Can someone pls explain the counterplay to Doc shocking hooked survivors?

You don't have time to recover from a shock and unhook, the next shock will be within a quarter second after being able to unhook again. So he can force people to death. Equally stupid to old revving Bubba. Or am I missing something?
dont unhook infront of the doc?
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Timing or diversion. You coukd fake an unhook and try to dodge it. Another teammate can unhook once someone else is shocked.
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Timing and dodging doesn't really work. If he misses you once, he is up fast enough to grab you, and also he just has a 1s charge time while unhooking takes 1.2 seconds, so he can easily just interrupt you again. So the only counter to this crap is swarm unhooking? Which gives the killer possibly like multiple survivors on madness 3 for free?
I think this needs some tweaking
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Brilliant... I'm talking about camping doc
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What do you usually do about a camping bubba?
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Then do gen and forget about the hooked survivor i dont see the issue
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What makes you think he can recover fast enough after a dodged shock to grab you? I've never seen that before unless somebody did something wrong.
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Aah the classic Doctor camp.
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Before doc was able to grab during treatment mode. Only time he get lucky is during STBFL at 8 stack.
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Same as with any camping killer
Do gens and get out
I know it's boring, but if you feed campers kills it's only going to make them do it more
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With that killer and most other killers a person has to expect a killer to go out of their way to camp at some point if generators are being completed fast. Depending on the time of the day and the quality of general matches. I'd make the decision to bring BORROWED time.
If the killer camps. Just REPORT them for inactivity, or not participating in match. Most reports do nothing. But w/e,
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You shouldn’t encourage players to lodge false reports for camping.
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Don't unhook with a camping killer. simple.
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Nah, camping is not a legit reason to get banned. Don't even waste your time reporting campers, it'll never work.
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sacrifice your teammate and finish the game in 3 minutes by doing gens, i don't know why killers camp personally, it feels boring and you dont get much
the strategy only works vs really altruistic survivors
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There is no counterplay. Same with Leatherface standing in front of a Hook.
You just have to push out Gens, this is the only thing you can do. Dont gift a camping Killer any more Kills. Sucks for that person on the Hook, but this is the only thing that can be done. Accept that the Killer will get a 1K at least (probably 2K, due to NOED).
And if you are the person on the Hook, dont ######### so that your teammates can do Gens.
And regarding Survivors who crouch near the Hook: Do Gens. The Killer will not go away. If he is camping for 1 1/2 minutes he will not go away for the last 30 seconds...
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Do generators and totems while the Doctor is camping?
I'm sorry but this is literally the best way to handle this and it'll only stop being a good strategy once Survivor randoms stop being hyper altruistic.
Seriously I had managed to get a Survivor on his second hook just as the last generator popped. Instead of being smart and, you know, prepping doors to open and escape, they just hook rushed me and I turned what SHOULD have been a 2k into a 4k.
Leave your teammate to their fate, do objectives, and escape. That is the counter play.
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The thing is, against any other killer the BT exchange works. It only didn't work against Bubba as he can simply down you before or get both, also land a double hit to counter BT. But new Doc is able to just cancel your attempt to unhook.
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As everybody says, the counterplay is doing gens and escaping. Killer gets only one kills and loses on points.
Hypothetically though you could maybe get a rescue if one person flashlight blinds Doc from an angle and the other goes for a rescue while he is blinded. His timing on the attacks might be thrown off enough by the blind to give a small opening to finish the grab.
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And old Doc could just spam tap M1 in treatment mode to grab anyone who even tried to fake a save. His camping game is actually weaker now.
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try one of these:
1) dont unhook mid chase
2) do gens if he wont leave the hook (like you should with any camping killer)
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After the fix moris/keys and add the new slowdown mechanic, camping should be the next thing they fix.
I recently had to try and explain to a new player why camping exists. They haven't put 3000 plus hours into the game to get all the perks. So I can't say "If you had DS, Deliverance, BT etc you'd be ok". This is also ignoring the facecamping Billy and Instadown Huntress they also had. An experienced swf can sometimes deal with it depending on the situation but new players have no chance.
I don't know how they'd do it without swf being able to exploit it but it is definitely something they need to look at in the near future.
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No, camping should be allowed to exist. It's a strategy in many games for a reason. If your teammates are too altruistic for their own good, that's on them. They already made it harder for killers to camp over the past few years.
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I agree with this. I despise camping in any form, but I do accept that it's a valid strategy for some situations. But, there are too many survivors that just try dive bomb a hook. Even when I run kindred and it's obvious the killer is camping, you'll see all 3 crouched nearby not touching a single gen. Whenever I see a camping killer, you can be sure I'm just going to do my gens and leave.
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No no, forget about bt, forget about unhooking
Do gens and leave. Leaving the camped on on the hook
If every camper only got 1 or 2 kills all the time they would stop using it as their go to strategy
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Harder by perks that's it. They haven't really done anything to make camping harder except for survivors becoming better coordinated or perks which new players won't have.
