What is the worst survivor perk?

Self exanatory title
Id say probably buckle up
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sole survivor. doesn't really work with anything
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Even some of the very low tier perks have their uses... but bottom of the barrel... Poised.. such a useless perk.
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Sole survivor imo.
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I like Buckle Up. I like to know if a slugged survivor isn’t bothering to recover so I know not to waste any of my time on them.
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Sole Survivor is another one I like. Other than BBQ, if the killer is using any other aura reading, Sole Survivor is great.
The only thing I hate is that it has no use at no tokens.
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No Mither. (...or is it the BEST perk?)
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If not use with OoO, SS is really pointless.
I mean SS only work if 2 dead so BBQ can not see u. Or 3 dead so Nurse calling can not see u while healing. Beside that, SS has no use.
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Sole Survivor, why would there be a perk that works better the more of your team mates are killed and it's not even enough of an upside to the ridiculous downside.
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Sole survivor although honestly I've never actually used that perk outside of adept Laurie lol
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I’ve had occasions where SS saved my hide just at 1 token because a Myers or Wraith have used their aura reading add ons.
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Probably No Mither. It takes up a perk slot, prevents you from ever healing, and gives you one and two halves of a perk in return.
No blood pools ever? Cool! Not very useful, but can be.
50% reduce injury noises? Okay, but the killer can still hear me.
Infinite full recoveries? Great! If only I didn't have a massive symbol in the bottom left that tells the killer "hey you won't gain much from slugging this guy, you should probably pick them up".
I can not stress how awful never being able to heal is. This perk needs to be looked at and at LEAST needs the full Iron Will effect built in. 50% is a joke.
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Visionary is the laziest perk the devs have produced thus far, imo
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Yeah, Def needs to be looked at.
Even if they leave the grunts at 50%, they absolutely HAVE to invent a way to not give the killer 100% heads up that survivors are running it. There has to be a better way then giving them notification the whole match.
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left behind. u see the aura of the open hatch when your last left at the distance u can hear it? why?
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I've had one instance that it was useful so I cannot bring myself to bash it... Which was for the compendium challenge that required you to "open" the hatch with a key. Killer closes it and I can't hear it anymore? No problem I'll just aura read it and key it open.
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Poised is very good if your good at being chased. I use it all the time.
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WGLF. In terms of raw gameplay, it's literally an empty slot. It has zero effect on anything.
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I like it bc I'm scared of 3 gen and it'll help with that on indoor maps. I like it.
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I don't like that it is tied to a new survivor instead of a general perk like Deja Vu (Both which should never be used once you learn how to identify layouts). If we're ignoring slight crutch perks like these or "This is not happening" that could technically help newer players...
If we also ignore the BP Perk We're gonna live forever which does nothing else...
If we're ignoring perks that work better when stacked through multiple survivors and can be paired with items, addon and offerings like Open Handed or Up the Ante+Slippery Meat...
Sole Survivor and technically Left Behind because you're basically assuming you're losing the game before even going into it (I don't consider hatching out as wins).
No one left behind ranks up there - far behind Hope and even further behind Adrenaline as an end game condition perk.
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so if you really want hatch and killer doesnt have whispers and he closes it without finding you and you dont have access to a map an you dont know where hatch is and you do have access to a non-green key then its useful? thats the nichest thing ive ever heard
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it is supposed to be used with OoO and hard counter I'm all ears and some select add-ons like glowing concoction from huntress its not that bad
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No Mither, it was designed to be hard mode.
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idk about that it seems like something to use with sprint burst to minimize time between gens
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I just don't know indoor map layouts so I could bring the game with balanced and visionary so I could do gens and get chased.
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the f2p survivor side bbq and chili is bad?
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Ikr? It doesn't need buffs, bc it's hard mode.
