What are some threads here you're just tired of seeing?

slim0b Member Posts: 551

I'm really at a point where I genuinely smile when I see bait in this forum section because a shlt ton of threads are people parroting each other, there's barely any originality put into most of the posts here or actual innovative ideas.

I'm sick of the "gen rush bad and game is survivor sided" *Insert gameplay of streamer getting all gens done in 5 minutes as he uses a meme build*

I'm sick of arguments being repeated because they were worded in a slightly more professional way/ or an overexaggerated than just whining about the issue. Like "NOED rewards bad gameplay!!" and "but DS is ANTI MOMENTUM" and the people jumping in on the "no counterplay" bullshlt with 6 killers that can be looped for ages just cause they got crushed by them.

What topics can't you bear seeing anymore?


  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    Nerf (insert thing) threads that don't bring anything new to the discussion. especially keys and moris as most people agree both are problems.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    All "Nerf DS" threads should be automatically deleted or moved to Suggestions.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited August 2020

    Basically 90% of the threads on this forum. I read the forums mostly for the 10% of constructive, interesting threads that sometimes appear, for dev responses (which unfortunately are very few) or to help people asking for advice. For most of the threads I just sigh at the title and move on.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,927

    Any post where the OP rants about the devs about issues in a very derrogative and insulting way, as opposed a constructive critique of an issue and offering a solution in return.

    Yes, every game has issues, and it can become quite frustrating at times. However, ranting and moaning about how [REDACTED] the devs are supposedly, when that person has not bothered to be calmly critical about it (& potentially completely ignored their own lack of skills or understanding) just reeks of self-righteousness and entitlement - both traits I find really repugnant.

    It can become dull if the same topics come up, but so long as they are fair examinations of an issue and attempt to work towards a solution I can deal with that. Rudeness I cannot.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    I’m tired of all the threads complaining about certain perks or killer powers. We have an outlet to explain our worries or concerns for DbD’s health and we use it to complain that we got hit by a 59 second DS that one time 2 weeks ago. Why don’t we talk about the fact that with each new chapter release the new player grind increases drastically. Or the fact that 90% of perks are doomed to never be used and the meta will always be the same 4 perks on both sides. Or the fact that DbD is potentially still using Unreal Engine blueprints which could be why the game is extremely buggy (I don’t actually know anything about coding but from my understanding blueprints are terrible for big games like DbD).

    I simply want to see more threads actually addressing issues that could literally kill this game if ignored. I could always make these threads myself, but I don’t put in the effort or time required to deem worthy of posting.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    Threads using clips from a streamer. They're not terrible, its just that generally devolve into people must dunking on the streamer, then the defenders post, then thread is closed due to heated exchanges. Its funny sometimes but holy ######### can you smell the storm coming.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,289

    Threads that shame players for daring to use stuff that's in the game. Don't care if it's about "sweaty killers" or "small pp crutch survivors", it's distilled scrub whining no matter what. By all means discuss the actual disliked parts of the game, but just yelling at people for using stuff they don't like is just pathetic.

    And while it's far less common seeing people make threads where they go full no-compromises on some stance that they should be able to realize is a waste of keystrokes to even propose. Examples are stuff like straight up removing SWF, using tech magic to somehow stop people from talking to eachother, making camping 100% mechanically impossible and so on. Luckily it's pretty rare and the people making such threads seem really good at getting jailed and then banned in like... 48 hours at most 🙃

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    "My opinion why we need X as a Killer." while we already have over 9000 threads about it.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    please just stop

    • DS
    • Noed
    • do bones.
    • Face camp
    • Tunnel
    • Gen rush
    • Survivor meta
    • Killer meta
    • No counter play

    that is all

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259


    • Game is unbalanced.
    • Dev's suck
    • "I'm leaving."

    and you have most of the threads I don't click on or get passed post one. I will if it's something different than the usual, but after haunting here since March it's much the same.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Second Chance perks, Console VS PC, SWF, "WHY IS THIS GAME SO KILLER/SURVIVOR SIDED?", "Heres why Death Slinger/Freddy/Pyramid Head/Spirit has no counterplay", and most of all "Spring Trap would be an amazing addition and anyone who disagrees is an uneducated hater" and "Anyone who wants Spring Trap is dumb cringe kiddy". At least the FNAF posts have stopped.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059
    1. NOED/Ds
    2. Certain killer op
    3. Survivor OP buff Killer with ridiculous change. You disagree? Biased survivor main!
    4. The guy with 4 post announcing that he's quiting the game. "I'm leaving and here's why you should too!"
    5. Who do you main threads. They show up way too often.
    6. Snarky dev hate threads.
    7. Space Coconut/True Talent threads (Just content creator threads in general)
    8. This is OP! *Shows video of a killer playing horribly
    9. I only played for 2 days but this is OP
    10. Survivors need a buff threads. (They don't)

    There are more but I'd rather not make this list 15 bullet points long.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Noed, ds, swf, and current hated killer(s). All should have one thread in feedback section and new threads merged into into it. No matter how annoying ds (the perk) or ds (the killer) are there don't need to be 10 posts on the front page with the same arguments.

