Possible mechanic against SWF.

help_i_have_an_issue Member Posts: 3
edited September 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions


I've seen a lot of posts complaining about how swf and certain perks need a nerf, and i thought this could help.

The mechanic would be a 10/20/30% increase/decrease to cooldowns and timers on perks if two or more survivors are running it, e.g.

  • 2/3 people in a swf running decisive will have a 10%decrease on the ds timer, so 60 seconds becomes 54 (or 50/40 to 45/36 if its level 1 or level 2 decisive)
  • 4 people running dead hard in a swf - there is a 30% increase to the exhaustion timer.
  • 3 people running unbreakable in a swf would recover 5% less quickly.

Those are some examples of how it would. Furthermore, killers could be able to see if people were in swfs - although that might be a bit op/lead to an influx of tunnelling/camping. This mechanic could also effect items, e.g two people running flashlights in a swf would have a 10% decrease in charges or toolboxes could have reduced charges if multiple people in a swf brought them into a trial. Finally, exhaustion perks could be grouped together instead of counting individual perks, so if 2 people in a 4man swf were running dead hard and the other two were running sprint burst, they would all be lumped together and count as a 30% increase to all exhaustion timers, instead of a 10% increase to the separate exhaustion timers.

Thank you for reading this post :)

Post edited by drimmalor on


  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,190

    That's way too hard of a nerf to be honest

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,903

    Its an interesting idea but, while the coordination between swf on coms can really tilt a game, this nerf seems overly punishing.

    Also the killers being able to see swf teams would result in a lot of lobby dodging and increased queue times I don't think it would improve much. Not to mention the self justification of negative play because its swf.

  • BeyondDisbelief
    BeyondDisbelief Member Posts: 69

    These are overkill and just makes playing with friends unfun, especially if the friends in question are newbies who are starting together.

    The issue with SWF has nothing to do with what you're debuffing but the information they have circumventing the need for aura perks. A realistic debuff would be to cap their perk slots at 3, but if they done that there would sure to be a riot. I jus tdon't see any realistic and at the same time reasonable solution to SWF.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    No way. Nobody should be punished for playing with their friends. I hate getting coordinated SWFs as much as the next killer, but I will never agree with punishing people for playing an online game with friends. That is the dumbest move you can make. Remember, BHVR needs to make money. They need players to play and have fun with their friends and community to do it. Punishing them for playing with friends would be pure stupidity.

    The problem is straight forward. The game is not balanced towards comms at its core. So, lets make some changes from there. Buffs are the way to go. Buff solo survivors by giving them some core perk-like abilities that feed them key information. How many totems are left? Is the killer still near the hook? Things an SWF might be able to share. Perhaps the ability to see footprints of the killer and they degrade over time. So you know he was recently near killer shack.

    Then, buff killers. Give them abilities to end chases sooner. I'd toss in a rage factor. The more a killer gets blinded or pallet stunned within a short period of time, the more filled with rage they become and eventually are no longer affected by these things. ie: After 3 pallet stuns, they begin breaking pallets with a swing of their weapon, or become temporarily immune to flashlight stuns after 2 within a 60 second period. These are just base ideas and would obviously need tweaking, but would help end chases faster, thus helping to counter the information gained by SWFs and buffed solo survivors. It would also reduce the chance survivors try to bait the killer - they may actually start to fear the killer...I know, crazy concept!!

    Buffs are the way to go. We've seen nerfs do nothing but jack things up. I remember before the healing nerf we were worried survivors would stop trying to heal and just rush doing gens.....woops!

  • PsycologicalTrick

    example perk:

    while you are in a chase, for every survivor not in a chase and not within a 16 meter from you, progressive actions (gen, totem, mending healing etc) get a 2.5%/5%/7.5% slower speed up to maximum of 7.5%/15%/22.5%.

    for every hit on any SWF member, you gain a 5% bloodpoint increase up to 30%. injured SWF members get a haemorrhage effect until fully healed. bloodpoint is added post-trail.

    not very strong, but it reward killers for facing SWF and should encourge them to take challanges. survivor that are not in a chase with the killer, will get a small debuff.