Console optimization

Is it just me or is the optimization quite bad on console?
Share your thoughts/ experiences fellow console players
Edit: Since threads have been merged here is the original comment from a merged thread so you can freely comment on it too
Console players have been justifiably demanding decent frames for years and nothing has been done. We were promised an optimization two years ago. What came of that? Why is this not a priority? Why are we treated so coldly when we rightfully demand updates on what we were promised a long time ago?
Most importantly, why should we believe we'll be listened to now? Because someone said that the devs were looking into it? Or that we've been heard? I'm sorry, but those vague answers aren't enough. We need real updates and clear communication.
This post isn't even just about console optimization or the devs not keeping their word. I would like to know why we should believe we've been heard when we've been brushed off for so long.
It is and it has been for a long time. Myers tiered up? Frame drops. Sloppy Butcher being applied? Frame drops. Gain Bloodlust? Frame drops. Killer breathes? Game crashes.
58 -
It’s terrible. There WAS a 30+ page post about it. Due to devs inability to respond, a mod was sent in and ######### it down. Pure bhvr way of dealing with their customers. Start review bombing these guys and explaining how they shut down huge posts because they are highly inconvenient
64 -
Frames drop quite a bit as survivor or killer, definitely more as killer. I'm sure others will list the killer issues so here are a few of the ones I've run into as survivor.
Times frames drop for survivor:
When hit with Sloppy Butcher.
When exposed status goes into effect - NOED, Mikey tier 3, GF mark, Devour Hope, Haunted Grounds, etc.
If a survivor cleanses totem nearby - dull or lit. Lit will also screw up frames across the map.
If a survivor searches a chest nearby.
When a gen finishes.
When another survivor is hooked.
During skill check on gen if another survivor hops on.
If Hag trap is set off nearby.
When frames drop it will cause:
Miss skill checks.
Stutter during chase that causes survivor to be hit/downed.
Survivor to miss ability to vault/drop pallet.
Survivor to stop struggling on hook.
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A thread about this with 21k views and 1k replies was just closed, and the mods said they would delete similar threads, so, sorry
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Well,we already have a thread with people complaining about the horrible optimization of this game with over 1000 comments...
So yeah,it's pretty bad
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Console players have been justifiably demanding decent frames for years and nothing has been done. We were promised an optimization two years ago. What came of that? Why is this not a priority? Why are we treated so coldly when we rightfully demand updates on what we were promised a long time ago?
Most importantly, why should we believe we'll be listened to now? Because someone said that the devs were looking into it? Or that we've been heard? I'm sorry, but those vague answers aren't enough. We need real updates and clear communication.
This post isn't even just about console optimization or the devs not keeping their word. I would like to know why we should believe we've been heard when we've been brushed off for so long.
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As opposed to answering the thread...... mod thought the solution would be to close it because some folks bumped it as opposed to addressing the console FPS issue. It’s laughable
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I just want to have a good time playing the game, but when you get cheated from your kills or waste your speed burst because of poor optimization it just becomes saddening that console is in this state.
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There wasn't any censorship.
It's because of people that went off topic or just bumping the thread (which is against the rules,if i remember correctly).
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Yes ever since the midchapter update the frames have been very bad! It wasn't the greatest before but after midchapter it visibly degraded for some reason!
You arent the only one!
Yeah...ngl that really soured my mood...not going to say anything rude...but still.
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A mod literally said that any more threads made about the topic would be shut down.
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People were going a bit off topic in the big thread.
Not saying anything but it's kinda like they want to forget about the issue by closing similar threads. There is no reason to close similar threads about a still very relevant issue that they ain't giving constant updates about.
Idk man, that's just my take.
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All I want is consistent updates on the matter.
If they post "hey, were going to reduce fog on some maps to see how it effects frames", id be over the moon. Even if the change does take a few weeks to implement.
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Exactly. I don't think it's a lot to ask for updates or for something to be done to improve it, even if it's not a complete patch.
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They didn't ban users that i know of.
EDIT: nvm there was one dude, but he was being pretty rude ngl
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I know,i play on console too.And there's nothing more i want for this game to get proper optimizations after all this time but at this point we just have to wait longer and see what the devs will do next as they clearly noticed how big this problem really is.
