Bhvr's allowance of modding by "Fog whisperer"

Every time i watch "The King" for update info i get disgusted at the color saturation mod he uses. bhvr promotes blatant advantage modding like this by making him a fog whisperer. This is the reason crossplay is ridiculous. If you allow people to do this who represent you give console players the option or lighten your freaking game instead of making it darker and even less fair for console players.


  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 330

    Pc should not be crossplayed with console in the first place they should have just kept it steam and windows and switch should be with android and ios as mobile because of the hardware differences, crossplay is a joke yeah turn it off sure with it on i still wait 10+ minutes for ques the dpi the stretched graphics the macros on wiggle yeah crossplay console vs pc not a smart idea i know many console players not wanting to play this if it goes to next gen. Pc has way too many opportunities to cheat the game to deal with on console. But seriously if ios and android are restricted due to the differences in gameplay so shouldnt pc keep it windows vs steam.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 715

    The thing that really frustrates me with this situation is that I’m colourblind and have been begging for accessibility options for years now so I can play the game normally.

    The devs reason for not including accessibility options are to preserve game integrity and stop other people who don’t need the options using them to gain an advantage.

    At the same time for whisperers as well as King use that Nvidia thing to make the game so bright it’s easy to see scratch marks etc which is fine by the devs.

    Yes they can’t stop everyone doing it but they could certainly ask their representatives to keep the game looking ‘as intended’, as people who watch then play will have 2 completely different experiences.

    Things have only gotten worse with the new map updates as things are darker than ever and there’s more ground clutter everywhere.

    If I was on PC I could also do that to adjust things to be easier for me with my colourblindness or switch to low settings like many other streamers to remove the clutter that obstructs scratches etc making normal gameplay difficult.

    No one cares about my struggles though as I’m a colourblind console killer so a minority of a minority of a minority.

    In the meantime I’m losing survivors everytime I hit them and am unable to perform some simple game tasks to even the most basic level of competency.

    I don’t care so much to want to stop other people making their game look so much more vibrant, I just want the same or similar options so I can play normally with colourblindness, and the reasoning for accessibility options being absent holds very little weight when situations like this are considered.

    Please, PLEASE; for the love of God - add colourblind options for those of us who really need them, please!

    If people want to gain an advantage, they will do, it’s no reason to exclude those of us who rely on accessibility for normal play.

    If it’s really that much of an issue, just change scratches to be brighter for everybody, at least we’d all be on a more even playing field rather than it just being the less fortunate that are held back by a lack of accessibility.

    Practically every other game I can think of has had these basic options for years, even last generation of consoles!

  • cripplemagic
    cripplemagic Member Posts: 28

    Teach me how to make colors that vivid then on my tv like why do people think this is the same thing. If we dont have the option on console dont keep making the maps darker.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    PC and console crossplay is fine xbox player btw and I actually enjoy playing against oc players. I actually uploaded a video of me facing a pc streamer and looping him a bit skill is skill no matter the platform.

  • cripplemagic
    cripplemagic Member Posts: 28

    Gratz your playing survivor try playing killer on console on new bedham against people hiding . good luck finding them.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277
  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    I plan killer on new badham oni to be specific I'm still catching 4ks with crossplay on bro you just gotta work on your skill .

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Exactly too much of the console community is scared to verse pc killers.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    yea I'm not it hard but it don't feel any different facing people on ps4.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Yeah pretty much and ever since they improved performance for my xbox it's been way better to play.

  • cripplemagic
    cripplemagic Member Posts: 28

    K ill just play vs pc when i cant hook break pallets or vault half the time. Not to mention auto aim is messed up hard. Im on switch guess all the gamebreaking bugs that we are dealing with should not be a problem for me. I should just be "less scared".

    Im glad you are able to play oni. Right now in berserker mode on switch we are completely unable to vault break pallets or open lockers. Im jealous.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Oh switch actually nevermind switch us at a major disadvantage I'm sorry. Good luck bro.

