Console optimization



  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158
    edited September 2020

    I have played the preschool freddys new map twice as nurse and was very happy to see that I had no issues regarding frames. I am actually going to try out demo and doctor on the new maps and will come back with my findings.

    I was playing my girl piggy on the asylum map and I hit blood lust one while chasing around the building my game stuttered and frames dropped hugely with the new effect that happens when you hit blood lust.

    I have played survivor and feel the same issues with frame drops with status effects being applied are still there.

    I am yet to catch the Q & A but seems like from what your saying that's not good.


    Edit to say.. My nurse game on bad pre school I couldn't blink down at the small house with the truck and found other dead zones but to be fair I suck at nurse so could of been just me lol

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459

    Nice to hear that at least the new maps are better as killer. If you mean the house of pain that's where the nurse I played against had most problems. She too couldn't blink to the basement.

  • Piwatte
    Piwatte Member Posts: 162

    Since the last chapter, I can't play without the game being crashed. Optimization will be in 2025 maybe.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    obviously I'm not satisfied by the answer, since the dev basically said "on the forums we read console players are finding the new maps much better frame rate wise, so everything's good!".

    While this is the new map's performance:

    This being said - it is true that performance improved with this patch (not in the new maps though, in general), but only for the first couple of games, then we need to restart it in order to get decent frame rate again. I've sent a support ticket about this, we'll see if they notice it.

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459

    That second half of the match seemed quite painful. Also you got to love that aim dressing on console. God I hate it so much.

    I as a console player and a customer thought that their answer continued to ignore over half of the issues. I hope you get a proper answer from your support ticket.

  • Ryuzaki
    Ryuzaki Member Posts: 688
    edited September 2020

    It felt as if they rushed through the question to get it out of the way and we still have no definitive answer.

    I've played a fair few games over the past couple of days and I've noticed a slight improvement in framerate, I play the game on a PlayStation 4 slim model. I had a match with The Doctor on Ormond and I was surprised that the frames weren't too bad, pre-4.2.0 he was almost unplayable on that map for me.

    Strangley, on the updated Badham and Yamaoka maps, framerate was actually better than older maps for me. I hope this a sign of good things to come. I still encounter the framedrops when status effects are applied, so nothing new there.

  • ccactus623
    ccactus623 Member Posts: 214

    I thought badham was fine but sanctum of wrath was choppy as anything.

  • Tibby87
    Tibby87 Member Posts: 44

    Seems a bit better since update for me. Updated maps seemed to play better than original ones

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    The answer from the Q&A did feel like a "they'll fix themselves" brush off answer which didn't help my thinking they don't care about the console experience. I was hoping they would acknowledge that current console is having a rough time and they were going to do more than just hope pretty graphics will make it better. The comment that they looked on reddit and saw some console players say they liked it? They referenced reddit over their own forums. On these forums there were several negative posts moved to the feedback section from console players still having issues, some saying that the game actually runs worse for them now. The positive posts were mostly left in general section. Feels like they're ignoring negative comments and only focusing on positive.

    I've mostly played survivor since the update - don't feel like dealing with the hook glitch or the kicking pallets/gens issues I saw others have. I'm still getting the same fps drops from before with some new ones that popped up.

    When a gen finishes that big circle still causes fps drops just like when I survivor is hooked or sacrificed. The new gens, their new explosion animation has an fps drop. When someone finishes searching a chest I still get fps drops. Those are two new graphics still causing fps issues on console.

    Aside from Freddy's Dreamworld being ridiculously dark, I now experience frame drops when someone is hit into the Dreamworld nearby on top of already having it drop when I enter Dreamworld on my own.

    The Blight when he uses his power nearby causes an fps drop. Maybe it's from the liquid dripping off him when he's rushing?

    I've noticed random stutters in the progress bar when doing actions, it will stop then randomly jump ahead if you're not interrupted. Last one It did it while I was searching a chest and a Nurse blinked couple times nearby. Nothing else stuttered, only the progress bar. It has happened while I'm working a gen, my animation is fine, watching a chase and the others are moving normal, but for some reason the progress bar does a weird stutter.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Would like to add I can only speculate but had a game against a myers on asylum and he seemed to have issues regarding hooking us. I was in swf with one person and the myers would try to hook us but pause to drop us then pick us up to hook us.

    I have no idea what the issue was as the myers had his messages block so could not ask them. Was very weird to say the least.

    This was on ps4 Cross play was not active.

    I can see the devs response seems very strange in regards to our issues and can only guess that is the reason why posts in this topic have slowed.

    People probably feel frustrated in regards to the response to our console issues or maybe things have improved.

    I hopefully will get time tonight and tomorrow to see if I see what issues I find post them to this thread and make bug reports.

    Will keep posting in hopes we can get some improvements all I can think to do.


  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    That sounds like the hook glitch. I've had most killers I go against have the issue. They either drop/pick back up or need to move away so prompt is no longer there and then go back to hook. I've only played couple matches as killer to get couple quick challenges done, because I'm not trying the Survivors have offered themselves up for the hook. When the glitch happens from killers perspective it starts animation for second before canceling. As survivor it doesn't play the animation, just seems like killer is trying to get you to the hook.

