is anyone else unable to hook survivors randomly?

I sometimes can't hook a survivor when i'm trying to hook them idk if this is a bug or just the servers being laggy.
I haven't had this issue before the patch came out and now sometimes i can and can't hook survivors randomly and it makes playing killer really frustrating as i keep spamming the button to hook but my character won't hook them.
Best Answer
There is a bug
I played survivor yesterday and I noticed Blight sometimes expirience weird lags while trying to hook.
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Ive had this happeb before where you get to the hook and it doesnt give you the prompt and your just kind of swaying back and forth with the survivor on your shoulder.
Thankfully i usually always get the hook its just laggy or something. Doesnt happen often but i have had it happen before.
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You have to hold it down now. It's so weird. Took me a few hooks to realize.
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I was just playing doc for a daily and had issues hooking Laurie. It worked when I was directly facing the hook, but from other angles just cancelled the hooking.
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That is my experience as well, I try to come at it straight too but it's not guaranteed to work for me as i'm just stuck there wiggling.
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I think it's different. I have seen survivors that turn on lags on purpose to escape grasp or to change location.
With this new patch killers sometimes expirience something weird. They trying to hook and the glitch of animation stucked rapidly for 2 seconds. And then when killer step back a little he hook normally.
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This is exactly what is happening to me.
It sucks that this is more a game bug than server lag cause devs are really at slow at fixing bugs.
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After playing more, this stutter stepping happens when you try to vault a window or break pallet.
You start the first part of the animation but you go back to your starting position so it'll give you the prompt you press the button it'll flip the camera to do it and then go back to where your camera was originally, it works after spamming the button but after that time you've wasted time during a chase trying to make it function.
I think i'm not gonna play the game for a while till this is fixed, i'm glad i didn't pay money for this chapter as this is the most frustration i've felt from this game in a long time because the game just doesn't work sometimes.
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well, I thought it was because of my internet, but now I think it might have been this bug...
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I was accused of hacking, because some killers couldn't hook me, so I'm glad it is a bug (sucks for killers of course), cause I just started to play dbd 2 weeks ago and got scared I could get banned unjustified 😯
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I lost a kill because of this
I got two survivors alive one hooked and other downed, I picked up the downed one while the other suicides and I could not hook him, the hatch spawned right next to us and he escaped, great game.
Edit: Lmao now it happens almost every match, can't play without someone escaping my shoulders once.
Post edited by Pior_Morte on0 -
Hi there!
It's a known issue on our side that when attempting to hook a Survivor the action will stop shortly after pressing the button and keeps felling until the survivor is dropped. We're aiming to add this in a hotfix.
Thanks for your report!
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Try moving back to get rid of prompt and then going forward. It worked for me. Only happened once for me though.