Did they change the ranking system?

As in, did they change anything about the minimum points you need to achieve bronze, silver, gold and iridescent emblems to rank up?
Seems like no matter how much i do i keep losing pips. Or am I just ultra bad today?
It really feels that way doesn't it? Maybe it's just that kind of day.
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depends on your rank. yellow, grey, and green you basically have to just do a minimal amount to pip. purple and red are a bit more but again it's not hard. Honestly they've made it really hard to depip and it's probably easier to safety pip than depip at most ranks.
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I've been red rank and mostly rank 1 since the second month i played this game, been playing for over a year and today is the first day i find REALLY HARD to safety pip at rank 4
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Yeah. Was me the other day. Safety and depip only. But yesterday wasn’t too bad. We’ll see today.
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The SWFs are out to test their mettle against the new killer (or well bully potential). I'll at R1 but the number of SWFs I'm facing has been a bit obnoxious - same with most of the streamers spamming blight games
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Well i dont play SWF, i solo 95% of the time,and i dont see how that has anything to do with my question lol but ok i guess
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Ah thought you were talking about killer - and pipping has been more difficult on that side.
As for survivor, I've been going against a lot of boosted Blights at R1 and basically have to force scoring events for myself to get more pips/bps out of a match at times. Other than that I found it easier to pip / win as survivor today even as soloqueue
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I just got a 3 iridescent game, but it took me doing most of the gens and most of the unhooks, when before it took 2 gens and 2 unhooks and maybe a heal. I feel like i need to do WAY more to actually pip now. I hope it's just a perspective and i won't feel the same way tomorrow
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So far, I haven't lost a pip even when using the blight, I only used him twice on the ptb and well, I think it's easier atm.