Whats so hard about not being toxic?

I feel like every other game as Killer I get flashlight clicked at, t bagged at pallets, and bullied in end chat by a SWF group telling me to die of cancer. I don't get as many toxic people as survivor, but why are people like this? This community can be so toxic and I don't get why. Entitlement? Maybe. Even when people get what they want I get insulted relentlessly. The community gets a bad rep from people like this. Idk, maybe its just me. Just tired of people feeling the need to be mean as hell. Every game has toxic people, but I see it especially here.



  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785
    edited September 2020

    Well, survivors are the toxiest role in this game from my own experience.

    The times I've played survivor I don't find the same toxicity in killers. But I'm ok with it and there's a point on playing dbd that you just accept that. It is how it is.

    Playing killer always feels like taking care of 4 kiddos. Because that's how they usually act, like kids, instead of playing the game.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I'm sadistic, but I'm a different kind of sadistic. Toxicity for the sake of toxicity is just rude no matter what someone's thinking and I hate that people try to justify it.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    You see, people have this chain reaction, I will explain since I don't know the actual word.

    If they are playing normally, no matter which side a killer and survivor whoever was playing fair will do or most likely will do something that offends the other side, most people will feel attacked and will not care for the other side, so in the next match they will do something toxic to another fair player, that fair player will not play fair next match because of what happened the last match.

    The cycle of toxicity will continue until the end of times.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I don't really care about clicking and teabaging. I say gg in post game chat anyway. After that they actually don't say any bs. They say nothing or say gg back. Both results is acceptable.

    Only time when they say bad words in post game chat is only when they get killed. In that scenario their words doesn't hurt because they just messed up and got frustrated about it.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited September 2020

    At the end game, if you get that garbage, just embrace it and make it clear you love the delicious taste of their salty tears. You can likewise just type GG before they get ot say anything and hit continue. Why listen to the end game chatter at all? Ignoring it is as effective as making it clear you know their salt is just whining. Good Sportsmanship doesn't seem to be the norm anymore, and the internet has spawned a legion of entitled, spoiled brats who cannot take ownership of the fact that they, themselves, are responsible for their own losses. Rather than accept reality and learn from it, they seek to make it subjective and delude themselves by coming up with excuses, somehow place the blame on others. So the Salt isn't really for your benefit; they are desperately trying to lie to themselves. It is kind of pathetic really. There is no shame in losing a game, but self-delusion and bad sportsmanship is the behavior cowards and fools.

    I would also put in the caveat that we remember the negative experiences more than the positive ones. It creates a twisted view of the community. Overall, the community is NOT toxic. If you were to keep a little notepad on your desk and track the actual number of games where people are rude versus polite in the endgame, you will find that polite people who say GG and wish you good luck in the next match actually outnumber the creeps. Since that is the norm, i.e. the expected good behavior, it doesn't stand out to us as much as the bad. I noticed this when I started recording every game so I can report the human garbage. The number of videos I get to delete at the end (because nothing foul happened) far exceeds the ones I have to file and upload. My point is the community is NOT toxic. The sore thumbs just give us a false impression. Likewise, the number of people who feel compelled to come vent their spleen here, is not a good representation of the overall community. People who just play for the love of the game, and don't have a problem with things, don't bother to post. They also far outnumber the whiners that try to drown the forum in their tears.

    So, my advice is keep this in perspective. The good eggs do outnumber the bad ones. Don't let the stink of the rotten eggs make you forget that.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    If you're able to be sadistic without hurting somebody, that's totally cool!

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    I only clicky clicky and that's because I want you to chase me because survivor is boring

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    People who are toxic for the sake of being toxic should low-key visit a doctor or something lol.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Let the survivors feed their ego. Eventually they'll have an issue arise from it.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Its a vicious cycle that spreads like a virus

    1 survivor passes it to another and them 2 spread it to 2 more survivors

    Them 4 spread  it to 4 more survivors the 8 of them infect 2 killers and so on and so on until we're all in infected with toxicity

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Let's be real nobody wants to hold m1 all match it isn't about being toxic or disrespecting anyone it's about trying to have fun and get a few laughs , even if I die IDC sometimes I'll mooncrawl on the ground and meme with the killer after going down

    As for the chat it's totally uncalled for , I don't understand what it is about this game that makes some people feel like they're the best there ever was at it or that they need to insult someone after losing a game , that's the immaturity in alot of people showing and in my experiences they're kids that aren't even old enough to play talking the trash 18 and under

  • Red_Krustaceo
    Red_Krustaceo Member Posts: 4

    Its the internet. We can't control if we're gonna meet with bad people or good people on the internet.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    I loathe the toxicity in gaming in general and like @Gylfie mentioned, I simply don't have it to be mean to people in general, let alone in a damn video game.

