FPS drops and NURSE

The new chapter is very very good, and i've loved it so far! It is definitely a landmark for the great work the devs has been putting on dbd, even while this pandemic is going on.
Well, to be honest it was expected that when the update went live, the Particles and new animations would severely decrease the FPS in certain ocasions, for a large amount of players with mid/low-end hardwares.
As a nurse main, I'm concerned. It feels weird to play as her in the new maps, just because sometimes her sensitivity becomes just like deathslinger aim on PTB ( it might be due to the FPS drops). It might be an early conclusion to say she's bugged, so I'll just say that the FPS while blinking is decreased, therefore is almost impossible to chain your blink in time, or hit someone when you can't actually hit them.
The only way of playing her as of now, is to decrease everything to LOW and 0% resolution. It makes the game look bad, but makes the FPS to increase by a small amount.
My dear and beloved devs, we need more improvements regarding FPS, options to disable particles, and last but not least, decrease texture quality without messing with resolution percentage. Thank you very much!
Please, if you do play as The Nurse in the new maps, and you've experienced the same outcomes, please, let me know it's not just me.
Today i`ve played as nurse in the new Yamaoka's map and the FPS were way better than before. I`ve played with low and 0% resolution too and i had no problem.
Maybe is a bug? Nurse has a lot of them
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Probably, nurse should be renamed as "The Buggy One" LMAO