A counter to Genrush/How to make trials last longer

As we all know, whenever we repair Generators, heal other Survivors or sabotage Hooks, we have to deal with some Skill checks.Those Skill checks can become more impactful and slow down the game a little bit.Here's how:

Whenever we are repairing, healing or sabotaging and we hit Good Skill checks , the progression will be delayed for X seconds.For example, 5 seconds. During these 5 seconds after hitting a Good Skill check, the meter won't progress.It's similar to Ruin, but the bar won't regress.

Note: Even if you leave the Generator, when you touch it again you will still have to wait for this delay.It can't be skipped.The same applies when someone else touches the Generator.

Whenever we hit Great Skill checks, the progression won't be delayed.Moreover, the 2% progression bump from Great Skill Checks should also be removed.

What do you guys think ?


  • Robb_Stark
    Robb_Stark Member Posts: 87
    edited October 2018

    Oh, this can also help with leaving Hooks sabotaged at 99%.The Skill check which appears when you sabotage the hook at around 97% is annoying and it usually forces you to complete the sabotage action.

    It also makes Stake Out more impactful.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    This won't slow the game down for the same reason Decisive Strike doesn't help new Survivors (like it was supposed to do) or why Ruin isn't very effective against experienced Survivors.

    Experienced Survivors have no trouble consistently hitting Great or difficult Skill Checks, they pretty much ignore any mechanic that tries to make that more difficult.

    Newcomers on the other hand have lots of troubles hitting Great or difficult Skill Checks, they get punished much worse by those mechanics.

    And as we all know, the newcomer Survivors aren't the gen rushers, the experienced ones are.

  • Robb_Stark
    Robb_Stark Member Posts: 87
    edited October 2018

    Skill Checks occur quite frequently during a trial and we are talking about 4 Survivors.It's very possible to hit all Good Skill Checks but I doubt the same applies for Great ones.I've seen Rank 1 Survivors who were affected by Ruin at least twice per Generator.Plus, this hindrance is permanent (unlike Ruin) and it affects all Skill Checks.

    I agree that there might be better ways of slowing down the game though ;)

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Like Doc said, you overestimate the difficulty of skillchecks, Robb.
    That's why Unnerving Presence in itself is a bad perk, an increased chance of skillchecks is benefiting the survivor.