  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 330

    Clearly you don’t comprehend hardware differences too play killer vs pc swf then we’ll talk.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Yeah I do but you are assuming every pc swf is good that's why you arent improving as a player. Not every swf isna tourny swf. Good equipment does not equal good player.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    I do agree that PC should be taken out of console crossplay but not switch because

    this. Survivor is simple enough that yeah you are at less of an advantage on any console but switch survivors aren't really that far behind regular console players even with joycons. Think about how many Switch survivors you've met, to me its obvious when someone is on PC but switch blends in with the rest of the crowd. For killer it's obviously different, a few killers weren't made to be played on anything but a mouse and keyboard (even in 2020, god i love blight) theres no way in hell you're playing nurse or blight or probably even Oni or billy but I think thats all the more reason they need to be matched up with Xbox and PS4.

    They'd still be the butt of a lot of jokes but if they were paired with mobile players they'd be god among men. Maybe if xcloud and....stadia take off that would be a better fit for them

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I never watched The King before but I checked out one of his videos to see what it looks like so here it is for reference. (That red is really bright!😎)

    For reference I've never seen the devs say anything one way or another about adjusting brightness or contrast, etc, being cheating. The only thing along those lines they did once mention that they might consider cheating is stretching the vertical aspect ratio so that you can see over objects. (I don't know that it's anything they enforce but it might be something they're looking into locking in the game, who knows?)

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Uh no I play killer on console its the same I still 4k at red ranks I still end chases quickly. Also there are still good console nurses, and blights dont downplay yourself as a console player learn to improve.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    Wow so convincing. Im sure you're really telling the truth and aren't just triggered by the dumb PC players saying console players are ######### because they can't stare behind them in chases and 360 mindlessly.

    I've only seen ONE nurse 4k before crossplay and it was me trying to get adapt and once i finally did i stopped playing her all together because shes basically unplayable, Blight too for that matter. Adapt Blight is currently the rarest achievement in DBD with only 0.03% meaning statistically you probably dont have it right? I feel like me having all adapt killer gives me a littttle bit of credibility when talking about the killers on xbox right? Nurse and Blights power are useless almost useless on xbox. It's not because xbox players need to "get better" its because you have faster more precise control with a mouse, not to mention higher frames. Again I played Blight enough to get Adapt AND speed kills (and all of nurses stupid achievements( and im telling you his power lagged every single time. I didnt pull off any of those impressive pinball plays because i would either get stuck on an invisible corner on have my cane go through their body at point blank rang. The only time I got use out of his power is when people were trapped in a straight line and even that wasn't 100%

    Instead of being defensive against people who have 10,000 hours on this game mocking your platform choice why don't you instead advocate for these killers to be optimize for console play?

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Why would I be triggered by pc players? Its literally the same thing. Killer or survivor. As survivor you can still loop as killer you can still kill there is quite literally nothing but different hardware and tools they use.

    There are good nurses on console they are rare yes because controllers vs mouse and the poor console optimization. Atleast with this update the optimization is better for me and alot of other xbox players. Breaking that skill ceiling with controller is possible it just takes.... time. She is far from unplayable even with the bugs.

    Adept blight yeah I dont have it. For a few reasons, I'm a survivor main I'm working on finishing my survivor p3s, I like playing as oni, and I'd have to put more time into him cause adepts at rank 1 are difficult.

    You could of easily got those adepts at rank 20 you having all adepts doesnt give you credibility. It's a achievement which was easier back before emblem system which btw I'm sure you could of gotten atleast up to leather face by 4k mori.

    Once again nurses power is not useless on xbox but blight yeah he could use some fine tuning for console my friend has been telling me his he breaks his thumb turn. Nurse you have no excuse though.

    Frames do play alot and the devs still need to make.the game more optimized but blight is the only killer I'd say on console needs to be changed to suit controller.

    Every one else is doable but my fellow console players are quick to claim disadvantages and how difficult things are. Its only on indoor maps where the frames actually die. Every other map is pretty smooth.

    I think you are exaggerating a bit with lag every power use but there is a console movement bug that effects killers and survivors so you could mean that. You cant be getting stuck invisible walls they fixed his hitboxes dont exaggerate to make your argument stronger it doesnt work.

    Your cane isnt going through there body you are missing. Sure aimassist cucks but that isnt you going through their body. If you are only getting kills when they are straight in a line that's you as the problem.

    My friend who even though says turning needs tombe reworked can still get insane pinball plays and even hit a few on me when we 1v1.

    Finally I'm not being defensive in simply telling you as a console player to work to improve there isnt much of a difference the only problems are optimization which I advocate for.