As long as there isn't any news any other thread about optimization is pretty pointless we already got enough attention.It's now on the devs to really work on it and update us on this issue.
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Here's the thing though, did they ACTUALLY notice it?
I mean, last time they did an optimisation patch it was labelled as a "pass", not a full patch (if i'm correct).
All we want is progress updates on what is going to be done. That would clear up if we were actually heard.
7 -
How many fnaf posts that were just baiting for arguments for/against have been allowed on a daily basis? Console concerns/complaints (for the most part) were kept to one post rather than flooding the forums. Closing that thread over someone bumping it and saying they'll delete others definitely shows they really don't care at all about the console players experience.
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Oni is right, all we can do is wait to see if they actually listened, and if they did, it would make EVERYONE happy if they updated us on the situation instead of just a "we're working on it' from 3 months ago
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I really don't know why it's so hard for companies to simply say if they have problems with different matters.
Like you said,a simple
"Hey guys,
we know optimization is a big problem in this game and our team is really working hard on this issue,but it will take very much time and effort to solve that so please bear with us"
Would go a looong way and people like us wouldn't have to feel like they are left alone with this issue and that the devs don't care about that.
Maybe it has to do something with money?
I don't know.
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My guess would be that this thread was much more controlled by the mods due to how popular this thread was.
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They were looking for any reason to close that, and when they (somehow) found a window, bam, gone
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It’s be like 2 years since the announcement about console optimization. So all the “ be patient”, “they are doing their best” etc.. comments become very hard to read anymore.
so what happens? A bunch of dissatisfied console players have a very long and (surprisingly) very respectful post about console. Instead of treating all of those folks like valued customers a lolmod closed the post cause what 2-5% of 30+ pages of comments weren’t on topic? Get real. Maybe actually communicating with your customers they wouldn’t have to carry on a post for 500 or however many comments there were.
sad day when behavior hides behind a small percentage of off topic comments to close such an important thread.
the ostrich’s head can now be safely inserted back into the sand.
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I would have been supporting this game 2x if they cared about Console, but I left console, I'm basically Rank 20 on both ends and just stuck with PC.
I would have gladly spent my money for both PC and PS4 if PS4 was actually given a damn about.
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I mean,that thread was just really exposed through its popularity.
There were a lot of people being off topic and just bumping the thread.
Some of them even intentionally tried to make some drama by threatening with lawsuits and other silly stuff.
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Yeah it was 33 pages of legit on topic discussions and 2 pages of bumps and random replies.
They just tired of seeing it on the front page knowing they have no plans on doing anything about it.
Mandy gave the warning on page 34 we get like 15 legit replies and one guy goes bump and she closed it.
The replies the mods and devs gave are a joke. If i get banned then so be it. I dont want to play a game or be part of a forum where legit concerns are banned offences.
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This is true but I do feel that alot of people in that thread was trying to talk about frame rate issues or discussing ways to possibly stop such bad frame rates (removing hook charms)
I woke up to see it gone and am deeply sadden as I was very active in that thread also this thread will also likely to be removed also.
Hopefully not tho 🐷
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The optimization of that thread out of existence is about as close as you're gonna get to BHVR fixing this game on consoles.
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1k+ comments :O
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I just really don't understand why any other posts talking about the console frame rate issue will be closed tho?!?
I for one know I added a few comments that wasn't on topic to that thread. But always tried to add any issues I came across as well.
If anything it's made me more aware to stick to the subject fully 100%.
I do feel slightly uncomfortable with how this was handled I'm not going to lie.
I didn't see any drama just a few really angry people that clearly was unhappy by the way console players where being treated.
15 -
Exactly. When someone says "we'll close/delete anything about it" that doesn't make people trust its actually being looked at. It was just so poorly handled and I know myself, boyfriend, brother, and nephew won't be putting anymore money towards dbd since we're all console players.
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Well, I'm a PC player and support this. I will not be purchasing anymore DLCs or cosmetics with money. I don't care what perks are in the DLC.
It was absolutely unprofessional the way that was handled, and inexcusable.
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I feel the same way. It was shut down so abruptly with no proper response, just vague replies. I feel like they really mishandled the whole thing.