    I think a good portion of the toxicity comes from several sources. Some people are actual children, some people simply take advantage of internet anonymity and lack of consequences to vent their inner frustrations or simply their inner a**hole. A good few people do it because "Hey this really cool youtuber does it" and those people really can't be helped. Others have anger issues and cannot cope with losing or even winning with any amount of grace or dignity.

    I combat this cess pit of childish taunting and misplaced anger in several ways, but the best way for me is to just try and prove that there are decent survivors out there. I don't BM. I see no point in it, im nearly 40 years old for christ sake. If a killer wins, i say GG no matter what, even if the game frustrated me. That's a person on the other end of the killer, i have no interest in making them feel like poop for any reason. If a killer kills 3 of my team mates and there is no reasonable means of escape, imma give myself up rather than make you hunt me down for ages. You want to farm? I'll make sure you get my 3rd hook rather than escape because fair is fair and 3 survivors likely just walked out. If im playing with my friend and 2 people DC, we'll try and make you laugh and then allow you to hook our silly asses.

    Basically my advice is, don't take the toxicity with you. You can't stop people from being toxic, but you CAN make sure that you don't let it effect you. Set an example, if not for everyone else, then for yourself.

    I'll um....get off my soapbox now :D

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    its the internet people ######### talk so much you should be used to it by now

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I have the opposite experience.

    When I play killer, when I do get messages from survivors they're usually pretty nice. Struck up a convo with a guy yesterday after playing Pig, and he was a Pig main too. He was in a 3-man SWF, and was very nice. On the other hand, when I play survivor I don't usually get messages from killers, but I do get them from survivors sometimes, and when I do they tend to be pretty rude/nasty.

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138
    edited September 2020

    I'm very confused, what do you mean, "sadistic, but a different kind"?

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    I believe Survivors may appear more toxic because they have a bigger purpose for it, I mean, one guy taunting the Killer may be doing it for 2 reasons, because he wants and likes to infuriate people (TOXIC) or because he is good at looping, wants to get aggro and protect the genjockeys who are worse at escaping (not really that toxic).

    Sometimes its the second option and I wouldnt really call it toxic, a chain is as strong as its weakest link, by protecting the less skilled players the team will increase its chances to survive. If I were to be playing with No0b3/Zubat/etc I would like for them to try getting aggro on the Killer for they will probably be able to loop him way more time than me, and the only way to achieve that is to use taunts.

    When Killers are toxic its usually because they want to be jerks, there is no benefit from hitting people on the hook repeteadly, nor leaving him in the ground for 4 minutes to pick him before bleed out to hook or carrying towards a hatch to close it on their faces etc.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375
    edited September 2020

    They're the real victims, projecting their insecurities. Probably suffered (or still suffer) from horrible bullying so now they enjoy not being on the receiving end for once. Even some streamers do it obviously, you can tell they got bullied and lack any social skills apart from entertaining online - by bullying and making fun of other players. I don't know if you can really blame them for it, maybe they need help?

    They're the same trolls leaving negative comments on a 30 minute video just 30 seconds after it has been released. How can you judge a 30 minute video after watching 30 seconds of it?

    It's like they collect some immaginary online currency for being an ######### to other people. That's really how I feel about toxic people, like what other reason is there to be an #########? You know face to face those people would not dare to open their mouth but behind their keyboard, while being anonymous, the turn into the biggest #########. That's todays society and our future.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I know exactly how to break a human body and how easy it is for anyone to do so, and have a deep fascination with horror and all it entails.

    Also, I main Pig. I am 100% willing to torture people (in games) to get what I want.

    I am NOT out there, however, to make people outright miserable. Unlike those completely toxic survivor hit-squads that do indeed exist.

  • venomz12
    venomz12 Member Posts: 46

    Damn keyboard warriors.

