Rework to Freddy add ons
Still kinda think Forever Freddy is a little too strong, just change the addons so they dont go so well with dying light thana which those two perks alone can get up to 25% penalty pretty quickly.
Rather than "nerf this nerf that omg no counter boring op killer" here's how to counter Freddy:
- Always wake yourself up when you go to sleep as top priority over every other objective
- Listen for the wind and if you cant hear blood pouring from a near by gen your safe to go about your business
That's all you need to do.
Aura reading perks that help with stealth work well against him too the same with any other Killer:
- Kindred to know where he is near a hooked Survivor at long range
- Spine Chill to know where he is at short range
- Alert (to know where he is everywhere else
The best solution when you find a problem you cant beat in any situation is to see things from the problems point of view to learn it's weaknesses then go back with what you learned and adapt those lessons to the problems solution.
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yeah but what about solo survivor, or just playing to have fun. game feels a little busted at times
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Nerf freddy because i cant beat a bad build. The only reason forever freddy was good was because of old ruin now that ruin is gone that build is bad i dont see how you can have a problem
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Ive been playing with my friends who recently got the game (about a month ago) and im not trying to play to win, more so to have fun and I can say getting stomped by a "entitled" or "sweat" killer is really frequent and kinda kills the vibe
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But survivor is the power role, didn't you know? :')
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Is this a joke? If he has literally every single person asleep and his best slow down add ons it's only a 12% slow down. You realize that is weaker than a Prove Thyself right? This is EVERYONE being asleep btw, every person awake it's 2% weaker, so you can bet it's likely only going to ever be a 6% slow down at any given time from his add ons. Explain to me how you think a 6-12% slow down needs a nerf?
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lol at high ranks I can see that, but it would be nice to have fun at all ranks, im a killer main with about 500 hours in killer and know how awful it is as killer, but playing survivor is just as bad, starting to think the game is just not balanced for high ranks
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im pretty sure there is more than that
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I was being sarcastic
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You are wrong then. The green slow down add on is 4% slow down when asleep and the purple one is 2% per sleeing survivor.
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i meant like stacking dying light thana with the pink and purple add on, im also not saying it unbeatable or anything, just saying its very hard to go against when you and your friends are just having fun
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They've already nerfed Freddy's slowdown add-ons. They're pretty useless at this point. At this point, if a Freddy is using 2 perks and both add-ons to make gens take less than 20 seconds longer to complete you should just let him. Isn't that better than insta-down perks and information perks and perks that help him catch you faster?
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You can say that about any game tho every game is going to have sweaty players that won’t be fun to play against if you’re playing for fun
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If all 4 of you are injured and asleep and refuse to heal up or wake up then I'm sorry but you deserve to be slowed down by all that nonsense. Sorry but if you stay like that it means you are way to alturistic and or trying to hard to slam gens as fast as possible, healing up and waking up is part of surviving Freddy, not just slamming gens as quickly as you can. If you want to say Freddy is to strong that is one thing (I disagree that he is OP) but honestly his slow down add ons are a total joke now, they weren't nerfed they were given the Legion treatment, I laugh when I see Forever Freddy because it means he is probably pretty bad if he needs that "much" slow down.
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So to have fun basically means "escapes by walking by and only half focussing on the game" or what does it mean?
I don't even think 25% is that easy and fast to reach as it is requiring 3 non-obsession hooks, which is maybe 30-40% of the game done already, and having all 4 survivors injured is also a hard thing to achieve. In my games, 2-3 is realistic, unless you play Legion or Plague where people on purpose don't heal. And I barely see killer games reaching 8 stacks of DL before it gets nullified by killing the obsession. So the average of these perks
Well, the pink and puprle addon combined is even less of a slowdown, being at 8% max and at the beginning, while Thana and Dying Light are at 0%. You have more slowdown by using Sloppy Butcher rather than using a very rare and ultra rae addon.
And if you say dying light and Thana is the problem, why do you want the addons changed? Why not ask for the perks to change?
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Has explained before, that build its not the strongest anymore.
How can devs balance a killer for solos and in other balance him against a SWF of good loopers with repair box with brand new parts?
side note: - gotta love seeing survivor mains twitch streamers, grown men with a big long beards, suicide on hook because they have to be on the gen for more 9.6 seconds. lol
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It’s funny how this is complained about when old Freddy would inflict a 50% debuff at base, and up to 75% with add ons. AND this affected gate opening times as well.
...and then throw on Thana and Dying Light. Things got VERY slow.
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If you actually payed attention he says the addons + Thana and Dying Light.
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Why Freddy too strong
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Waking yourself up isn't a thing in solo que. Running all the way across the map to suck on an alarm clock? Deliberately missing a skillcheck and regressing the gen by over 10%? Running around searching for a teammate to wake you, whilst hoping they ACTUALLY wake you?
Also, I would like to point out that Freddy has no weaknesses other than instadropping pallets. He has everything covered: Tracking/anti-stealth (Dreamworld aura's), chases (snares), map traversal (teleporting), gen control (faking). Sure, most of these can be mitigated by waking up... But as I said, it's not really a thing you can do in solo que, not without going so far out of your way you lose almost by default.
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it is a thing in solo que i do it when im playing casually solo it just knowing when you need to wake yourself up if you know he chasing someone while you are working on a gen fail the skill check and then carry on, it just being smart when you need to wake up or stay in the dream world
freddy has weaknesses otherwise he would be overpowered which he is not. hes a strong killer that forces survivors to adpat and think how they are going to escape him you have to play smart.
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I want your teammates and your Freddie's.
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If you are having poor teammates that not a freddy issue that the survivors issue nothing to do with freddy. Also Freddy is my main go to killer as i play freddy alot so i know his weaknesses and strengths overall he is a strong killer most likely third or fourth strongest its between him and PH atm for me but he is not overpowered he has counters but do requires survivors to adpat and not treat him like a normal M1 killer which i see alot of survivors do make them so easy to get haha
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I also know Freddy's weaknesses, because I play almost every killer, and I can tell you right now that he's one of the, if not THE, easiest killers in the game. Why? He's simple and his weaknesses barely exist. Every other killer that has a strong power in one area has a weakness in another - not him, though. Survivor awake? Slap them, trap them, down them, teleport, rinse, repeat. The only time you cannot do that is if they pull the good old hold-W-and-instadrop tactic, which works on almost every killer in the game except Deathslinger, Huntress, and to an extent PH and Nurse (Nurse gets got by just the hold-W, not the instadropping).
I go against a lot of Freddy's. I have played a lot of Freddy. And I can tell you that constantly waking up without ultra-coordination loses games as quick as doing bones.
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Freddy's rope add-ons have been nerfed to the point where they are barely worthwhile running without stacking the action speed decrease with other sources.