Game feels bad for new players

I've been a long time fan of the game and started playing years ago so im not experiencing the game now at lower ranks, but I have been getting my friends into the game and even though we do have fun, it happens often where the game seems unfinished or unfair to them, laughing and calling the game trash is one thing, but when it happens for the 100th time it gets old.
Just feels like the game is full of sweaty players and such which only care about balance at high ranks.
Fingers crossed for this next year of updates, maybe the game will be more fun less sweat
i started playing with my friends at rank 20, but i played the most so i got to rank 1 eventually and they are like 4,9,16,17,18 ranks
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Thanks bro, I'll probably wait for mmr or something instead, my friends like dbd but not enough to keep coming back to it right now.
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You pretty much NEED certain perks in order to do well at this game. All of which take a buttload of time to get to teachable point for all Survivors and Killers, some of which stuck behind a pay wall or mostly unobtainable till they become purchasable once in a blue moon via bloodpoints
The grind makes it harder for new players to get into dbd. It punishes them and rewards the dinosaurs who enjoy nothing better than stomping all over their new potential player base to the detriment of the health, well being and future of their -own- game.
Sad but true.
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The pay wall is another thing, back when the game had 1 or 2 dlcs it was fine but with over half of the game being dlc, its a tad bit ridiculous. If the game didnt have the strong competitive nature and meta it wouldn't be such a problem. One of my friends didnt even know about buying the killers or survivors in game with iri shards until he was like level 40 too.
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Wdym? this guy only played 3 matches ever on his life and is already better than half of the people who come cry on the forums of how hard the game is
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Man hes a pro already? O_O couldnt imagine the power he would have at rank 1
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I meet a lot of new people in the game, it's probably the worst experience for them, as it is for me.🤣
Rankings don't mean anything though.
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I agree on that ranks really dont matter, I hit rank 1 survivor not too long ago and still get stomped, really dont feel like I should be rank 1 :/
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If a survivor don't know how to loop or how the killer power works... then yeh, they should loose.
And yeh... new player experience its really really bad.
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Bless this man for speaking the truth. People like to overhype how difficult DBD is for some reason but it isn’t, really. You just need to memorise a lot of stuff but it’s not that hard to be good at it.
I love how he gets some wins, some losses and some draws and seems fairly content with it and happy to make good plays. The DBD community should take notes.
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omg that guy is hilarious lol wd on finding him. Genius.
Those Survivors looked pretty bad tbh. He got lucky.