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Wglf is my favorite perk atm, bc I'm getting all killers to p3 50
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its a worse version of deja vu and deja vu is a gobal perk
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I'm saying it was useful for that compendium, because I needed the killer to close the hatch so I could use the key to open the damn thing. Finding the hatch is as 50/50 as ever.. so having a perk that allows me to find a closed hatch is pretty nice. (I would never run it without bringing a key into the match though)
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No mither at least does something good
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I mean no mither makes you unsluggable so + if you vs a killer with a slug build
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Uh... Yeah, that's not exactly a shocker, it has literally 0 effect. BBQ shows you auras, or forces survivors to hide them.
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you also have to buy leatherface or get lucky on the shrine of secrets to use it also bbq's aura reading is only reall good on huntress and to lesser extent doc not to mention perks are far more important to than they are to survivor
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okay... maybe stop whattabouting and actually take a moment to apreciate that WGLF literally has 0 effect?
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the affect of being the only free anti grind perk doesnt count? this game is grindy af and this halves the speed. thats huge
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ignoring WGLF which literally does nothing in the match you are in and can encourage you to do stupid things...
Honestly I'd say "This is Not Happening". It's only active if you are injured which is a pretty hefty downside. Making the Great Skill Check zones bigger isn't a big deal and doesn't immediately help if you've just gotten injured like Resilience's vault speed buff. Also the effect actually got nerfed when repairing Great skill checks got nerfed a while ago.
if it increased the % progress bonus on a Great and increased the odds of getting one, then maybe it would be worth it.
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No, not in terms of gameplay. Even No Mither does something... hell, even Monstrous Shrine does something. WGLF is the only perk, in the entire game, that doesn't have an acutal, in-game effect.
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i would argue that beast of prey is the same but worse and also its out of game effect is too huge to write off
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Left behind also went this route. There should never be perks that promote not contributing to teamwork just bring a key who needs a team nowadays..
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Hmmm, tough choice. Alot of them are far too situational for my liking, I like perks that are useful pretty much every match, multiple times during each match, like Iron Will and the exhaustion perks. But straight up bad? Personally I hate No Mither, the benefits are far outweighed by the negatives, they badly need to add more benefits to it, like having it get rid of scratch marks too, or giving it the full Iron Will effect so that you don't need to run Iron Will as well. We're Gonna Live Forever badly needs to have an in-game benefit added to it, so that it's useful for something other than farming points, much like it's killer counter-part, BBQ and Chili.
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Self care, because I don’t care about myself.
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Why? it requires 2 Perk slots to do anything, it's a dead Perk if you decided "I just want to run Open-Handed and nothing else"
With other perks like No Mither, Sole Survivor, This Is Not Happening, or even Buckle Up (eugh) you get SOMETHING beneficial out of running just that single perk.
With Open-Handed you're HAVE to run something it works with (oh yay it's also restricting my choice of perks with those 4 precious slots) like Bond or Kindred (Empathy covers all maps by itself and Object Of Obsession has a big enough range by itself) and it's effect? congratulations the 2nd Perk you had to equip gets a underwhelming 8 Meter buff, that's it, nothing else.
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Worst perk imo is either deja vu or this is not happening.
Deja vu: I have eyes I can see where gens are.
This is not happening: I played a lot against old ruin on console, I don't need the 30% bigger skill check.
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Any means necessary.
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Why is it always the Clown mains that have the weirdest, most 5head opinions on the forum lmao.
That being said if sole survivor had a starting range of 20 metres or so It could be a decent perk
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Lol, I guess maybe we’re championing for the underdogs in games.
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Well actually Poised could use a little buff but the idea is okay. It's also a good perk to counter Tinkerer and another gen perks if that one gen is almost done.
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While it isn't the best perk you're completely forgetting about the Blood Amber addon that reveals the Killer's aura within 32 meters or even other key addons (Run one of these on a green key with Prayer Beads attached to make it 25 seconds and the perk does what it's supposed to). You can even run Bond ontop of that for synergy AND another side effect is that the aura stacks across a team meaning multiple survivors running Open Handed + Blood Amber is built in map hacks for the survivors
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Not really, I like to completely avoid 3 gen by making them as separated as possible, this will make that easy.