Game Mode Ideas

It's 2:46AM when I started, bear with me here.

Campaign Mode:

For each level you play a different Survivor and have to complete different objectives as if they had just entered the fog, the only usable perks are their teachables. For every Survivor you play, you have to play a killer whom follows those same rules.

This helps people practice with different killers, and the bots (both killer and survivor) can be programmed more efficiently to actually play against as if real people.

Killers is my main focus though because all the abilities are different, for each level of the campaign completed, your receive 25k bloodpoints. For every 5 levels, you get 50k and a charm.

Unranked Mode:

I feel that if there was an unranked mode, this would discourage people to play like try-hards (with few exceptions that still do). It'd be casual, no rank, no BP, just for fun. Disable perks like OoO and Noed (small examples), remove moris and keys from this mode too.

It'd just be relaxed. You can still play with your friends, and you are able to choose which killers you don't wanna play against, and killers can opt out of SWF in this mode too. If you wanna disconnect, okay, there is no penalty because it is casual.

Newcomer Mode:

This is sorta like a secondary practice ground. Players from Rank 20-15 are put within this area. Yes, there will be smurfs here and there, but it'll allow new players to be paired with those within the same level, instead of red ranks.

Finished writing at 2:56AM