  • Kingpaulmathers
    Kingpaulmathers Member Posts: 82

    I was killer main, and now I don't even touch killer. I only play survivor. Constant toxic messages regardless of how you play, constant flashlight saves, t bagging on the line, gen rush and body blocking, and many more lol

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    The only toxic thing here is the post game salt. Disable the chat its an awful feature. Flashlight clicking and teabagging is annoying but if its tilts you and baits you into a chase its working exactly as intended.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited September 2020

    Again, I think we would all be better off if we deleted the word "toxic" from our mutual vocabularies. It is a meaningless word. Right now people use it to describe WHATEVER behavior they happen to personally dislike. Nothing we do in the game, within the rules, should ever get shamed or complained about. The only behavior in the game that is worthy of mention or reporting is hacking, using a lag switch, or perhaps abusing a bug. Play style is up to the Killer and Survivors. They should do them. People in glass houses you know? Bad behavior before or after the game is the only thing that really qualifies as bad for the community. It in includes passive-aggressive Salt, profanity, threats, insults, and really creepy comments about hoping people (their family or pets) die. Shaming the Player's behavior in the game (when it is perfectly legal) also falls under this heading. All of this should be reported, without exception.

    So, I don't care if someone clicks their damn flashlights at me for the entire match. It might be annoying, but it isn't worth reporting and isn't a violation. It isn't "toxic" in the least. Tea-bagging is extremely annoying, disrespectful and shows the person to be a bad sport (particularly when the game has animations already for us to call each other out) but it isn't "toxic," worthy of a report, or a violation. It is something that happens inside the game and you can respond to it inside the game. What happens in the game stays in the game. Think about it this way, in Norse Mythology, worthy warriors are transported to Valhalla. They spend their nights feasting and partying, and their days going out to battle one another to the death. It is no holds barred, painful, full contact fights which result in them being cut to pieces. After the battles, they get put back together, laugh about it, and go to eat and party. That should ALWAYS be us. Play HARD. Give it all you got every time in. But when we leave the game, we are friends who share a mutual hobby. Humble in victory and gracious in defeat.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    This. I've even seen streamers/youtubers say stuff like "oh hes going to loop shack now that so toxic". It's become a go to word for "thing I dont like".

  • DeeJHansen
    DeeJHansen Member Posts: 81

    If that was OhTofu or Noob3 or something, that was sarcasm. Many of them call anything a survivor does as toxic because it's a meme.

  • DeeJHansen
    DeeJHansen Member Posts: 81

    Nah, people just don't rate an report as they should, so there is no consequence.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I like to play as equally as possible. I get pissed off, for sure, but that only makes me want to try harder. I have encountered killers that will down me specifically just to have teammates heal me, then down me again, watch them heal, down me, so on and so on until I have to disconnect because it's not fair. Then I have met survivors who go out of their way to provoke the killer which doesn't benefit anyone on the team. I also have had survivors team up and teabag and flashlight me instead of doing objectives. I hate it, but there are toxic people in every game, competitive or not.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Human nature to want to taunt and humiliate. You need a level head and thick skin to play this game.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526
    edited September 2020

    I recently figured out why my PC was having so many issues with DBD (and games in general) and fixed it, so I hopped onto DBD from rank 20 to Red Ranks on both killer and survivor (Rank 5 on Survivor but close enough I guess) in the past week and a half. I'm not sure how many hours that took but I'd assume around 40 hours. I've received exactly two toxic messages. One complaining saying I camped (Despite downing survivors left and right), and the other was blaming another survivor rather than me because they wouldn't let them finish healing them.

    I'm either extremely lucky, or this is just a huge exaggeration. In total on DBD on PC (I come from PS4 with probably around 2000 hours if not more) I have 163 hours. I've never had a message telling me to kill myself. What are you guys doing to make people so toxic towards you every game? I usually get no messages or a GG.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117
    edited September 2020

    I really need to get back to my "screenshot the post-game chat of every game where anyone says something" project. Just every single game for like maybe 200 games. Would like some other people to try it as well. I play mainly killer now and while I do see someone occasionally a bit salty, the vast majority of the time the end-game chat is either empty or "gg." If it's a really close and exciting match, people are more likely to talk afterwards, like this mostly Japanese team I went up against the other day, game was very close, 2 people dead, one on the hook, they manage a safe unhook and I believe use dead hard to evade me at the last second, where luckily for them the hatch had spawned. (The exit was nearby so the other one had bolted by now.) The end-game chat was "EZEZEZ" from one guy and "HOLY ######### GG" from the guy who escaped. The first guy had died a while back and I didn't really take offense as I thought it was kind of endearing, like to do that I bet he was really hyped watching the end.

    That said, I gotta get back to it. I wonder if toxicity varies by region, time of day, etc.

    Post edited by Xbob42 on
  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    Your post sums up how I think/feel about this topic. What is being done in game and said post game does not bother me as much as the act itself. Someone intentionally being mean to another for the sake of it. It's callous and cruel. It's origin is psychological

    Something I've learned is that being anonymous emboldens some people into acting like that. Then there are those who self inflate their ego by trying to break someone else down. Combine those two elements and there you go. That's where pvp game toxicity starts. I try to tell myself to accept that there are people like this in the world and there always will be but it only gets me so far.

