Competitive Mode

I have an idea for a new mode in Dead by Daylight... Some of you may not like this, and if that's you, then just leave now. If you are interested and willing to leave feedback, go ahead and read.
A new mode for Dead by Daylight; Competitive mode. Many players, including me, are complaining about those toxic survivors or sweaty killers when they just wanna have fun on the game. So, in competitive mode, ranks actually matter. It's just like any other game, ranks just show how good you are. Until there is a way for better matchmaking, it will basically just be how matchmaking is right now. Another mode will also be added; casual mode. This is for players who wanna play the game with no consequence; just to have fun.
Competitive Mode:
Every week, the perks that are available in the shrine are out of rotation for competitive mode. For those of you who do not know what this means, it essentially is just a ban of perks for the current week. So for example, if Adrenaline is in the shrine of secrets, it will be disabled while playing competitive mode. This effect only persists for the week until the shrine resets and we get our new set of perks that will be out of rotation. (Maybe they can also do the same for Killers and Items out of rotation, but that might be too difficult and not needed at all) This mode will also disable Moris and Keys from being used.
Casual mode:
This is just the game without a ranking system. The idea is that you still have a 'rank' but it is invisible to everyone, including you. This is just to have good matchmaking without the stress of losing your rank. (If you couldn't pick it up from the context, you can still pip up or down, but you will not be able to see it. This is just to have good matchmaking without making players sweat for the 4k or the escape) The competitive and causal rankings will be separate.
Season Rewards:
You know how BHVR is implementing rank reset rewards? Yeah, well it will basically be that. here's an idea, on the day of rank reset, the season ends. You will be rewarded with either cosmetics, charms, bloodpoints or shards based on what color rank you were. Ideally, you would get a cosmetic for landing at rank 1, because that is the most significant reward. You would also get all the rewards from the previous colors. For example, if gray ranks got rewarded with bloodpoints, you would get the cosmetic as well as bloodpoints. This gives players an incentive for getting to rank 1 other than the steam achievement. Casual play will not have any such rewards.
Rank Decay:
Every day that you don't play competitive mode, you will lose a pip. This is a simple way to prevent players from getting to rank 1 in competitive mode and then just not playing until the end of the season as to get the best rewards.
Welp, that's all I have for you. I think this would be a great addition to the game. What do you think?
I would love a competitive queue. I don't know about perk bans and whatnot though. There's not a huge challenge for me anymore on any killer in normal matches unless I intentionally run weaker add ons and little to no slowdowns. I'll often opt to play KYF against other competitive players instead.
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I like the concept, but I would add a bit to it.
- BP rewards are better per match - Just playing competitive makes the rewards better. Helps with the grind.
- DO not disable Moris and Keys. Sure, use them, but they count against your score. You could be doing more harm to your score than you are helping. At the same time, a Cypress mori may be just the thing to put pressure on a skilled SWF. It could pay off in the long run to get that first kill early and scoop up more points in the long run. Or, a key to ensure escape for a solo player might be just what was needed to get the points/pip you wanted. Competitive play is where Mori/key should count more than casual.
- Casual should be a bit more toxic-free than competitive. This is where mori's and keys should not function the same. Moris should only work in place of the 3rd hook. Keys are only working for 1 person and only if the killer has closed the hatch.
- Casual mode should see less camping and tunneling off the hook. It should also have a limit to the amount of high quality items that can be brought in by survivors. One tool kit, 2 heal kits, 1 flashlight, etc. Or perhaps just remove some perks - DS would not be needed if tunneling and camping is not a thing in Casual. How are tunneling and camping dealt with? Simple, the survivor is flat out moved to a new location once hooked. If they end up in the killer's radius for more than 2 seconds, the hook moves again and death timer stops for 10 seconds. Unhooked survivors leave no tracks and are immune to hits for 15 seconds or until they interact with the game (Totem, gen, healing). No DS, no BT needed at that point. (All of this cancels when the 5th gen is complete)
- Slightly less BP rewards in Casual mode (say 5% penalty?). Why? It is more about rewarding the hardcore competitive mode than anything else. You don't want to increase Competitive mode BP by too much or you upset the BP economy, but this is a way of increasing that incentive.
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Competitive should be bare bones.
No perks or addons for killers or survivors, just gameplay. No chests to find items either.
That is what I have always thought for competitive if it were to ever be an additional option.
I think this way, it shows who the good players really are.
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Technically this already exists, it is called a CUSTOM GAME where you and your friends get together, fill out the Survivor side, and one person is the Killer. I'm not trying to be sarcastic; I'm just stating a fact. Your idea is fatally flawed, but not because you don't mean well.
What exactly would prevent the deranged, I just love tormenting people from pretending to want to play casual games so they can go in and slaughter you like lambs? :) What is a casual game? It is all subjective. You will have the SAME problems you have now (probably worse) and simply have created more Ques.
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Hardcore mode would be neat.
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Competitive game does not really fit the mold well.
- You have to recruit players yourself as opposed to just readying-up. If they created a "lobby" of players for customized game.
- No growth or advancement - biggest issue
- Limited customization. If this was a fully developer-mode type of customized game it might make it better. As in, ability to eliminate perks or items, adjust gen speeds, etc.
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You are missing the point. "Casual Game" is an entirely subjective term, like "toxic." They both mean whatever people want them to mean. If the so-called Casual Que is created, everyone is going to have a very different idea of that. Within one week you will be have people screaming about the toxic non-casual gamers, or people who want even another que for even MORE casual gamers. When you have a Que open up to the nameless faces of the internet, you cannot control how they define things, nor exclude them.
With a custom game, which is designed SPECIFICALLY for you and your friends to play together (and use any Add Ons or Perks you want) you small, cohesive group can DECIDE together what casual means. Logistically it is the ONLY way possible to achieve what is being talked about. The other way is simply a nightmare of epic proportions waiting to happen. Let's say Myers doesn't feel like dealing with those highly competitive SWF. He just wants what HE sees as a casual game, i.e. what he defines it as. He then proceeds to go on an epic rampage. I'm sure it will feel very relaxing and casual to him.
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I'm talking about a competitive mode against other players not a custom game. I just use custom games to mess around with friends...
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The ban thing need an adjustment. The shrine of secret got 2 free perks and 2 DLC perks. But the perks on shrine are 80% very bad (botany knowledge, self care, technican, flip flop) we usually only see 3 or 4 good perks on shrine per month....
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I understood what you were saying, but if we create a "Competitive" que that by default creates the so-called Casual Que by default. What I'm saying is it won't be casual at all. That can be done with Custom Games. The current META is already competitive, so you don't NEED to make something else for them.
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Yeah, the point was just to make some perks not able to be used, because if the perks not able to be used were always the same thing every other week, i.e. Decisive, Unbreakable, NOED, it wouldn't be as fun.
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1st of all, nobody said casual meant not good at the game. Obviously a casual mode might jave both behavior and perk limitations. Thus why it will never be introduced. Personally, I think custom match should be expanded to give players much more control. If I make a custom match where hooks relocate, survivors get free sprint burst and 5 second immunity when released from the hook, but no DS perks aloud, I could do that. If there was a lobby, you might see my settings and not want to join, so you don't.
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NOED is not a teachable perk, it will never be on shrine
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I can't believe I completely glossed over this... But yes you are of course correct. So they would need to make a separate "perk wheel" for all the global and teachable perks.