Anyone got some Ghostface tips?


He's incredibly fun to play but I absolutely suck with him.


  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    Aim to get stalk people to 90% or more, especially if there's more than one survivor in the area, and you can save someone stalked for later while chasing the other.

    You can't be revealed while stalking & leaning from cover (the category is called Hidden Stalker)

    Hitting someone will will make their stalk meter go back to 0, but it's better to get the hit if you're gonna get revealed anyway. If you have power recharge addons (chewed pen, address book, matchbook) it might be better to get your power back and quickly finish the stalk to make them exposed.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Grey Big Foot said it well. I'd like to add that using cover when chasing someone in Wraith Shroud makes it way harder to reveal you. Try crabwalking to your target as well so you don't get caught by spinechill.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826


    -Whispers are great because you can figure out while in stealth without risking crows giving you away (since walking normally usually sets them off) and you can also stay hidden but still find them. Sorry if this is confusing to read, it's hard to put into words lmao!

    -Thrilling tremors is awesome because you just need to down someone and hook them for generators to get blocked, so if they are gen tunneling or their teammates were hidden when they were caught, it forces them to go wait it out

    -I'm all ears is great because they will always vault and try to prank you lol. I'm a survivor main and after practicing ghostface I realized vaulting and rush actions are risky because this perk puts the killer one step ahead of you

    -BBQ is pretty popular, especially if a lot of the teammates are working on the outskirts of the map and avoiding you! I'm not great with it, but it's super popular on these forums haha!

    ADD ON:

    -In all honesty, I love every green through purple add on for him, and then the 'ghostface caught on tape is great' is good, too. I find that the 'outdoor security camera' is difficult, since it requires more experience with both the maps and stalking areas to really get it. Also cinch straps are nice, especially since he needs to crouch a lot :)


    -Anything to thicken the mist!!! You gotta be a sneaky boy

    I really hope this was helpful! I love playing as him between survivor matches just to goof around, but when I need to play seriously for BP, I found these to be the most helpful! Good luck!

  • Some_Dood64
    Some_Dood64 Member Posts: 122


    Joking aside, GF is a tough one to get to work on some maps. If you're indoors aside from the school, you're good to go with your corner peeks. Just try not to rush people if you have a good place to stalk, but also know when it's a good time to just hit them with a stealth stab.

    As already said by someone else, try to stalk someone to 99% before getting close and finishing the job at stabbing them at their exposed state, similar to Myers.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    if you are crouching and stalking in grass you can't be revealed from the front due to the fact that 33% of his body must be visible to break him out of stealth and grass counts as a line of sight blocker.

  • IMilkNobody
    IMilkNobody Member Posts: 114

    dont try and stalk just go for the first hit it and run sloppy and nurse for slowdown and free down i would say more but im to lazy

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I get a lot of value from running Nurse's Calling. I can't count the number of times that I've caught someone getting healed/self-caring in what they thought was a safe place when I was undetectable, and I literally jumped on them from around a corner.

    If you're on a map with a building and a 2nd floor and you spawn close to it, going upstairs to get a peek and a sneaky stalk on someone can work nicely. The Ironworks and Father Campbell's Chapel are good spots to pull that off.

    Getting back into stealth ASAP, even if you're not using it to mark someone, is crucial. The quicker you're undetectable, the better. The Chewed Pen is arguably his best add-on because of that.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Someone say ghostface?

    All of these videos are very helpful, to teach you how to play ghostface. Which there is two styles of ghostface, when it comes to using his power. Now people like Dreede, will use it for a more sneak in close and get a easy m1 style of play. While others like Ceptzzz will be the more stalking type of ghostface and will put his stalk to good use, to get that one hit down. Which even the stalking ghostface will not always go for the stalk but sometimes will just go for that m1. Which is a important thing to learn, when to stalk and when to go for the m1. That and also who to stalk. For one tactic, is to stalk some survivors but leave others alone, in order to be able to freely m1 them. Since any stalk you build up on a survivor goes away upon a m1 attack. That and as others have brought up, the 99% stalk. Which is basically, get as close as possibly to fully stalking a survivor without exposing them. Than later, once you have your power back and you notice the survivor in a bad spot or out of position, enter your power, expose and down them.

