well pop, easy and simple to know what it's for. To keep gens from being finished. Bbq, for tracking and bonus blood points. Ds, you get some who say it's meant to be anti tunneling and than others going it's not an anti tunneling perk and don't explain what the perk is meant for, what reason was it design. Since if ds is meant for anti tunneling, it can fail to do it's job, to protect from tunneling. For oh hey, survivor can get unhook, get a speed boost from a bt hit or say sprint burst, killer still chases them. Due to good rng or just luck, reaches a strong loop, able to loop the killer for 60 seconds or longer, goes down and boom, back on the hook they go. Still got tunnel and their perk didn't help one bit. So in order to punish the killer for tunneling, are they meant to let themselves go down before the ds timer is up and hope the killer picks them up to trigger ds? Since if you are a survivor that is being tunnel, I don't think you want to easily go down but try your hardest to avoid that. Yet with the way ds currently works, you can't do the logical thing of trying to loop the killer for long as possible before going down to give your team time to do the gens, since then you would not be able to punish them for tunneling by using ds. Which someone could counter with, if you can waste that much of the killers time, that is punishment enough for tunneling you, which could be seen as rather decent or say good reasoning. Yet sadly, that is again the issue with ds threads. Rather than making counter points. It's normally just turns into killer bad, killer stupid or whatever is popular to shout out loudly, rather than any real debate. Making it simply not worth it to bring up the topic, for more often than not, it doesn't really lead to anything of value.
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Couldn't agree more with you.
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That was a tight space, you got gotten by the grab mechanic being janky.
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I find it hilarious how the killer was surrounding the hook.
Maybe don't be next to the hook next time so this situation won't happen? Why is the killer near the hook and not patrolling gens?
It's mind boggling to me that killers who camp the hook ######### about being DS'ed and Borrowed Time and Unbreakable when they shouldn't be around the damn hook to begin with. Maybe go patrol?
And don't give me "He rushed the hook" or the "He was the only survivor I could see" excuse because I've heard them all.
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@BigBrainMegMain there are many cases
- 5 Gen already done
- Unhooking while Killer still near, as Trapper main, I go around pick up traps, re-setting traps, trapping loops near by (Devs could reduce that "proxy camp" by giving Trapper 2 traps slot by default)
- Like above, hardcore trapping basement hook
- That one survivor tries to loop hear the hook and the 3rd one unhooking.
- Hook near 3 Gen strats
- Patrol at a Gen not seeing survivor there to make a chase,then unhook happens. Go back to the hook and apparently still in 32m radius
- Those rare time downed survivor crawl right below the hook so I cant pick up. Camp is the only choice. (1 time a survivor just staying there until hooked one dead, refuse to get 1st hook)
- Those rare time that unhooked survivor just stand still at the door to fully block my movement and unhooker runs too faraway. Unhooked is the only target at that point