    You just dont like other console players telling you, you can compete with pc players. One more thing please indent a paragraph space that out it was atrocious to read and type this up.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    Actually i've been playing about a year, Stranger things was my first DLC and i didnt go for adapt for well after that except Myers because he's who i mained.

    As for the rest of your comment you lose ALL credibility lol. Not because you're obviously upset about PC players ######### talking to the point where you say "Its no different!" or the fact that you readily admit that you're a survivor main but because you had the nerve, the audacity to say "Atleast with this update the optimization is better for me and alot of other xbox players.". So you dont play killer AT ALL yet you feel the need to argue that console and PC killers are exactly the same and we all just need to get better so that you can feel justified in your choice of platform. Get adapt nurse, hell get it at rank 20 and then talk to me lol

    Also I wasnt going to mention this because i didnt want to be a dick but i skipped most of your post because you wrote it in basically bullet points and it was mind numbing to read, but then i caught the last of your comment and i think thats how you spell irony lol. Oh and you dont mean indent btw, indenting is where you put a space at the beginning of a paragraph not when you space out every sentence

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Ok so you are a new killer main alright checks out. I have been playing for three. I should mention I have more than 50-70% of the killer adepts. I lost all my credibility because I don't play killer?

    Semi old clip but I'm rank 5 killer right now working my way back up but you get the point. I had the audacity because despite the fact I main survivor I play both sides. Yes pc and console killers is pretty much the same but hey a new killer main from 2019 so it makes sense you have a complaint lol. Get adept nurse I will when I finish p3 50 maxing my survivors I'm hard focusing the side I enjoy more. I typed stuff on my phone and spaced it out appropriately.

    I'm on my pc currently and it looks just fine. On my phone your text looked gross it was a huge block on my pc it looks better but still. Yes I made a mistake on indent I meant spacing but you got the point. Don't skip my text and you would know I said something about playing killer.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Yew entitled sewvivah main, git awff are killer side- I mean dbd forums.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Ewww kiwwa main yew should be happy kiwwas get buffed over and kver.

  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248

    I'm confused where you got "entitled survivor main" when he just said that you can't really reply to all of thay

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    edited September 2020

    The guy who azame responded to called him a survivor main, and I find it funny. I wasn't insulting azame, we are acquaintances I'm just laughing that if you main one side, you have an invalid opinion, according to some people.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    Yeah 100%. Most people main survivor most people have invalid opinions because they simply don't care about the other side lol

    But the reason they couldn't reply is because its not like they have an opinion, they're objectively wrong. I used to see it all the time back in the 360/Ps3 days when the "Pc master race" meme was big/ "There's no difference between the 360 and a PC bro it runs at the max resolution and frames that the human eye can comprehend!"

    Of course they're talking about control more than frames, but still holding on to that, going as far as to say that killers have had HIGHER frames since this update despite this update making the game run worse than ever on both platforms but paratactically consoles and Blight me be the absolute worse killer to be affected by it. This is something anyone who has touched any killer since the update would know, so yeah if you don't play killer then you don't get to have an "opinion" on how apparently killer is running so good that it might as well be on PC. And all those nurses on xbox? They just need to get better! They exist, my friends cousin is a GOD nurse! He also plays overwatch with PC players and STOMPS them because console and PC are the same its all about skill!!!1!!1111!

    I never understood "console wars" if you you're so insecure about your platform why not just switch?

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    LOL wow excuse me you got a 4k as Oni against a bunch of rank 20s with no perks! Holy ######### i had no idea you were such a badass, I take back everything i said Console and PC are obviously the same

    I clicked on your clip to compare stats because your "new killer!" comment probably wouldn't hold up if you compare my 2000 kills to your 200 against perkless rank 20s, but of course you have all that hidden. Dont have your Egirl pfp pic and weird description so trick little kids into following you because yeah people really will be impressed by how many people follow you and not creeped out by the fact that you're targeting children with sexuality. Geez i thought that was only a thing on GTA and Fortnite

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    I wasnt trying to showcase a 4k I was showcasing my rank but if you need me to provide more screenshots of my current rank as killer its 4 right now. Add me on discord Azame#7398 it's easier to provide screen shots there.

    Better yet add menon xbox and lets talk my clips arent private btw also I have about 1.5k plus kills but I'm a survivor main as I have been saying so I mean.

    I never tried to trick little kids into following me I dont see my sarcastic profiles relevancy to our conversation. Is this your way of making me look bad by accusing me of like soft pedophilia? I get I proved you wrong I can provide even more proof with current rankings so I mean what is it?