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    I'd disagree on both the survivor and killer meta points, they've both been rather stagnant.

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    be careful about mentioning FNAF, it might summon them again

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,718

    NOED Nerf threads. We get it; Y'all hate NOED. Unfortunately, it's not going to be nerfed as the only thing that makes it strong is ignoring the secondary objective. Furthermore, a killer is likely to get one survivor with NOED.

    At which point extreme altruism tends to kick in. It's endgame; you've 99ed the gate so you decide to come back for your friend but lo and behold the killer is camping them so you try to lure the killer away so your other friend(s) can attempt a sneaky rescue. Alas, the killer is aware of your plan and returns to the hook leaving you with no choice but to do bones.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Im very tired of the following

    • "US VS THEM" threads: They add nothing but toxicity and breed bad blood between players.
    • "Im done with this game" threads: Ok, if you dont like the game anymore you are free to quit but encouraging others to do it or announcing it to people who dont really care much its just craving attention and cluttering the forum with spam.
    • "Playing X feels so miserable and it makes me cry" threads: If a game makes you feel miserable its on you, not the game, also we are not your personal psychiatrist, either grow up some skin or go play another game with higher instant-reward schemes.
    • "Devs are trash and a bunch of morons" threads: Yeah, they mess up, a lot, sometimes they do stuff that makes no sense at all and some bugs can be outrageous and need fixing, Im sure insulting people goes a long way helping them with that (protip: it does not) and Im sure you love getting insulted everytime you make any kind of mistake.
    • "Hehehe, toxic [insert role] mains, am I right?, they did this thing and I did this other thing to punish them" threads: Yeah yeah, you found a Killer who was a jerk or a mean SWF and now you want to vent your frustration because you got smashed, or wanna brag how badly you disciplined that unruly player but threads like this only help to breed more animosity.
    • Rant threads about imbalances, especially when they are paired with outrageous sugestions, you are just showing your lack of knowledge about this game and lack of big picture vision, some changes are focused against very definite situations that if they were to be implemented would completely break the game in any other areas, like people suggestion having only 1 Exit Door, or Hexes giving part of their power after cleansing (always the strong stuff like Devour Hope giving exposed even after cleansing).
    • Threads promoting or celebrating streamers in bootlicking ways, in this forum they are not that prevalent but Reddit is infested with posters infatuated with streamers, an infatuation that is almost unhealthy. Im also against threads bashing streamers for no valid reason too.

    And thats pretty much it.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    SWF should be restricted and punished because having fun with friends is dumb.

    NOED nerf when?

    DS nerf when?

    Gen speed fine lol devs fix when?

    I think the devs already know what need to be balanced but they have other things on there so called list to prioritize over. People need to wait, balancing and coding takes a lot of time

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,972


    The perk isn't even that great. There's easily 7 or more perks I can think of that I run before putting DS on.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942
    edited August 2020

    'Unbreakable + Decisive = Toxic'

    'NOED is OP'

    'Killers are OP'

    '[insert error] keeps happening' (even though it states at the top of the forum [insert error] is already being looked at

    'Gen times are so fast/slow' it takes 80 seconds to a gen, to do all 5 by yourself if you are the only one doing it is 5-6 minutes if people are working on different gens, then yes it goes faster. That's what ruin, pop, thana, ect. are for

    '[insert any killer] is overpowered and needs a nerf'

    'Why didn't I get my 4k?!/Why didn't I escape?!' You aren't entitled to a 4k nor an escape

    'Mori/Keys need reworked' we get it, there is a rework in place currently

    '[insert killer] needs buffed'

    '[insert any perk] is overpowered/underpowered and needs nerfed/buffed'

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    "That's it, I'm leaving the game."

    -Guy you see posting the next day

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    "Let me be myself, you're not my mom!!"

    -Mouth Breathing Neckbeard

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited August 2020

    I'm sick of pretty much any and all threads/posts that have the words Nerf, OP, or Toxic in them. People coming here for the first time must think we are all basement dwelling Incels.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    What do you mean, it's my job to be a basement dwelling incel.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068


    It's ok for people to think differently, it's just that arguments are more common than discussions and it helps to breed that classic toxic community

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    All of it. I still come here out of boredom I guess. I've contributed a fair bit so I'm guilty.

    The noed/DS threads are by far the worst though. At this point, opinions have been made clear. If the devs were going to do something about any of these things they would have been done long ago.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    I personally think, due to how often killer players find it disrupts their gameplay and natural flow, that it's definitely something that needs adjusting. Survivors need to stop using it as a weapon and return it to its original purpose, which is to denie the killer from focusing down a person.

