I feel bad for Otz...
So you completely justify ruining the experience of another Survivor-Team because a Survivor Team you had before were acting like dicks?
You can also vent by NOT going into the next game when teabagging or flashlight-clicking makes you that upset.
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I saw it too and he even played GF WITHOUT addons!
Seriously such Survivor's should be ashamed off.
This is why I can understand if Killer's are tunneling.
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Watched both games the difference is game 2 u got a basement hook and guy u chased ran to basement as other guy was sneaking there so that's GG right there if you looked and none swf blendettes the gen speed was far quicker and who knows if you had got basement hook against swf that would been same outcome so GG
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Otz frequently posts games that highlight this high level phenomenon, where he (a thousand hour streamer) struggles because all the survivors are high skilled and have the meta perks. I really appreciate that he posts this content because the average viewer can go see for themselves what the higher levels of play are like!
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The "higher levels of play" are not 4-man tournament squads on Haddonfield with 4 DS 4 Unbreakable 4 Soulguard. That is an extreme rarity and not a single big streamer shows a different story.
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I know one of those survivors, total weirdo. Messaged me after a round demanding a rematch in kyf then went afk, also kept adding me + friends into voice chat and then just staying completely silent. Is an amazing console huntress tho, credit where it's due.
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I dont feel bad for him. That's how this game is. Both sides do it nothing new and nothing to feel bad about.
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It’s Handicapped himself by playing with no addons and he used Ghostface, who isn’t exactly one of the best killers.
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Not everyone wants to play spirit every game. It wouldn't be very interesting to watch either.
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He lost one game...
Why's it such a big deal? We all lose games everyday
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But he didn't play with addons which is a serious disadvantage on ghostface because of that big cooldown.
Also,there were quite a few mistakes he made in that video.
I mean,just picking up a survivor he knew that had DS is such an obvious one.
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Are you serious? Quitting a match and frustrated for some flashlight clicks?
You're too soft man.
I saw nothing wrong with this game, no teabags, toxic plays, or pointing at the killer. Plus the Claudette played with no perks. Imagine DS, Unbreakable, Dead hard etc.
Otz made huge mistakes.
He picked up 2 DS's and the Meg in a wide open area without checking.
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Wouldn't be surprised if the absolute clownfest that was the comments to his pinned comment about not seeking out and harassing the streamer in the video had something to with it.
I peeked and it was pretty much exactly what I expected. People honestly believing it was 100% justified to harass someone outside of the game for something they did in the game, and arguing with others to try to convince them of that. That's not something a streamer wants to be associated with.
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Just wanted to clarify that the Claudette probably played with perks but you can't see them if the survivor switches character in the pre game lobby
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What map and day was this game so I can find the VOD. I saw the Doctor game and how painful that one was
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No. A viewer redeemed a card and made him to play with no perks. Go check his VOD.
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Oh,that was a streamer?
Didn't know that ups >.>
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Yeah, a streamer.
They didn't snipe Otz or anything.
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I played this game years ago, and it was the same. When I started playing I actually got more toxicity than now.
But anyways, I think that toxicity will never disappear from this game tbh. This game, the way this game it's "created", allows toxicity. If that makes sense.
Also, survivors tend to be more toxic just by psychological reasons. They are in a scenario 4vs1. They are in a group, so they feel powerful. It's the same as how bullying works.
Survivors tend to be less toxic for example when 2 or 3 people died, then the last one is usually kind.
Coincidence? Of course not, that's just how psychology works.
If there are 4 people alive and gates opened, the game allows them to disrespect the killer, and make him/her feel awful, because they know they already won.
It's not like other games, where if you win, the game ends. In dbd, you can pretty much win and the game still is going on. Which allows killers and survivors, to enjoy and take advantage of those moments.
That's why I, for example, never go to the exit gates to meet survivors just before they escape. That's pointless. That would just feed their egos.
If you win, you win, end the game already. Don't waste others' time and don't make fun of them.
I've had games where I got gen rushed to death, and they all escaped quickly. It felt bad, but at least I was like ok, they won. But they didn't make me feel bad about it.
But also, I've had games where they gen rushed, and they stayed to make fun of me. Those, are the really messed up people.
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This. I think you summed it all up nicely
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I can understand this. I play often by myself on this way as Legion main, but also sometimes as Trapper, Meyers, or GF.
If you play a killer on this way, well... my english is not the best... How put I it best? "You feel the basekit of your favorite killer" more? It makes then more fun... Does that make sense?
Its a great way of playing dbd imo, if you are really interested into your character role. Also, if you win, you know you have more as deserve it. Not like the guys with ds and all that crap^^.
Drawback of this is, you really need to know the strength and weaknesses of the character you are playing and of course, you are not pumped up by addons, but that's why it makes more fun.
You have the "original" experience.
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2 times I had kill a surviver 2 pixels away from the gate-exits.
1 time as Huntress, I was able to hit a survivor who was running to the left and right over and over again, for the exit.
