
Could we at least have the timer pause while we're on the ground or hook so it's not wasted? It's already a pretty underwhelming perk that no one uses.
I think that's a decent idea, even tho you're still faster with Hope while downed. I think hope is already really good tho.
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I wouldn't consider hope really good at the moment, otherwise people would be running it.
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Imo Hope (this goes for No one Left Behind too) should just activate after gates are powered and last till you leave. And if 7% is an issue then reduce it to 5%.
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+1 I like this.
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As a rank 1 killer nurse - I use it and find in over 50% of the games it activates. Hope is a great slow down perk and really underrated.
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Hope is a survivor perk, not killer, and it doesn't slow the game..
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Oh yes haha my bad. I always refer to devour hope as 'hope'. My bad 😂
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It would be an overall nerf. 7% makes it extremally easy to loop and escape the killer and it counters noed well. With only 5% the noed counter will be much weaker.
The real reason why people aren't using hope isn't that perk is bad, it is because adrenaline just gives you a health state... so is so much better, as all second chance perks.