I did a whole afternoon “AFK” with Insidious + NOED. Guess how many games NOED activated?
It's also stupid to not be doing gens if the Killer is already chasing someone, unless you're trying to make a play, such as a flashlight save, or finding a Hex Totem, you really ought to be doing gens if you're not being chased.
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But you seriously don't even know how many totems they cleansed. They couldve done all but one. Maybe adding in thrill of the hunt will help prove your point, but until then I still will, in my opinion, think your argument has no basis.
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I’ve personally cleansed 4 totems in rounds before but there is always one that eludes me. It would help if others look for them but a lot of times it feels like I’m the only one.
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You mentioned about survivors all up in your face and also vaulting when you're afk. That's probably because they want the blood points they would miss out on otherwise because you were doing nothing.
Since they can still get blood points for being 'chased' and escaping it, distraction, as well as vaulting
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Not when Insidious is active they can’t
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Oh right my bad, then yeah, no idea.
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proofs the point that noed is a crutch perk.
imagine doing nothing all game and still get rewarded with kills. seems pretty balanced right?
"do totems" thats not always working. you play with bunch of solos and you can do 4 totems and the last one is somewhere where you cant find it. and till someone gets it noed gave that person already 2-3 kills. and the best thing is when noed is next to the hook. well have fun.
NOED is a crutch simple. forget about the insta downs and speed increase but the fact that a killer can just stay afk all game and still can get rewarded for doing so and punish survivors doing the objective shows how BS this perk is.
and NO im not a survivor main.
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I thinkwe need to convince cope to teach the surrvivors
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A couple weeks ago, just to try it out, I played Insidious Basement Chest Bubba with NOED for four hours straight. This was boring as hell by the way. I wanted to see how NOED performed (I don't usually run it) after a thread complaining about an AFK Wraith that suddenly 4k'ed all of them with NOED at the end.
NOED activated 100% of the time. I stayed in the basement with Bitter Murmur, Insidious, NOED, and Iron Grasp until four gens popped. Timed when the last gen should get about done and left the basement right before. Smacked them with NOED.
Most games were a 3k, with a majority being 2k. A minority were 1k or 4k. Zero were 0k.
Played Hawkins as Survivor yesterday against a Billy. He proxy camped each hook and let the gens fly. I could tell my teammates just thought him a camper or inexperienced, but I had my suspicions. He has one on hook as the last gen pops, and there goes NOED's activation.
I had no clue where the totem was, and saw my other two randoms trying to get to the hook from different directions. In a Hawkins hallway.
Have fun with that. I got out the gates. Spectated the last few seconds, and they handed him a 3k.
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you were literally AFK.
why would they even be afraid of NOED?
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Of course they don't bother with totems. They just want to move on to a real game.
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Just gonna leave this here...
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Yeah no if you are afl and remove to chase me I'm rushing out of the match. It's boring when the killer refuses to do their job.
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Did you run Thrill of the hunt too, to see how many totems were being done?
I've had games where NoED activates after doing FOUR totems. Because I simply couldn't find the fifth.
Also, I don't think this really addresses the problem of games where survivors don't have time to do the totems. All this says is that if the killer is AFK, survivors probably won't bother with it.
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If I ever see a "afk" killer, I know to stop doing gens and make sure all totems are broken. Gens can wait.
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Most just don’t bother period.
I’ll see teammates leave the area of a completed gen where a dull totem is right there pretty much in their face screaming “look at me”.
I get into the same scenario as you. I’ll have done 4 totems just myself, NOED goes off and I’m not passed at the killer, I’m furious at the other survivors. I just refuse to believe that across the 3 other survivors that none of them happened to see this last dull totem during their travels during the trial.
They’re just lazy. I give them the opportunity to freely farm points (other than chase), and they’re still lazy.
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This. I'm not going to waste my time with a match like that. I don't play this game to just sit on gens for 4 minutes and escape.
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I don't believe noed is op but this is a dumb argument. No one who plays dbd for actual gameplay and chases is going to spend more time than necessary in a match with an AFK killer. There's no point in cleansing dulls if the killer is AFK if you're worried about noed because of that very reason. When the killer is active and is wearing your team down with hooks noed could be the difference between escaping with one hook left or dying so it makes sense to cleanse any totems you see (or if you're having trouble finishing gens just memorise their locations. which is honestly way more time safe).
I use small game every match but I still wouldn't bother.
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You know if they're running around in your face it's because they're getting chase points, right? Doing gens and nothing else is like 7k BP. It's not fun. You're not actually proving anything and all you're doing is ruining people's games. Play the game or shut it off.
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Then don’t just sit on gens.
Find and cleanse totems. Sabotage hooks. Meme with the team.
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I'd rather just play the game tbh. I'm sure thats fun for the swfs that want to farm bp but I ran out of things to grind for long ago in this game.
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1 it's not my argument.
2 I never said it was OP.
3 I moved on.
4 do bones, or not. It dont matter to anyone more than whoever it screws over.
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'I AFKed all game and expected survivors to look for and cleanse all totems to extend an already incredibly boring M1 simulator, where NOED was never really a threat because the killer is supposedly AFK anyway'.
I really don't get what you're trying to prove here.