Spine chill is the problem

Jill10230 Member Posts: 475
edited September 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Spine chill can act on killers, that we know. What I didn't know is that it could act on the speed of the jumping obstacles, and that changes everything!

Already this perk makes the stealth killers at 5€ null and useless. If moreover it gives an advantage on the loops...

36 meters of spotting, how is it possible? It's already complicated to look for survivors in a 200 miles map (I'm talk the news maps, beautiful but big)...

Don't tell me to moonwalk, it's a stroke of luck if you find them, because the teams communicate and there is always a spotter, reason why I can't find anyone once at the generator !

So I ask again, why, why 36 meters, why does this perk become so strong in the chases, and why should the survivors know 36 meters in advance that we are coming? To have time to go more than 50 meters from us? Yes there is the perk of Legion or Billy, but when 4 survivors know loops you can't do anything, they will finish your gen !

Let's stay logical, at least once, stealth killers are useless against this kind of players !

Why not give it a cooldown or something like that ? Like "premonition"..

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