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    What's sarcastic about it? If anything it could be ironic because you could be mocking the people who do that to get little kids to follow them....but you aren't doing anything different. You had like 600 friends who are mostly little boys who think you are this e girl, there's no joke. And i would HOPE that the only reason you're doing it is to inflate the number of xbox friends you have (something that is sure to impression any and everyone) but it doesn't make what you're doing any less weird.

    Anyway back to the 1.5k, aw that's cute and you're probably rounding up. I thought i was a baby killer but apparently im more experienced than you in a fraction of the time, making you the baby killer yeah? I mean i could see how you could think you're as good as any PC killer slaughtering perkless toddlers but I just don't think you have the perspective of someone who has actually experienced the game.

    PC and Console are different. Im obviously a more accomplished killer than you despite you trying to call me a baby killer and I obviously do very well, no one said console killers are bad. That's like saying console COD players are bad, obviously not true but the best console player wouldn't compare to high level, not even the best PC players because a mouse allows you to point at what you want to die. Just like in DBD they can do things that are impossible with a controller. Even killers that are far from unplayable like Oni, compare your game stomping noobs to a competent PC Oni and try to recreate their curves and more importantly flicks. Its the same right, if you can't do it its just because you need to get better

    Oh and I know your clips aren't private. I saw your pinned post showing off a random Prestiged Claudette in a lobby with you who you claimed was yours, presumably for the benefit of your child followers

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870
    edited September 2020

    Cnat believe I really have to explain myself to a random who is struggling against pc survivors. Let's state with my followers I have 600 followers because of my gears of war 4 days when I played and added everyone and everyone added me back. I cleared my friends list and they still had me. Not because I pretend to be an e girl, and actually my thing literally contradicts me being an e girl so why do you keep bringing this up? I'm not inflating xbox friends btw i dint need anymore I actually have alot because of followers from my years on xbox.

    I would show you screenshots of my kills but you refuse to add me on discordnor give me your gamertag is that a fear to speak to me? I have exactly 1558 kills as killer because well I'm a survivor main and I enjoy survivor more. Does that make me a baby killer no. Kills doesnt mean experience bud you have more kills because you spent more hours on killers.

    I have spent mine on survivor which you cant seem to understand. That screenshot was showcasing the bad mmr when they activated it. Once again I can show you more recent screenshots but you remain your anonymity because you rather not be called out directly.

    PC and console have hardware differences skill wise you can be pretty much the same though time and effort. I never called you a baby killer I said new killer main as in a killer main who got this game after the old days, after the game was super survivor sided.

    Oni flicks arent hard on console they are easy I am an oni main I can speak on this first hand honestly his kanabo is weird you can like hit through walls and stuff but I digress. Dbd is lnt a shooter that's why mouse doesnt matter much even to range killers you can become good with time. You disregard this and downplay your console abilities as an excuse to not improve.

    That pinned screenshot is once again a joke it clearly isnt my claudette as the characters are always the ones in the right. It was a joke because if you couldnt tell their was a legacy 2 claudette which I thought was cool. Back to accusing me of this pedophiles nonsense.

    I'm gonna end this and say either tell em your discord or xbox gt and talk to me directly. Stop accusing me of like predatory behaviour. It's not cool. Also we can always play games in kyf like 1v1 chases or even put together whole teams to scrim. I know you wont though because people like you use that anonymity to hide their cowardice ways. Either add me on either platform or this conversation is done the claims you are making is huge and making me quite uncomfortable.


  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    Kind of skimmed through that because you're for some reason upset at me, a fellow xbox gamer.....maybe because I called you out for having a profile targeting kids. Jk i know you profile is actually sarcastic! I mean its because you added a bunch of people on gears or.....well whatever story you go with im sure it makes sense!

    But through the mishmash of letters you told me that kills don't equal experience, I only have more kills because ive played more killers....which is experience. You actually attacked me for having only played since 2019, specifically calling me a baby killer. So according to you time = experience right? I mean you've played since it came out which is 4 times longer than me.....but you still only have 3/4th of the kills? But like you said i have spent more hours as killer so obviously you kind of made my argument for me but i want to make sure that you understand that not only do i have more kills than you in less time, you had 4x the amount of time on the game as me.