It's nothing to do with people being too altruistic. It's about telling someone who waited 5 minutes for a game that them getting face camped with 5 gens remaining isn't cheating.
It's a bit like old ruin imo. It punishes new/solo players but against a swf doesn't do much. It would be healthier for the game if they did something to help new players counter it.
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There's no point in trying to nerf or counter camping, it's going to happen. If killer wants to be an ######### and camp the first survivor they down when the first gen isn't even halfway done, they can do it. They're is no way you can try to "fix" camping without it being exploited by more experience survivors.
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People thought the old ruin was a massive nerf and the perk was destroyed. Yet they somehow created an extremely good perk that accomplished what they wanted.
It's better at higher ranks than the old one and isn't overbearing for new players. The inconsistent skill checks now are gone which makes the perk more reliable.
If they can do that to ruin then they can definitely think of something to help new players with campers.
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New Ruin is only useful with killers with good mobility, otherwise it's a nerf. Camping is here to stay no matter what, the sooner they realize it the better.
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It's very good on those killers though. Legion and Doctor do extremely well with it. The pressure Nurse and Spirit can apply makes it extremely good on them. Oni and Wraith also get extremely good value off it too.
They don't need to remove camping since it can be an extremely good strategy. However they need to think of a way to stop it early game when it's less strategy and more about being toxic.
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1) you probably already got that I'm talking about a camping doc right?
2) every other killer except Bubba can be outplayed with BT for the hook exchange. Unfortunately, they tried to cap that by revving tantrum, but reenabled it by giving him more chainsaw speed, so the third swing gives the second hit... If the BT thing works out, you could even get out with all 4 if you can manage to exchange after every 50 seconds (I know, most likely only possible with SWF, but possible). But doc can simply block you from even attempt the unhook. Sooo there is no legendary play possible.
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That's what my advice is normally as well. The thing is, doc can even block the attempt to unhook. So not even an exchange/BT/legendary play possible. That sucks
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Flashlight blind, side step shock, unhook.
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Did you try that? I think he can simply look down and still hit you as the beam shows him where to shock
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its pretty actually, you just need to time it. it has a charge time and a delay, as well as a cooldown. you can bait it the same way you can fake an m1 from any other killer.
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that's exactly what is not working. charge time and cooldown is better than the time you are stunned or need to finish the unhook
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As killer can I just say... I'm tired of all my generators getting camped on Yaomoka?
Damn invisible survivors campin my gens...
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So what does this contribute to the thread? Or should we read between the lines that you want to be allowed to force death on first hook because you dislike "genrush"?
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There is nothing you can do by yourself, its a flaw with the game. You NEED a second teammate that knows what they are doing to unhook from a spam shock at hook Doc.
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This doesn't work if the Doctor has 1 functioning brain cell.
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i assumed so.
thats why i includes the second point, which covered said scenario.
also those "legendary plays" you mention end up with the camper winning the game in 9 out of 10 cases. and even if fyou just hook exchange, you lose precious gen time AND give the killer tons of bonus points.
please just do gens.
some killers simply arent ment to allow hookfarms to happen, Doc is one of those. dont try it, do gens instead.
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you're a lost cause
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You don't lose gen time as you have 4 survivors in teh game for a longer time. This is more "resource" available to actually finish 5 gens and probably totems to counter NOED
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you lose time while running towards them, you lose time while waiting for an opening from the killers side to occur, you lose time unhooking and trading the hook, you lose time with the unhooked mending (or in worst case even going down, which is a gg) and you lose time with them escaping the scene and finding a gen, possibly healing.
usually you're better off just doing gens.
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Running takes about 10-15 seconds. compared to the additional 60 seconds it is worth it. If you have BT to do the exchange. Fiunding gens is a thing you always face, also when ignoring the person on hook. another reason to buy as much time as possible
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sigh you know what?
go for it.
go run into the campers face and go hookfarm your mate. im sure nothing will ever go wrong. there is literally no way such an actoin could ever backfire on you.
you got this. i believe in you.
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sigh just ignore my arguments. gotcha...
The only reason why this is not working is that all 3 survivors swarm the hook and do no gens at all. I've seen it work often enough, also in rare cases without SWF. I didn't say "ez counterplay" or whatever, I just told you that with BT against regular killers it makes sense to go for an exchange...
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It was meant to ease tension and contribute levity, the fact that everything blends in Yamoaka... if you want to over analize it, it was a comment on a specific map design... But still just for levity. Is humor not allowed on the forum? If so, I'll turn to a condescending, assuming person like you... Wouldn't wanna break the rules
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Thats true if you do the gen and forget about the hooked survivor you will escape 99% of the time. Camper win because the stupid survivor try to be a hero
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Well, probably that wasn't too obvious. Was more formulated like a typical "you have this problem, I have that problem, so get over it unless my problem is solved" whjich is not uncommon on this forum