Nerf Ruin pls

I think the new Hex perk is too strong with Hex Ruin. Hex Ruin alone is allredy too good but with the new perk it is too op against solo survivor who don't know which Totems are cleansed and which not.
Maybe it will be more ok If we reduce the regression from Ruin 200% to 100% and the new Hex only can save a Hex Totem once per Match.
That would me more fair for the game
Edit: Because every YouTuber yousing that Combo I'm sure It will get be overused soon.
And DS+Unbreakable isn't op? If Ruin get nerfed,DS should too.
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And remove Kindred... Nope
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That's two different things. Ds only works against tunnel
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There are perks for helping with totems. Or use the map item.
As long as hex totem can spawn in an open field, we shouldn't be talking about "slightly reworking" them.
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Ruin is too strong? I respectfully disagree. Ruin's strength is incipient on the killer pressuring survivors off of gens. If the killer never shows up, Ruin slows down your gen by exactly 0 seconds. If you're finding that you're constantly having to leave gens to help your teammates and your gen is regressing back to 0 that just means the killer is playing well.
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this isnt a thread about ds, the whataboutism is strong with this one
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If I go for a unhook my gen Regress without Input from the Killer.
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Dosen't matter it is the same.Altough Ruin already got a rework lol
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Yeah. That's what map pressure is. If you're free to just chill on gens the killer isn't doing their job. If you're constantly being pushed and pulled away they are.
Does it matter if the killer Pops your gen or regresses it with Ruin? Not really, since neither matters if they're not creating pressure.
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The gens regress BECAUSE of input from the killer. Ruin only really works when the killer is pressuring the survivors well enough. Hooking people, slugging them, anything to get people of the gens means the killer is pressuring you.
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... This thread makes me feel old.
or this is bait.
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Yes it does matte with Pop the Killer deserve to regress a gen. But not Always with Ruin
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Someone who played killer enough that he is able to make map pressure as a ######### survivor once i started maining it (not even joking), I do believe DS+Unbreakable is a bit much. I have no problem running much lesser perks and escaping.
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Killers input: Downed survivor, hooked survivor, made pressure.
You wanna go that route, syptic agent and syringe has no input, just use instantly and free hit. Toolboxes have a common addon that lets you repair with no skill checks.Unbreakable lets you pick yourself back up with no input from a fellow survivor. I can keep going...?
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Honestly, I can see it. But also, there is counterplay: Stack on gens. Make sure you are the only person working on the first gen, and go around looking for other people after that so the killer has much less time for Ruin to kick in. It's the same tactic as with every other scenario, it's just that most people are genuinely too ignorant to know it. Don't spread out for the last gens if the killer has Ruin, you're just setting yourself up for failure.
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do bones
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ds is no longer an anti tunnel perk, its a "im invincible for a minute so ill sit on a gen in front of the killer and hop in a locker when he comes close" perk
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Ruin is fine
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That could work but against Killer Like Freddy or Spirit I'm sure midgame will become terrible
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God... are you a Baby Killer main who cry for a Ds/Bt/Ub/DH Nerf?
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if all 4 survivors have ds unbreakable its 4 minutes of invincibility scattered through the team which is enough time to do every gen on the map,
as for bt and dh i really dont care bout those
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Just eat the ds it's a one time perk which give you 5 sec. God you are a Killer main who tunnel everyone to death right?
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No it doesn't. You have two chances to use DS. After your first hook or after your second hook. I have been DS'd inside the exit gates. You can play fair and still be on the receiving end of DS. More often than not, DS is used offensively rather than defensively.
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Low quality bait :)
Ruin is not op, most matches it lasts 30 seconds. Hex Undying isn't op either. There only 5 totems on a map so just break them and you dont have to worry about any hexes :)
If you can't do that, pls git gud
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######### is that. If you don't have to say something useful then go away
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I did :)
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DS is more than just anti-tunnel. If you use DS after your first hook, you're using it wrong. You can play fair and still be hit with DS. So no, DS doesn't only work against tunnel.
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Well, did you know that Trolls like you live normally under a bridge?
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you do know that the 200% regression speed is still only half the speed survivors take to repair a gen, right?
a normal killer kick will regress the gen by 0.25 charges a second, doubling that will decrease it by 0.5 charges a second. that means a gen takes roughly 160 seconds to go from almost done back to zero, which in itself isnt that bad.
on top of that, the effect only lasts for as long as a certain totem is lit up - which affects both, Ruin and Undying - so if you struggle at locating those totems i would suggest you bring perks / items that help you at locating them, such as Detectives Hunch, Small Game or Maps.
