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Resurgence Achievement bugged?
Is it bugged or is it not well explained? I feel like this happens a lot with the achievements, they're not clear.
So I've healed a person while 3 of us were injuried like 3 times. OF COURSE, by the time I healed him/her, only 2 were injuried (since I healed him/her, clearly). So what's the deal here? Is it supposed to be 4 injuried and you heal the first guy so it comes back to 3 injuried? It's not clear... can anyone explain?
When I say "injuried", it means all injuried states, like the achievement description says (hooked, dying, etc...)
Same problem here
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I'm getting them... REEEEALLLY SLOWLY!
I'm at 5/10. There have been a lot of times when 3 of us were injuried and I healed someone. If that would have worked, I'd be at 30/10 by now.
The only reliable way for the achievement to work is if ALL 4 survivors to be injuried and you heal the first survivor (hoping nobody else selfcares or gets healed first).
It's really unintuitive, I don't think it works exactly as the description says, but somehow it's working sometimes.
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It looks to me that it only works when everyone is injured and you heal 1 person.
I'm on 3/10 (highscores says 2/10 for some reason) and I should've been on 15/10 now
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Yes, that's how I got it finally (10/10). I ran empathy, and as soon as everyone was injuried (myself included) I tried to run to the closest survivor and heal him (holding shift so he doesn't want to heal me first).
Luckily and apparently, it takes partial heals, so if you heal a survivor half way, you'd be at 3.5 of the achievement (at least every time I refreshed the steam page, the progress bar would go up a little bit).
Annoying achievement to get, but I finally got them all again 161/161 :-D
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I think it resets every match and by 'full health state' they mean from dying all the way to healthy. so if you dont get someone basically 2 full heal bars before the match is over you dont get it. at least thats what I think.
how can they never explain the proper way to get the achievement. its not this hard. Every time they make a new map the 'complete a specific generator on this map and make it out alive' is also bugged. literally every time. facepalm
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oh, ignore my last comment. I just saw yours
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No, a health state is a health state, from dying to healed are 2 health states. I don't know who writes the steam achievements, but he/she has serious communication problems.
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yes, yes they do. Either that or they are communicating EXACTLY what they are asked to communicate and either the programmers are getting their logic wrong (which begs the question: where are your UNIT TESTS and QUALITY ASSURANCE) or the requirements are being given poorly or are absent entirely.
Also to confirm. I had 3 allies wounded. healed one using 'For the People' which made me broken. Then went to another to heal them 1 full state. Later that match I healed another survivor with the help of an ally and I didnt get a single point that round. That was AT LEAST 1 full health state, PROBABLY 2 and if you can consider 'For the People' healing then that was 3 full health states. It is bugged badly
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Yeah, I remember us 4 being injuried and two of us healed a third person. I didn't get any point (still, I don't remember if I got half of a point, keep in mind I think you get partial points on Steam). I don't know about "for the people", haven't tried it. I remember using empathy, not healing, waiting for everyone to be injuried and then run to a guy and heal him. That was the only reliable way to gain a point that I found.
Luckily, I got it... super annoying achievement to get.
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Same issue here but worse. I already have all the stacks, but didnt get the achievement.
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I don't want to say this for certain but I have a suspicion that when it says "injured, dying or hooked" it doesn't include "being carried by the killer."
My last one took me well over 6 full heals while everyone except me was injured.
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Omg guys, It does not work with stacks but with percentage. You need to heal 1000% of health bar to get it, not just tap heal someone at 99% 10 times - and 3 OTHER survivors has to be injured. Yes they have poorly written achievements, and this is not the only case you'll bump into. It took me like 2 weeks to get resurgence achieve, because it is not that easy - there are a lot of survivors with medkits and self-care these days not caring to wait for you to heal them. If you need help, just go to steam guides tab - there is one very solid guide for achievements. It explains such details of badly written achieves.
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No, that's a steam bug. You probably have 9.7/10 stacks but steams rounds it up to 10/10, so you'll be fine if you do another half of a heal.