    Sources: ScottJund, Otzdarva, killer streamers in general (I haven't played in months due to internet issues, but I watch an ungodly amount)

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,137

    Any post that is simply not valid under any point of view.

    Not threads that I disagree with, i'm completely fine with people having conflicting opinions with me. It's just some threads are flat out wrong and don't provide any evidence towards their claims.

    This mainly done by newer players, but at least they can have the mindset of "ok, maybe i'm just bad and this killer isn't OP".

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    AHAHAHHA the "i'm done with this game" got me. It's funny how you see the same people 2 weeks later on the forum, this game is a love hate relationship

  • BitingSea
    BitingSea Member Posts: 332

    People rechanting the same thing. As someone who thinks DS does need a rework, same with some other things in the game, the devs PROBABLY get the idea from the youtube videos with like 75k+ views, they probably saw it guys, your mating call of whines that get 10 views on here and everyone agreeing will not make them do it faster, let the devs have a minute to work on this goddamn chapter then we can let them know. I don't need to hear about how Noed is broken when you have all the ######### on the survivor side that's broken, hell, this game is literally a battle between broken ######### that can happen. Just shut the hell up and go whine in post game chat to the dude that used it so he can get his satisfaction, and you get it off your system. Noed is so rare it's barely a problem, Ebony moris aren't used as often as survivors say it is, keys aren't that common tbh, they ARE problems, but not things like the hill glitch where if it happens in like a chase, that is literally someone who CANNOT do a thing. Let them fix the actual bugs before they fix these Ray Gun rolls of chance that show up in the game to begin with. Finally somewhere I can get that off my chest

  • mydogmax19
    mydogmax19 Member Posts: 266
    edited September 2020

    Pc vs console threads, threads about how hard it is to play both sides, nerfing killer threads, how people are leaving or uninstalling the game cause they hate the game now threads, and threads about how whatever killer is too weak in a player's opinion and how they need to be stronger when in reality they just dont know how to play said killer so they rant about it.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192
    edited September 2020

    NOED - Even as a survivor it annoys me to no end because there IS a counter, and just because it isn't a GUARANTEED counter doesn't mean it is a bad perk.

    Survivor Crutch Perks/Killer Crutch Perks = The game gets harder as you progress, people optimize their play style, that's how games work. If there are issues with a perk, that's on the game designers and should not be used as an excuse to bash on each other for playing the best way to survive/kill, which is what cheeses me off the most about these threads because hardly anyone is going to refuse to use the tools that best helps them win.

    Nerf Killer - Why? Why not adapt or simply accept that among the large variety of killers, you are going to come up against some hard to counter issues, just as the killers do when survivors run strong perks. The whole culture of 'nerf this because it makes my life hard' is insane to me after playing games for nearly 30 years.

    Devs are Killer/Survivor biased - A nonsense idea that would never work if you wanted to run an actual business. Don't get me wrong, there are issues in this game but the whole 'biased' thing is ridiculous and whats worse is that half the people who make these threads know it.

    Mori V's Keys - I don't have a horse in this race one way or another, i rarely use either. I'm just sick of seeing them and sick of it being brought up as an excuse whenever anyone attempts to have an adult discussion about the subject.

    If you use (Insert perk, killer. game mode, survivor, clothing choice, add on, item) you are (insert childish name) - Simply F off with this kind of garbage. The only 'rules' any player has to follow are the ones set down by the game devs.

    Killer/ Survivor toxic - I don't deny that there are toxic players out there, but stop lumping everyone from each group as the same and STOP pretending your own side isn't just as bad. Especially with the Killer/Survivor rule book nonsense.

    Balance threads - Not all balance threads, some people have some good ideas, but the majority of these threads is someone suggesting something that will help only their side with NO consideration for balance on the other side. If you aren't considering and adjusting your idea according to the ramifications of the other side, you aren't asking for balance, you're asking the devs to 'stick it to those nasty killers/survivors" Also the "We got nerfed on this so they should get a nerf" threads are simply childish.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Nerf NOED, Gens go too fast(which actually can be an issue but it is far more intertwined with maps, killer chosen etc. so it has to be looked at from a broader perspective), NERF DS, Nerf Spirit...it´s every day. It is so tiring and makes it harder to identify legit issues imo.

  • katsumodo47
    katsumodo47 Member Posts: 54

    Anything that mentions nerfing killers or killer perks.

    It's an amazing time to be a survivor main

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Anything that generalises a huge part of the player base. “All survivors are toxic!” “All killers are sweaty!” “All SWF are bully squads!” “All console players are bad!” And on and on and on and on.

    They’re useless threads because it’s basically someone just shouting their opinion and not listening to anyone else, so they devolve into arguments and bickering. They’re totally pointless and they just annoy people and increase toxicity.