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" it is too op against solo survivor who don't know which Totems are cleansed and which not." What does this even mean? If Ruin is cleansed you'll know it. Otherwise, if you see a lit totem while Ruin is in the game (and it actually matters) then cleanse it. Don;t expect someone else to do it or something.
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Undying is what makes ruin valuable as a gen regression perk, since it improves the odds that ruin will survive as the trial goes on.
Ruin shouldn't have the regression rate nerfed just because people are bad at finding totems.
In my opinion base gen regression rates should be increased, as a means to slow the game down, but only if the killer is doing a good gen defense.
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Dude you are the only one here who thinks ruin is op. Maybe its time for you to go back to your own bridge.
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160 Seconds? No I'm sure it's much less because if I let go for 10 sec it feels like it regress a 99% gen back to 66%
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Damn those people that played like 100 hours and think they know everything. Just deal with it or play lego.
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It's not Ruin himself but with the new Hex it's too good. Because it's reduce the risk Hex Totems have too much. Do you Play solo survivor?
But I guess the reason why "everyone" disagree is because most pepole here only Play Killer?
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It works against literally every killer, and especially against Freddy. All the survivors have to do is hold W if they get interrupted and the killer cannot snowball.
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You know so much about trolls. Not surprising honestly. I don't see how ruin is op when you can literally break it. Like what???? Undying doesn't make it op either.
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if you were to let the gen go for 10 seconds, you would lose a total of 5 charges.
given that you need a total of 80 charges to fully repair a gen, that means that within those 10 seconds you lose 6.25% of the generators overall progress.
it just feels like a lot more, due to you being away from the generator for longer periodes of time - even if the killer drops the chase after a short while (lets say 15 seconds), you would still take some time to get back to your gen, at which point it took you good 30ish seconds to get back at it - which is a regression of almost 20% (18.75%) of the overall gens progress, even though you feel like you were just working on it.
of course if you get caught and hooked its gonne be even longer until you can get back at the gen, so at that time even more time has passed and you lost a lot more gen progress.
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Imagine calling someone a baby killer when you don’t realize Ruin was nerfed and why a Hex perk is as strong as it is after nerf.
Come on. You made this post and that person didn’t even insult you.
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This may be problematic from a survivors point of view and I can agree to an extent that these 2 perks alone can possibly carry the game(depending on the killer and skill cap of course). There are however more issues that need to be addressed before this, this topic is definitely something that should be considered.
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That's insane dude :o thx
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That's insane dude :o thx for exlpaining it
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OK, I agree with you 100%
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New Ruin is the Legion of perks, it’s incredibly boring to play against and just results in you holding M1 longer. You hold M1 for 60 seconds, gen is almost complete, killer comes to chase you and you either end up getting hooked or getting away but either way by the time you get back to the generator theres little to nothing left in it because you were solo and nobody else knew about the gen.
Meanwhile in a 4 man swf you just ask someone to go finish it effectively rendering Ruin useless.
That’s why I’m not a fan of this perks design. Its extremely strong (and boring) for solo players but not that strong against swf.
For this reason I think its better to find the totem first before starting a gen otherwise you might just end up wasting your time. If its a macmillan or autohaven map you might be ok, if its an indoor map you might as well just give up.
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How nostalgic, a nerf ruin thread.
Never thought I'd see one again but life is full of surprises.
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This 100%
That is exectly what I thougt but I was to dumb to descrip that. Thanks Dude ;_;
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Well Lego Star wars is coming next year so... I guess I will stay here a bit longer :D
And yes I have "only" over 100 hours but does it matters??
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Then why are you crying for a ruin nerf?
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New Ruin is the Legion of perks, it’s incredibly boring to play against and just results in you holding M1 longer. You hold M1 for 60 seconds, gen is almost complete, killer comes to chase you and you either end up getting hooked or getting away but either way by the time you get back to the generator theres little to nothing left in it because you were solo and nobody else knew about the gen.
Meanwhile in a 4 man swf you just ask someone to go finish it effectively rendering Ruin useless.
That’s why I’m not a fan of this perks design. Its extremely strong (and boring) for solo players but not that strong against swf.
For this reason I think its better to find the totem first before starting a gen otherwise you might just end up wasting your time. If its a macmillan or autohaven map you might be ok, if its an indoor map you might as well just give up.
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Ruin used to be a lot worse. Try doing totems. It only affects people who try to rush gens. I'd rather earn a ton of bloodpoints instead of rushing out of each trial.