    I understand why they act like that and what they get from it so I think my real question is why are there people like that? Why do they have to exist? There shouldn't be and the world would be a much better place without those who are intentionally cruel.

  • Shenanigan
    Shenanigan Member Posts: 208
    edited September 2020

    Well you can't forget that some killers do it some of the reasons you listed. They hit the person who was taunting them (but without anything to clarify it) they're most likely peeved at you because they didn't know your true intentions (taking the aggro) and when they finally get you they hit you over and over. Some killers close hatch in your face because yeah they're jerks or for an achievement (the "Denied!" Achievement where you close a hatch 30 times, but it's still scummy)

  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387

    I mostly play survivor because I suck at killer. As a killer though, the biggest thing that will literally make me turn and walk away from you is if I'm chasing you , we come to a sort of empasse and I start to walk away and you start clicking the flashlight like "come here!".

    I immediately walk away and ignore that guy. I then remember who he is and refuse to give in to his chases until I have to.

    If he teabags, I just shrug and walk away from that too. And when the gates are open and it's obvious I lost I just walk away from the gates. I don't give two f!!! About seeing you dumbfu!!! Sitting there teabagging because you're too immature to act like an adult. Last night I was Myers and I walked away from the gates because 3 of the 4 had gotten there. No lie, I went to the back of the map and they literally waited in there until it was almost too late.

    Like, f!!! You. Grow the f!!! Up, get the f!!!! Out and go find another killer to bug. I'm done with ya.

  • IAmSian
    IAmSian Member Posts: 4

    I kind of hope they don't introduce the chat function to PS4, I've been really enjoying the game and I'm a sensitive soul. :')

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Really? Haven't seen it yet unless it's the old one you are talking about.

  • Babyyy_Boyy
    Babyyy_Boyy Member Posts: 444

    I believe it’s called “The Endless Toxic Cycle of DBD” it’s pretty recent actually, posted on his channel 3 weeks ago.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    From a survivor perspective: The game is so easy to win at that you feel like you're a god. When you feel like you're a damn good player, even if you're utterly mediocre, it's really easy to get caught up in that and start gloating. When you Dead Hard to a pallet, even if that's just some horseshit that the killer had no means of dealing with, you sure feel like you outplayed them.

    From a killer perspective: The more you understand this game, the harder it is to maintain a positive outlook. You stop seeing victories as the result of your own skill, and you start seeing them as "I would have lost this if they weren't morons." Usually, killers being toxic ######### immediately precedes them leaving the game of their own accord, because at that point they've already realized how bad this game is at a high level.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I will watch it in a bit, sounds like something I haven't seen.


  • Murd3rousClyd3
    Murd3rousClyd3 Member Posts: 71

    In my experience, playing both survivor and killer... Survivors are typically MUCH more toxic. I can think of TWO times this past year I had a toxic killer message me some stuff...

    But survivors? I'll get SwF groups that'll talk crap if I get less than a 4k, even if I got 3 and 1 is out by hatch, the messages will FLY... And if I DARE get a 4k? I'll get hate about how I'm sweaty and a loser, or reported for cheating.

    This is a toxic community, on both sides in forums... But in game? Survivors are much, much more toxic.

  • From my experience, neither LoL has this level of toxicity. I guess because it's a 4v1. Think of those generic bullies from high school movies as they always walk with a group. Having a group with you makes you more comfortable with going for others, since there will be your friends to help you if you get busted. That explains why I don't usually see solos being toxic, even though it happens. Normally, SWF are simply much worse.

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    Usually its a low self esteem issue. Those many survivors and few killers who go out of their way to be toxic probably have problems at home and see this game as a way to take out their anger. I don't think anyone who has anything going for them in life would bully or trash talk others on a video game.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    Honestly some toxicity could stem from from the fact that people below the age of 14 play this game and kids are a different type on video games

  • KurburBing
    KurburBing Member Posts: 36

    I don’t even understand how a game without a leaderboard, or public W/L ratio’s can even be so.. vicious. Ranks reset on the 13th of every month with no available track record of your final rank when the season ended. You can say you’ve been rank 1 on both sides every season and no one could disprove that, it’s pointless. Just play. I guess there’s something infuriating about being defenseless as a survivor, or not being able to find a pallet. For killer it’s just... stressful.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    The problem with "not being toxic" is that most peoples definitions of toxic are complete nonsense.