The Killer You *Least* Like To Play Against?

Leatherface. Self explanatory.
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Ghost Face. Irritating, teabagging git who runs after survivors like he's a Scooby-Doo villain.
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Freddy for obvious reasons.
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Hag. Her counterplay feels so unengaging to me, and her camping potential is gigantic. If she gets a hook in the basement it's often gg.
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Billy cuz I suck at juking him.
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sneaky-sneaky li’l Ghostie GF
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Pffft hahaha!
Okay, thanks. I just spilled coffee on my keyboard.
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• Forcibly pulls your camera to traps (annoying)
• Difficult to practically impossible traps to notice
• Can't disable traps you do notice so hope you're running Urban Evasion, Fixated while also Healthy, or brought a Flashlight with a Battery
• Hag can easily trap a hook and force you to crouch unless you want her to teleport from halfway across the map, might as well give up on the rescue if it's the basement because she put traps all the way down the stairs
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Oof yeah. I'd say Hag is my favorite killer thus far.
I should not be able to drop traps right on hooked people (as much as I like doing this to obnoxious, BM teams) - they should at the very least decay after 60 seconds or so.
To compensate, make her model slightly smaller. My favorite thing about her is her camouflage/jumpscare potential :D.
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Oh yeah, her scare potential is off the charts.
That said, teams with double flashlights tend to completely skunk me.
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forever freddy with a mori .-.
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Freddy is up there for me. Also Huntress, it's a toss-up of whether the match will be a total stomp or not.
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Freddy, I don't like to be stuck in a game for 30 minutes...
Also I don't want to get "outplayed" by snare spamming Freddies.
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I am very surprised nobody has said Pyramid Head. My goodness do they play so scummy. Freddy is a close one too.
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it's a tie between spirit and freddy for me
freddy's matches go on forever and the dream world hurts my eyes (thankfully it's not so bad on the reworked maps)
spirit matches always go the same way making them bland, she stands still and now i have to make a 50/50 guess on what she is doing and hope she makes a mistake and even if she does a good spirit only uses their power in little spurts so that they can use it again 5 seconds later and then this prosesse repeats itself until she inevitably gets me.
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i hate RNG in games, and her traps are exactly that.
its super inconsistent for both sides and that makes it just unfun imo.
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Hag, always has been. She's also my least favourite killer to play as, I don't even do Hag dailies I just really don't enjoy playing as her.
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The Wraith. I am terribad at playing against him. Don;t know why and I don't seem to be getting any better.
Freddy gets an honorable mention because I literally have no idea what to do against Forever Freddy.
Also The Doctor. The Doctor is the reason I run Calm Spirit on one of my main Survivors, Nancy. I hate screaming and whenever I go against one with Nancy I basically can do whatever I want.
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Legion - Injures survivors too easily. For how easy he does it, having to hold M1 to heal over and over again is very harsh. The alternative is to just stay one shot all game which again seems unfair. It's very dull if you want to work unsafe gens you need to heal and he will have you healing over and over and over and over and over again. God help you if he brings thana, dying light and uses mangled add ons.
Ghostface - Pure stealth, no speed penalty like pig, no unlock like wraith he can just walk around a blind corner and swing. Then there is his buggy reveal. Barely ever works. You spend so long trying to get it to work that by that point he has either exposed you or has you 90% anyway. He can duck behind a corner resetting your reveal progress, but he keeps his stalk progress. Finally he's going to be constantly moving, so if you see him, start revealing him, then he walks past a tree before it's complete it cancels your progress but now he has an indicator showing him your location so you just gave yourself away for nothing.
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Hag, the proxy camping machine.
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Trapper. He isn't OP or anything, I just get really nervous playing against him lol
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Hag is bae. On both sides.
But to the OP, Freddy and Deathslinger. Both just make me want to go afk and leave to make a sandwich or something. Several other killers fall into the second to worst category (eg Doctor because his chase music is bad).
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freddy or phead
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Any stealth killers. Just don't find them fun.
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I think he was talking about survivors x)
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Ghostface because of his inconsistent reveal.
Hag because her counterplay’s not very fun and how much camping potential she has.
Trapper because I’m terrified I’ll run to a trapped loop. It can be scary to suddenly hear the sound of that trap snapping shut in the middle of a chase.
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My least favorite is Ghost Face, though that is subject to change if his Shroud/Reveal mechanics ever start to work in a consistent manner.
Also I was bored, so here's where our current "I hate playing against X" tally stands:
- Freddy with 9 votes
- Hag & Ghost Face with 7 votes each (including mine for GF)
- Pyramid Head, Spirit, Pig, Trapper, and Wraith with two votes each
- Hillbilly, Huntress, Doc, Legion, Deathslinger, and Myers* with one vote each
*Myers wasn't mentioned, but gets a tally as one of the "stealth" killers that Xbob doesn't enjoy playing against (which added +1 to Wraith, Pig, Myers, and Ghost Face).
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The Blight : He's the new Slugmachine Prime. All games against him end within the first couple of minutes and he's just boring to play against.
Lameslinger : He's lame.
