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Difference that I have noticed between red/purple/green ranks
Red ranks are usually always running the same OP meta tier perks over and over, while I see more variety in builds in purple and green ranks.
Yesterday I got into red ranks, and games are alllways the same thing.
Seriously, you guys that run the exact same build over and over, are just boring. There are more perks in the game you know?
I've noticed that obviously, to reach red ranks you need a certain amount of skill, but another reason to reach red ranks, is because you are using meta perks, that's all.
I rather intentionally derank to purple/green ranks, before being forced to play meta perks in all of my games.
It's a vicious cicle. Killers or survivors, use meta perks. Then the ones that didn't use them, may feel bad about their performance. Then, they realize they "have to use" meta perks. Then they use meta perks and they make the other side think the same ######### again.
You see what I mean?
Please, try different new builds, don't be afraid of changing one perk slot for something you might have wanted to try before. Same with add-ons.
I know, It was so hard for me at first to get rid of my BBQ+pop, but it gets better, believe me. You feel better when you are experimenting and trying new stuff.
Finally, I'm not saying "NEVER EVER RUN META PERKS". Just that you know, there is a wide roster of perks and add-ons in the game, you can always try something new.
I agree.
Killer mains, watch Monto.
I can't help survivors, that's not exactly my job.
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It's not easy to not run meta perks, I'd try as many fun builds as possible but I either ends up sacrificed because there no obsession and I get tunneled the heck out of me, or some meta perks would have granted me victory if I had them instead of more situational ones.
In the end, It really depends if you want to escape or not, it's like 4k points so...
Edit : trials are funnier with chill builds though.
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The thing is, survivors don’t actually need perks to win. I was bored recently and decided to do perkless games and I was coming out with 20-30k consistently and in most of the games I was the sole survivor. It just makes you play smarter as you can’t rely on certain perks to save you when you mess up. I actually really enjoyed it. I think the only meta perks I use are Iron Will and Spine Chill. The other 2 perk slots are normally where I experiment. I’m looking forward to using Botany Knowledge and Desperate Measures to be the team medic. 😂
With killer it just depends on who I’m playing as, as it’s fun switching up builds and trying new things to see what works and what doesn’t.
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I watch monto, Otz, Tru3, OhTofu....etc.
Partly, thanks to them I have an open mind about builds, etc.
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For example, I really don't care about killing, or not killing.
All I care is performance (score).
Obviously running meta perks would give me "the best performance", but I always want to try new builds too try to find some of them that have good performance in games, without needed the crutch perks every time. Because it just gets boring.
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This remembered me once that I got looped to death by a meg a long time ago, he was running a perkless build.
That time, I realized that survivors don't really need them.
She performed flawlessly without perks, it was just amazing.
I mean, I got rekt by the whole team, but at the same time I was like: "Wow, props to that meg".
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Obviously perks can help you out and make certain scenarios easier but you definitely don’t need them. It’s also a nice feeling knowing you survived a trial by literally using the bare minimum. I don’t tend to use exhaustion perks, so I didn’t really notice much of a difference. I was just a lot louder as I had no Iron Will lol.
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*meg breathing intensifies*
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Just wait until you go against a team packed to the gills with meta perks who then get mad at you for using a single specific perk as killer.
I once got told that I was "unoriginal and unexciting" for using BBQ and PGTW against a team with 4 DS, 4 DH, 3 BT, 3 unbreakable, and 2 adrenaline. 'Unoriginal' indeed.
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Already happened to me.
I've had all types of complaints, as every main killer I guess.
It's hard If they surprise me with new insults or complaints.
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Yeah, i've always preferred high green & all of purple.
To this day, every now and then i get people who are utterly taken back that i'd run something like Hex: Devour Hope, and i love that i do that to them.
They also sometimes state how surprised they are that i don't camp as Wraith.
I'll keep my B&C though, those Auras help big time for my build.
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In that case that you've experimented enough and you don't like any of the perks, just the meta ones, ok I guess, fair enough.
But the gameplay will become just boring.
I've had games as killer that I just went afk because I was just tired. I could have won the game, I could have done something, yes, but it was sooo boring to play against that thing that I went afk.
Not because I was mad, because it's just tiresome.
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Yeah, BBQ it's always helpful for the immense grind that there is in this game tbh. Also the auras.
"They also sometimes state how surprised they are that i don't camp as Wraith."
^ I guess they were all the time facing rank 20 wraiths then lol.
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BBQ, Pop, Corrupt, Sloppy
Pretty much every killer ever. Sub 1 perk for something else.
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I mean in every game as you go up in skill level the meta becomes increasingly more important. as the gap in skill shrinks the strength of the build you are running become more important. I feel like this plays out in every aspect of life.
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I run perks I enjoy. If they happen to be meta or not idc. I long ago stopped caring about rank and focused on what brings me joy in DBD.
I hate being permanently stuck in red ranks as both survivor and killer.
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You can derank if you want tho, as I'm doing to avoid copy pasted games.
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I mean i can play copy pasted games and play with skillful opponents or i can derank and crush less skilled or new people. If i have to derank to see unique and creative builds at the expense of playing with opponents that actively challenge me i would rather quit DBD.
Just because everyone else runs the same builds over and over does not mean I have too as well. Most killers only require 1 perk thats absolutely needed for that killer. While survivors don't need any perk at all.
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My build I like rn is sprint burst, DS Adrenaline and Hope. Not really meta and it has the old meta perks but even when I dont run these my looping skills stay the same and so does my choices. So I to say that people using meta perks carries them is kinda wrong. I can play perkless and stay red rank and ik you don't mean everyone and all but using the same build isn't always a crutch sometimes it's just their fav build. I ran DH, DS, and vault speed build but not only do people complain about those perks it makes my looping reliant on perks so I try amd avoid things that actively change my chases.
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I doubt it's the fav build of every red rank survivor I see.
"sprint burst, DS Adrenaline and Hope"
If you don't use hope and use BT, that's meta. Because that's the copy pasted build I've seen over and over. So boring, but anyways, I'm deranking intentionally to see less copy pasted games.
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Hmm I always see variety until I see swf which is kinda pathetic. But surv perks are useless for helping you win. And with the gameplay styles lots of killers do and are sometimes forced to you cant really blame people for running them. And nah I have been switching build I used to run DS BT and we'll make it and sprint burst. I agree it gets boring I want something fun so that's why I change thing up ya know. But don't derank because you dont want to go against strong perks, it makes it seem like you can't handle it and I'm also not judging so dont take offense.
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I could handle it, but I just don't want.
Because as I said, it's boring.
And I don't play this game to get bored.
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I've tried running silly builds, I get stomped every time, and then harassed for being a bad killer and using crap perks. So I dont any more, I run what's necessary to fix the crap balance in the game.
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That's the vicious cicle I'm talking about.
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May be a vicious cycle, but I respond to what I'm given. In my region, I was/am constantly getting survivors that have way more hours than me, and use every advantage at their disposal. They've grown bored with the game, and the only fun they find is by humiliating the killer.
Throw that in with my extreme dislike of losing, and we end up with me using the strongest perks too. If I could get a match to last longer than 5 minutes while using a stealth build, or a use up your flashlight in one blind build, I would do it.
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Here's a nutty idea. How about you play the game the way you want to and other people can play the game the way they want to?