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459

    I had the same kind of feelings about their answer. Very short and one-sided answer without an acknowledgement of our other issues. I've also seen more negative comments about the patch than positive ones. And there's also negative posts in reddit.

    I'm not surprised if people are starting to get frustrated and giving up hope. I know I'm starting to. During the past week I've only played a fraction of what I used to and more and more often when I think about launching the game I find myself thinking "I don't want to". Fortunately there's a lot of other games. I'm going to watch the BOTB tournament this weekend but that might be it until (or if) things are fixed.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,767

    I need to game and experiment more this weekend, and will get back to ya! :)

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    They did acknowledge an fps/stutter issue, but it was only for PC players which is extra frustrating as a console player. PC complains once and they're already on top of acknowledging the issue and what is causing it. Console makes a post listing times we experience fps/stutter and we get a "it should sort itself out with new graphics" response even though we still get same fps/stutter issues with new gen/chest graphics. 🤦‍♀️

    I'm wondering if there will be a drop in players on console after this rift finishes. I know myself and brother are really only playing now to finish the rift since we already paid for it. We used to play nightly for few hours after he finished up work, now we play maybe couple times a week.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited September 2020

    That’s the answer I was fearing. BHVR’s just hoping that it’ll fix itself. I wonder what’s going to happen once the PS5 and XSX come out. Will they be able to brute force through these optimization issues or will it be current gen all over again?

    Also where the hell did they get that console players weren’t having problems? Did they just ignore the forums?

    I’ve played four games so far with the new update. I only got the updated maps once.

    1. Doctor on Torment Creek. Surprisingly not that bad. Frames were ok. I just had the action button bug occur towards the end. Going to play him some more today to make sure it wasn’t just a lucky game.
    2. Blight on Groaning Storehouse. Yeah... this was terrible. Constant FPS drops when attacking and using my power. Made him so unfun to play.
    3. Blight in Shelter Woods. Same as game number 2. It was hell to play.
    4. Laurie on Badham III. No FPS problems. I’ve never really had any major FPS problems with Survivors.
  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Match as Micheal on dead dog saloon ps4 Cross play disabled tier 3 bugged out Micheal was holding the knife right up to the side of his face was hella weird bug.

    Issues losing progress on stalk would be a delay in stalk also play with your food stacks would also be delayed.

    Fun match!

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Badham pree school crossplay disabled playing the Doctor frame drop issues when braking pallets but apart from it nothing that bad surprised to say the least. Do not have an offing for the other map tho on doc


  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    I have to play demo now please give me support I really have only played him twice I'm already down ranking because of playing killers I do not in enjoy..

    But this is for science testing.. You monster.. Wish me luck ugh this is going to be painful unfortunately only have a pre school map on demo also 😔

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    I come with sad news Holy crist the frame rate issues with demo was not fun. Not only that I teleported through pallets that should of stunned me of course I was noble and let the poor suriviors this happened to wiggle out. Poor demo he really has issues.

    PS4 Cross play disabled killer demo map pre school = unfun frames and weirdness


  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    I just remembered something during my Blight game on Shelter Woods. I broke a pallet with that Ultra Rare add-on (think it's called Compound 33) and I teleported through it the moment the pallet fell apart. Not sure if the servers were messing up or the frames were so bad that it looked like I teleported instead of just walking on my end, but it confused the hell out of me when it happened.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,767

    Welp loading the game menu causes my Xbox 1x to instantly overheat and shut down. Did it eleven times in a row. Even lowering the resolution like they said did not help.

    Guess what I won't be playing until the next patch? Come watch me play The Long Dark or KoA Re-Reckoning on Twitch bois n guls...

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    And the dbd community is missing the glory that is piggy. I read the thing about xbox and thought of you. I am so sorry but I am glad you have other games to enjoy. Still this is not acceptable I will piggy slow bag and pop heads till you are back with us!


    I pray for xbox may your fix be good and fast so you can dash and be glorious 🐖

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    Swf with my brother, he was on struggle for less than 10 seconds before last gen popped - frames dropped and he immediately died.

  • Bradyguy99
    Bradyguy99 Member Posts: 228

    Just coming in to say I support the movement for optimization for consoles.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    Lol get hit by Freddy and watch as your system comes close to locking up during the dream transition

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    I would watch but Dreamworld is so dark now I can't see anything anyway. 😂

    I have missed so many skill checks from frame drops going into the dreamworld. After this most recent update it now happens if someone else is hit into dreamworld nearby.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,767

    I will be hunting and killing again, but not at the expense of the console itself. Meanwhile y'all get after those dirty, filthy, non-booping survs for meeeeeeeeee

  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317
    edited September 2020

    From my POV I understood that they are hoping that new graphics will make trials smoother by itself on console...

    But from my experience, just like Nobsyde said, are first 2 trials goes smoothly then it is a big downhill, doesn't mather the map or the killer it only gets worse the more trials you play.

    It will not fix itself with new graphics.