    So basically my 2k kills in a year matches up to your 375 kills a year. Ouch. And you know whats really funny? This whole post is about why PC is different console, you got offeneded and attacked me and told me i didnt know what i was talking about because I haven't played enough so my opinion (Not that PC has a higher skill cap than console is an opinion its an objective fact) didnt matter. So by that logic now that we know i have wayyyyyy more experience than you (do the math per year and its 5 times more than you when you had played as much as me) doesn't that mean you don't know what you're talking about?

    According to you

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    You are accusing me of paedophilia that is a huge claim to make. I got thus xbox one in 2016 having 600 followers us not far fetched.

    I never attacked you but I did however say as a new killer main you are complaining about non issues. You have more kills because out of your time on dbd you played more killer than me. However I've been playing killer longer than you I have more experience than you. Never called you a baby killer. You are a new killer main. I've spent my time into survivor that's why you have 500 more kills than me roughly. But you cant seem to grasp the fact that I am a SURVIVOR MAIN I spend my time into survivor mainly.

    Yes I have less kills because I am a survivor main. As this is game isnt a competitive shooter pc cant objectively have a higher skill cap. Your inexperience in the game is why I called you out. Making these claims as you are struggling against pc survivors. You still dont have more experience because I have been for one playing killer since the dark times.

    Once again either give me the gamer tag kt this over. You are literally ignoring these questions and purposely ignoring my points by skimming through my post to provide a weak argument.

    @MandyTalk I'm being accused of pedophilia

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    No i didn't I said it was strange to make a profile with the specific intention of alluring young boys to follow you. You also did call me a baby killer which i think matters less to you since you go at length to explain even though you have a fraction of my kills in 4 times the span you have more experience then me because you played it dad played football as a kid so ig he knows more than the majority of the NFL?

    No of course it doesn't make since you wrote in a fit of rage after repeatedly attacking me because i stated the simple fact that PC is different than consoles and that hurt your feelings even though we literally share a platform. So then you go asking for my GT and tagging a mod accusing me of calling you a pedophile which i very clearly did not do, i actually broke down exactly why you're doing what you're doing because its for some reason a very common thing on xbox and its weird. Speaking of weird

    @MandyTalk I'm being accused of making false pedophilia allegations

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Ok so you are telling me making a profile to attract young boy is pedophile behaviour which is what you are accusing me of doing despite the fact it's my main account and I play on it all the time. Never called you a baby killer me saying a new killer main means you joined in a recent date and main killer rather than an earlier one. You might not be a baby but you definitely are a new killer main.

    I have 1558 kills which is exactly 442 less than you. I have more experience because I've been playing killer longer than you. I've been through harder challenges and it's made me a better player and made me improve far more than you could in 1 year.

    It never hurt my feelings pc is different than console *hardware wise* not skill wise. Sharing a platform means nothing you still refuse to give me the gt so we could at the very least talk in a party. I'm accusing you when you keep saying ok trying to ATTRACT young boys. I dont make about you but thags what a pedophike would do what so you call that?

    So all in all dont accuse me of this predatory behavior and maybe try to improve your skills pc is better in terms of the hardware and performance because the fps can hit triple digits but despite all of that you can still be a great player.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    Wow you know you cut the fat off that you're saying is exactly what i've been saying this whole time, what a tone shift where did that come from? I mean you're still trying to ######### talk me, probably because you based your whole argument off of me not having enough experience and it turns out you have much less than me, but you basically said "Im as good as i can be on xbox!"

    Now who said there were no great players on xbox? Who said your platform had anything to do with skills? Some dumb PC players who got you triggered enough to rage at length about something you know very little about. Who cares? They don't care, they're not thinking about you. If you watch PC gameplay you'd see that the EGC is normally survivors attacking other survivors for their deaths, blaming them for anything. Hell i get messages on xbox like and it takes 4x as much effort so im not sure why you think that stating a basic fact that you just acknowledge you understand (That PC has an advantage because of hardware) is something no one was ever going to bring up. If you get that mad about it you could just ignore it, its not like people in game can message you.

    Oh and you should should still do something about your weird bait profile. I dont need to explain why because you went at lengths to explain it for me meaning you know exactly why its wrong. Or maybe at least tone up on that "sarcasm" mocking the people who make profiles like that to bait young boys into following them because if there was a hint of irony it went over my head....and the 500 something kids