Loop killer through all gens, still die to NOED: Please add a totem counter.



  • skarsguts
    skarsguts Member Posts: 179

    You and others do not seem to understand that we're talking about showing remaining totems for everyone. Not for one single person who's using a perk! An icon on the HUD that shows how many totems remain on the map the same as generators have.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777
    edited September 2020

    @Almo @Peanits

    Can you guys please confirm or deny that the number of remaining totems being "hidden" information (by default) is an intentional design choice?

    Perks like Undying and NOED obviously lend a lot of weight/evidence to this, but some people aren't going to be placated until they hear some sort of answer from you guys.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    Detectives Hunch and Maps exist.

    This isn't a NOED problem or even a totem count problem. This is a survivors having counters and refusing to use them problem.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    The only reason you were able to run him all game was because of he's a new killer with a difficult power that isnt great.

    Pipping means nothing, I've had games where i've ran the killer, did gens, got saves and depipped. I've had games where i didn't really do ######### and pipped more often than not. That's why rank never meant anything other than how long you've played in a month because you'll pip up if you just keep playing the game, I swear that theres no correlation to how well i played the game. And because rank REALLY means nothing now i doubt it will ever change but it they should. Can't let the ego of the toxic neas, meg heads, and of blendettes suffer.

    Killer is also pretty stupid because you'll de pip if you kill everyone too fast but that's a good problem to have

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    A totem counter is a good idea, but there are other options to cleanse totems. Map, Detective Perk, Small Game Perk.

    The thing is, if you are in red rank and play 100 games, i am pretty sure only about 25-30 games have someone with NOED. I'm currently at 58 games and NOED is not really common.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You died because you couldn't win a chase, not because of NOED. If you looped the killer "through all gens", as you put it, then your skill was obviously much greater than theirs, so you could've won a chase if you wanted to.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    You're mocking giving all survivors Kindred, for example, but that's an idea that is a serious suggestion to even the playing field between solo and swf survivors and make the match results with them more consistent. Of course if you do give all survivors a buff like, say, everybody having Kindred then you also should probably slow the gens down a bit to keep the killer-vs-survivor balance roughly the same. The idea would be to give buffs that help solo survivors more than swf survivors and then also give killers a boost through gens taking correspondingly longer.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Sorry mate but that is on your team.

    Yes it is a broken perk but so is OoO.

    There are more than enough counters and don't need anymore.

    You have small game, maps, that tapp perk I believe deja vu if I'm not mistaken, and of course using your eyes 😉

    So no need for a counter for totems not even by numbers.

    Survivors only objectives are to do gens and totems,so not much to deal with.

    Btw also a solo que rank 1 survivor and killer

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    I just had all 4 survivors on hook at the end game. I lost them all because one person had deliverance + Borrowed time and they all had DS. Damn. Super unfair.

    See - my complaint is a legitimate complaint - cause technically, there's nothing I could, in this case, have done to prevent this. Because of DS being what it is, there was nothing I could have done if this had happened.

    Getting caught by NOED? NOED is the most counterable perk in the game. It's the only perk in the game that can be 100% removed before it even exists.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    I have to disagree with you on that.

    Remember noed is an end game perk, it grants you a speed boost and insta downs.

    If you loop the killer for 5 gens than your recourses are gone or nearly gone.

    Yes you can vault windows but that's only 3 times, then where do you go?

    Also he's probably on bloodlust too (if that is possible with noed, cause I don't know as I never use it), so even gets an greater speed boost.

    I've looped killers for 5 gens and then get downed by noed as soon as the last gen pops.

    So it is not entirely true that you van win the chase if you wanted to.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    this is info you have with SWF already, they really need to revamp the UI competely, add elements for doing gens, healing, totem counter etc to make Solo not a shitshow

  • moimv
    moimv Member Posts: 12

    Detective's hunch is a great perk to find totems, sometimes i run it and try to cleanse all the bones i see with it.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
  • BuddyRhein
    BuddyRhein Member Posts: 17

    I like the idea of a counter showing how many are left. Very good idea. It would force both sides to take every aspect of the game importantly.I feel like totems aren’t looked at as an important part of the overall game and some silly side thing until noed pops up.

    On a side note- I have been asking a long time for ds to be totem based. Make it exactly like inner strength. It would balance out ds and make totem cleansing actually important.

  • I'm gonna assume that any survivor who has difficulties countering NOED either has 50 hours in the game, or only plays on the newest map where it can be difficult to learn totem spots.

    If you genuinely struggle at getting all the totems on Autohaven, Macmillan, or Cornwind maps and have played the game for a long time, you're just lazy. They're SO easy to find. Even Haddonfield and the Preschool maps have easy to remember spots, as well as the Asylum maps.

    The Game is one of those maps where you have to go out of your way to find them, fair enough. But most other maps you could literally find them on your way from one gen to another.

  • Kleer_mi1k
    Kleer_mi1k Member Posts: 46


  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777
    edited September 2020

    Is this just something that you're not allowed to answer?

    It would literally help the community and provide some decent insight into previous and recent design choices.

    Literally just looking for a yes/no answer on my original question.


  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777

    It's also a huge nerf to the recently released Undying.