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BTW... None of the suggestions of removing skins, charms and changing resolution worked.
Got headaches today of playing Hag on Lery's on ps4... Couldn't even play with my friends as survivor after because of that.
But the problems are the bumps, not the QoL of consoles.
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And of course there are people angry... We get dlcs and all but we can only play with like 40% of what we bought because of the framerate...
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In before topic closed. A certain someone will see this as "targeted harrassment" and hurting the feelings of certain people.
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It's really good to see PC player supporting like this. 😁
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We are only expressing our concerns on the subject in ONE thread, and now we are denied the right to express ourselves on the matter, even trying to find solutions on our own. I'm really down right now...
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I have that with facing doctor. The framerates just go down the drain when i get hit with its shock or when i scream because of it. I just suicide on first hook.
I also have extreme lagspikes when i'm getting hit with sloppy butcher or when beast of prey kicks in. And still nothing is done about that.
Tbh (and this is MY opinion, free speech), this game shouldn't had come to console. On PC it works good and I support(ed) this game on PC for over 4 years. Also play this game a lot on PS4 since it's release (I play more console now since friends play there). But i still think this game shouldn't get on console.
EDIT: I hold my breath for the new DLC with blight. I think, from what I saw from streamers, the framerate is gonna be bad for that killer too. Maybe I'm wrong, but for now i'm just concerned.
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The mod decided to close the thread before things were sorted out by posters, because one guy bumped it. He was even reprimanded and advised against it by others.
Not blaming the user that bumped the thread, mind you. I'm only bringing attention to the fact that she took advantage of one slip up to excuse closing the thread, at 1000 replies and multiple thousand views.
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be careful, the moderation around here likes to censor stuff she doesn't like, devs don't care about anyone here, it's all about the money
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I think its all to do with the next gen consoles why would they try to optimize for a console thats ages old? Its sad really i wish they would just give us something the on the matter not just some "We're looking into it" answer again that EVERY DEV TEAM DO
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I’m not surprised about what happened, BHVR needs to make money and obviously that thread wasn’t helping.
sometimes we might think this board is a “free” place, but it is not, it’s owned by BHVR and it serves the purpose they decide, I wouldn’t be surprised if mods closed it just because someone higher in BHVR was getting pissed.
anyway, doesn’t matter, patch is right around the corner, and when it comes out you better believe there will be a thread talking about how it is on console - because THAT will be a totally different topic.
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There is a reaction (like "Vote Up") called "BHVR Read" to show the devs have read a thread and are aware of it.
The console player FPS issue threads don't have that. They don't even bother reading the threads.
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As soon as I saw the first mod comment I knew the thread was on
The mods have mentioned before that they don't censor or delete stuff that is critical of/inconvenient for bhvr if it isn't overly aggressive or just consisting of personal attacks. But threads can be locked due to some technical rule violation on page 7, or it can be banished to some dark corner of the forums. My post asking what steps the devs have taken to ensure the blight would be a functional killer on console got booted into PTB feedback faster than I die on hook when someone opens a chest. It was a question, and I'm clearly not on the ptb if I'm asking something like that!
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I was very sad to see that thread get closed. It seemed like they were just looking for any excuse to close the thread instead of an actual reason and I'm pretty sure the order has come from higher up. The devs seem to start getting nervous which is a good thing.
I for one am going to support every thread about console optimization and sadly, also threads that are created because we are getting unjustifiably ignored and shushed.
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I fully support holding the devs feet to the fire as a figure of speech, they can't keep coasting like everything is fine and then get upset when people call them out on legitimate issues the game has like performance and bugs.
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As far as silencing console players go, here is a link to this thread that's being sinked so it won't be seen by so many people:
Even when it gets new comments, it doesn't go to the first page.
Cencoring is getting strong in this forum.
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Deleting 1 thread that meant so much to so many console players accomplished 20 new popping up. Thinking that closing the thread would somehow make the problem go away just symbolizes how bhvr has sunk as a company.
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I ain't losing hope. Something WILL come out of that thread. There is absolutely no way that one, if not the biggest thread on the forums will be ignored. If they don't acknowledge anything then I won't be supporting this game anymore. And trust me, I LOVE this game.