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Excessive Blur on Badham Preschool as Nightmare


Have y'all noticed that preschool doesn't work at all with Nightmare? I keep thinking that the survivors are poisoning me with an offering or something, but every time I spawn on that map, the dream realm looks awful, and I'm stuck with permanent motion blur EVERYWHERE. It's really hard to play with. I'm assuming this is something to do with the graphics overhaul. Plus, none of the lights work? Which might be normal? But it's impossible to see on that map.

3 votes

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  • butterfingersman

    I've noticed that shadowplay doesn't even come close to capturing it, but I uploaded a sample to youtube. You can definitely see the motion blur in it. Also how it's impossibly dark...

    i7 4770k, GTX 1080, 8GB RAM, and default OG config files at time of recording


  • butterfingersman

    Didn't see this in the patch notes, will update if I play Freddy and see the same behaviour.