    Which some of ghostfaces best add ons, will be his recovery add ons. It doesn't matter your playstyle, if you are a stalking ghostface or just use his power to sneak up on survivors and get that easy m1. It will benefit you, since this family of add ons, allows you to get your power back sooner. Allowing you to use it even more. Be it for stalking or sneaking around.

    Which some of the guides I link above do talk about perks for ghostface. Yet if you are new to the game. Not sure what perks you have unlocked. You can't go wrong with thrilling tremors, which is ghostface's own perk. Some favor it over bbq, in terms of information. Sloppy, can also be useful and is a easy perk to get, for everything ghostface does is a m1 attack in the end. Expose someone and down them? M1. Sneak up on someone and hit them? M1 again. Sloppy you only need to get the perk tier 1, to get it's main effect, healing slow down. Which also whispers can be useful to help you know when to stalk. Which only use whispers if you get it tier 3, other wise it basically just tells you survivors exist on map.

    Now if you are new to killer in general. Go for leatherface and get bbq, use it to farm for the blood points you need to unlock good teachables, like corrupt, pop, fright, save the best for last and others. Which perks that are useful on ghostface, can be corrupt, due to having to deal with only 4 gens at the start of the game, that and can possibly force them towards you. Which can allow you to get some nice stalks off or catch them off guard while sneaking around. Pop to deal with gens. Save the best for last can be useful, since ghostface is still a killer that has to m1 folk [also save the best for last can be useful on many other killers as well like trapper] . Nurse's calling can be great on ghostface, due to survivors not being able to hear your terror radius. Allowing you to sneak up on them and catch them unaware while they are healing. There is alot to learn about ghostface but hopefully, any of the guides I link above or what I have posted here, helps you to become a better ghostface.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Lean. Lean, lean, lean. His power requires the survivors to have more than 30% of you (give or take) in their LoS, but if you lean properly you only expose your face. However, the camera is above their model, so they can reveal you even though you literally cannot by any stretch of the imagination see them. Also, don't try to stalk everyone. You need to spread the damage, so it's good practice to have some people 99'd and others injured.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    It’s probably been said already by others.

    The way I (mostly) use him is to just get close to survivors and snack em rather than stalk (unless it’s clear they’re totally not paying attention).

    And I try to move towards gens diagonally or sideways to avoid Spine Chill.

  • rororoxor
    rororoxor Member Posts: 182

    lol didnt expect to see my guide here (i wrote the ceptz guide btw)

  • Cutiaddu
    Cutiaddu Member Posts: 402

    DON'T GO INTO STEALTH MODE IMMEDIATELY AFTER HOOKING SOMEONE. Sorry for the caps but this is a really common mistake that lots of people do. Anyway except the basic stuff such as stalk survivors at 99% learn cover while stalking, the most important thing to do is using his power in loops. Because this little spooky bastard can crouch and hide his red light, and if you can hide yourself in loops while still being able to attack him ooooh man that's where the fun starts, you can also be patient and wait the survivor on the loop to make a mistake, for example you could go in to stealth mode, hide and wait for him to go over the pallet or wait till you see/hear him/her leaving the loop. If you can master his power in chases you will love him trust me

  • KingOfBadRNG
    KingOfBadRNG Member Posts: 425

    My only tip is to use his ability almost every time you get the chance tl makes loops that has no visibility easier and get closer to a survivor who's out of position. Don't ever stalk its really pointless unless you have stbfl.

  • KingOfBadRNG
    KingOfBadRNG Member Posts: 425

    Actually you might want to stalk if a survivor is no where near a pallet.

  • Teethgrinder83
    Teethgrinder83 Member Posts: 99

    Whoa, I've been playing ghostface for a out 4 months now and had no idea you couldn't be revealed while stalking from cover lol should probably do that more, especially since it increases the rate of your stalk as well

  • Teethgrinder83
    Teethgrinder83 Member Posts: 99

    I think knowing which maps are good for stalking and which ones are better for just trying to jumpscare people because of your power helps but I guess that comes in time. Like people have already said buildings, especially upstairs so maps with that are good to 99 your stalk and get downs. When it's a large outside map i personally use GF more as a m1 killer, just using his power to hide my terror radius and get the jump on the plus mind game easier. Although these are all things in theory, I'm still not all that good on GF lol but i hope that helps a little bit