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Any that tunnel/mori a survivor out of a game. Just feels like waste of time.
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I dunno, if I had to come up with an answer I think I just like to mostly chill when playing survivor, and I'm always on edge against stealth killers? If I hear a heartbeat coming from a mile away, I can prep an escape and get to the nearest tile. With stealth killers I have to, like, pay attention. No thank you sir!
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Well i get why some people dont like that playstyle.
I personally love it to play against stealth killers. It just ,,feels"way better to never be safe and always be carefully and watching the area.
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Pig, she isn't hard but I dislike the traps especially when i need to go through every single box.
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#1 Hag for reasons everyone else listed
#2 Pig -- because every Pig I run into loves to tunnel people off the hook and on boxes even though they're using MYC and could one-down a different survivor.
#3 Wraith -- because 99% of Wraiths cloak and stand next to you on the hook and it's the most eyerolly thing in the world.
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Ghostface. I don't like playing paranoid & being able to be one-shot by someone's playstyle that is basically camp to fill a bar to get rewarded. Also feels like the reveal on him is still horribly bugged.
Second would be Huntress.
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Oh I'm not a fan of the hag either. especially ones that set traps right under the hook so as soon as you are pulled off it triggers. there is no way to dodge or avoid it since the one being unhooked sets it off.
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Make your choice, it's a pig perk that exposes someone who pulls another off a hook making them a one hit down.
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Ooh. That sounds cheesy as hell. Would be fun on Hag.
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has anyone heard of that hag build called unhook this from monto I've played against that version of hag and it's absolutely unbearable
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Deathslinger for me. They are though for my playstyle so it rarely ends decent on those games 😁.
Needs to step up and improve my counterplays on those.
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Me too. Hag. Especially when she uses add on where the Phantasm doesn't spawn, also no sound indication. Her camping ability overpowers Bubba.
After hag it's Freddie.
I'm totally fine w a camping Bubba.
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Mine goes on a scale. At Rank 1? Rank 1 Huntress that knows what she's doing. That is the worst.
At yellow/green/purple? Pig. Being tunneled with an active trap is the worst feeling. It doesn't matter if you hold her the entire game, you still need to get the trap off. You either have to play perfect and never go down for 5 gens or let someone else loop her. (Don't do that. They'll go down.)
In general? Doctor. Oh no he knows where you are end of the world oohhh aahhh.
No. He's always on someone and if you decide to be spicy and run calm spirit guess who he's going after with a higher priority? You. Sure 99% of the time he's just an M1 killer but uuuuugggghhhh.
He's ugly too.
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When it comes to killer abilities that piss me of. Ghost face, Plague and Legion makes me wanna throw my controller through a window. Ghost-face Night Shroud feels horribly bugged and I despise getting exposed right when I take his power off or when I am looking directly at the guy but the game says no. Legion is just boring as hell to play against since all he does is injured people and usually if they run Thanatophobia with Sloppy and Pop I usually just DC and Plague is just a dumb slug machine that rewards a scummy and boring play style.
But when it comes to how people play, Most Plagues Hags and Pigs users I found tunnel like there is no tomorrow.
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The ones for would be;
Ghost face: I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks his shroud reveal is bad, the inconsistency of it is so annoying to play as and against
Forever freddy: freddy in general I dont actually mind, but the forever freddy build is honestly the most boring game play you can imagine, tedious and slow.
Hag: the camera snap on her traps are just disorienting as hell to go against, not to mention alot of hags I go against tend to be #########
Clown: nothing to do with his power, its just, like hag, most clowns I've gone against are #########
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Doctor. Only the Doctor.
Why? Because every game is just me and my teammates running around like decapitated chickens because this wad of failure got a buff that gives him the ability to shock us all into madness (simultaneously on small maps) and doesn't even have to use a single tracking perk to do it. Then he gets a way to insta-win any terminal engagement because they gave him the ability to stop survivors from vaulting AND pallet dropping AND gaining more madness. Then my skill checks start wheeling around all over the place and backwards because apparently he didn't have enough abilities before. And if that wasn't enough by the end of the game I'm tier 3 all the time so I can't do crap until I clear madness.
But then it gets worse. Because Doctor's don't need tracking perks-what do they choose? I can think of only one that did not run NOED so you know that's always coming 99.9% of the time. I've met a few that do this really crappy thing and run insidious. Why you might ask? Because the Doctor has yet another ability that creates illusory stills of the Doctor that aren't real, so I go down into the basement to unhook thinking that's a still beside the survivor and of course it is not.
If there's lag the skill check problem is compounded. Honestly, if I were trying to make a bad character, I would have come up with the Doctor. I just DC every time I hear his TR or charge go off in the beginning of the match. I'm not proud of it but I refuse to play with them.
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I second this. Hag is despicable. Her hook camping game by proxy, particularly the basement is awful. Anyone is pretty much dead first hook. And her counters are absurdly unbalanced. One is just simply not fun, and doesn’t actually help a great deal: crouching. And the other one is far too overpowered and simply unfair to Hag players: flashlights.
I despise Hag so much. They’re always scummy, and make the game miserable.