    Then... I guess their focus is absolutely on the new Gen.

    It feels like we are abandoned and it's not a good feeling after buying so many dlcs...

  • gelukrait
    gelukrait Member Posts: 172
    edited September 2020

    Just comeback the game since last update. I wonder if anyone here got same issue as me.

    Every match I played, killer or survivor, my character's normal movement likes drunk (similar as killer is carrying a struggling survivor with boil over).

    I tried to reset the DbD and I reduced resolution to 720p, but no help. I played on PS4 pro, other games still work smoothly.

    Before the lasted update, I rarely faced this issue. And when it happened before, it usually related to performance of game (play for long time without reset)

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459
    edited September 2020

    And here we thought that the old bloodlust effect was bad! Holy moly this new visual effect for bloodlust is so much worse for the FPS. Please devs revert this!

    I played like seven matches yesterday with the Blight until I got the adept trophy. Random FPS drops were in every match, mostly when using his power or during the fatigue. The camera is wonky for him as it is and the drops don't help, suddenly the fps just drops and your camera skips 90 degrees in the wrong direction.

    The new pallet breaking splinters weren't as bad as I was afraid although they still dropped the frames a bit.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    That new bloodlust feels so much worse.

    I have crossplay off, I've only faced a handful of Blight. Seen plenty of Felix so it's not from lack of buying DLC. Blight seems very much a PC Killer, console won't waste time on one that's going to mess with the already bad fps and has high skill cap on top.

    After this update I keep experiencing a weird lag in progress bar. My animations are fine as are the animations around me but the progress bar just doesn't move for around 5 seconds before jumping ahead. If you stop/are interrupted before it jumps ahead you lose out on that progress time when you start back up as long as it's not something like totem that has you start over anyway. This is really bad for sabotaging hooks because if the progress stops for few seconds it's actually doubling the time.

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459

    I've experienced that too. The worst was with Myers's evil within bar. 33% out of nowhere after I was wondering why the bar isn't filling up. The bar jumping back and forth is usually accompanied with a nice fps drops too. Can't have anything in this game without those.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    when I play survivor my character will at times go from running to some kind of half run. It’s very odd.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    Today's update:

    New intro seems choppy. Not good sign loading in when intro isn't even running smooth.

    Played few 2swf rounds. Noticed little stutters in animation when starting interactions. Ping was green and I'm plugged in for internet.

    Will see if it does same tomorrow when I play the new level of the tome.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    Awhile ago with an old controller when I'd try running I'd run for couple seconds then switch to walk and I'd have to keep tapping the button every few seconds to run. Got me killed a bunch until I got a new controller.

    I've had it where my character gets stuck in the crouch animation and I need to press crouch couple times to finally stop. End up looking like I'm teabagging the killer. 🤦‍♀️ I know it's not the controller for this one because it happened with my old crappy controller and with my new controllers.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    It just started this nonsense. I have two controllers and it happens on both. It’s very annoying to just all of a sudden start running at half speed.

    I haven’t played killer in a couple of days to see if walk speed is being effected there also.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    If it's multiple controllers then definitely the game. Based on some whiffs from killers in my matches today I wouldn't be surprised if their walking speed got messed up. They did something in this update that made things worse instead of better.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited September 2020

    I had this issue for a long time as both sides (it was fixed in a recent patch, can't remember which though). All of a sudden I'd just lose speed. It was a really annoying bug and made chases much harder. If it came back, then just throw this whole patch away. Revert the game to 4.2.0.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Just swinging by to check on The Console Experience and make sure I made the right decision by uninstalling, signs point to yes

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    In case anyone missed it they have a survey for game performance:

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    I feel sorry for the xbox users that may still have issues with even opening the game and not being a forum member. Hopefully it's on Facebook and twitter for them to have their input.


  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Uuggh that's not good hopefully those poor xbox users have had some kinda fix or something allowing them to give feedback . @JPLongstreet how's things on xbox any fix yet to your issue?

    Hopefully they pay attention to the feedback. 🤞

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    Seems odd they didn't post the survey to social media. Would think they'd want as much feedback as possible?

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    That is indeed very odd but maybe they didn't want possible people who don't play messing with the data or something still bizzar especially if xbox players are having those really bad issues even logging in to the game.


  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,767

    The hotfix Tuesday allows me to start the game, and no more overheats so far. I havent played yet due to job, but plan to on Sat. They did answer my Optimization entry here in the forums saying that patch should fix it. We shall see about the rest...

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Oh that is awesome news!! Fingers crossed for a good weekend then! I know you will keep us informed of how things are. Glad to hear that xbox users can load and answer the survey also.

    Thank you for replying 🐷💖

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    So I played a game of Doctor on Hawkins today (my first after 4.2.0's release) and I think this map needs more work. Chasing and swinging didn't feel good at all. I could see some FPS drops when moving or kicking a gen, but they weren't that bad.

    Survivors still seem to skip frames when moving quickly (ex. zig-zagging or trying to 360). This happened during the Doc game and PH game on Grim Pantry.

This discussion has been closed.