1 time I had mori as Legion one, just 1 step away from the exit gates.
... Let us say... The endgame chat was special... But funny for me^^.
But that is what can happen if you are too cocky at the gates. The killer can still kill :D.
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The deleted video was about Ghostface without perks. Well, he had perks but for info or generator regression.. yeah, they were useless. :D
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The video was removed.
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Heaven forbid he loses a game once in a while to a highly coordinated team using coms and crutch perks on a survivor sided map.
Post edited by Killmaster on1 -
I feel bad for Otz, too. I feel bad for him that members of his community actually went and harassed another streamer because they dared to click a flashlight at him.
Was it rude? Yeah, and Otz was right that people should have a bit more class when they win. But people taking it further than that are rather pathetic. Everyone needs to keep in-game BM in perspective. We’ve all had it done to us and while it’s rude, it’s really not more than that and definitely not worth losing your cool over.
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Yes I do. The difference is I didn't start this and I will stop after 1 match. Meanwhile that toxic swf will continue to be toxic for as long as they play. Instead of telling me what to do you should find that swf that was toxic in the first place and lecture them.
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"I didnt start this" is basically the same a 5 year old says when they punched their 6 year old sibling and their mom gets angry at them.
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Boo hooo, A streamer had a bad game.
Meanwhile they're still rainbow ranks or worse of 15-17 killers against red ranks.
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My sibling is 6 years older than me. Punching him first or last was never a fair fight :P
My point still stands. Treat the disease(SWF). Not the symptoms(Reaction).
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Otz is just fine. He has a healthy perspective on the game and can handle losses and taunting unlike some people. No need to feel bad for him.
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When they are at the exit gates it's true that you can still kill, I've done it before also.
But is not likely, it depends on the killer you are playing, your perks...etc. That's why they get cocky and they usually fall for bloodwarden.
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Thanks! I tried to explain it the best as I could.
It's important for people to realize that stuff.
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That's why mercy is a mistake.
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Lol and then next game he probably went all out sweating. Probably slugged for the 4k at 5 gens. Seen him do it before, multiple times. So yeah, not sorry, buddy.
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I'm not a big name streamer some people know about me, but I uploaded a match that I got beat in also. it's really not the first time either but you know how it is when you're technically a nobody I'm not a mean person sure I have a few anger issues but I wish you can just except me for me.
*edit: but these megs was cool about it ,I just wish they would have stayed at the gate tho
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What video? it seems to be deleted, reuploud pls
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Basically he went against a 4 man swf and they all ran ds, unbreakable, and soul guard.
He lost the match and for some reason people think it was a toxic match when they clicked their flashlights a little bit and got a couple good plays. I don't remember if he got any kills but that's basically the main part of it. Oh and he ran GF with no perks and add ons.
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I feel like a lot of his community are too damn soft if they find that toxic. They're style was even that toxic as well. People are too soft these days.
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Meh. Its to be expected at this point. I have zero emotion for killers anymore after one hooked me AND tunneled/mori'd me after getting stuck on the rock glitch.
If I'm escaping, you're getting teabagged at the exit gate.
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I see 3 meta perks on Otz, what are you trying to imply here?
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Well I think you explained it well and I agree, it's important for people to know
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Very well said. To add to this also, I have never received any blatant toxic messages from a killer after game (xbox), but I cant play even 3 games as killer and not receive some kind of toxic, salty, harassing message from a survivor. I have probably 100 survivor hate mails in my inbox. The only ones from killers are maybe a couple gg's (1 from someone who tunneled me pretty hard, so i kinda took it as he was rubbing it in but maybe he wasnt).
I play pretty "fair" as killer also, while still trying to win the match. I give last one hatch fairly often. I even go way out of my way to make them feel like they have a little breathing room after unhook fairly often, even if I know the right play is to slug them at the time. I still get all kinds of toxic ######### in my messages from survivors
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This is spot on imo. I've always wondered why the game is balanced the way it is, like there has to be some monetary thing behind it. I always come to the conclusion that a lot of survivors enjoy this game because they like the idea of overcoming 'the killer.' My reasoning is that most streamers that get lots of views are usually toxic survivors. I'm just glad I don't encounter this kind of stuff very often elsewhere. I mean, could you imagine if horror movies were more like DBD?
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I've had toxic teams before... flashlight, tbag, block, loops, and more others. I caught two survivors on the way out, but I told myself "be smarter and better, let them go they don't deserve attention". They crawled away and it was more like a victory, because I set an example (that's when I don't need BP).🤣
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Your post is a total lie.
No one had unbreakable, no one had soul guard and the Claudette was perkless.
Instead they had lithe, dead hard, iron will, BT, We are gonna live forever, and DS.
And Otz HAD 4 perks but not Add ons.
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Smol PP Build
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Did he removed the video ?
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Guess he since deleted it
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You act like this is the first time Otz has posted a game like this:
True also occasionally shares videos such as this one:
There are many more if you search.
Both of these are examples of "higher levels of play" and are not necessarily 4-man tournament squads.