All The Great Things About Descend Beyond And The One Thing That Ruins It

I'll be splitting this into sections for the sake of readability.
Map Changes
We didn't get a new map, and instead got the first part of the graphics update. And I for one love it, I love the way it looks and the maps are actually more enjoyable. I'll take this over some new crappy layout to complicate things any day.
Felix is great. His lore is the best in a while imo and his design is cool. While his perks could be better they certainly have they're uses.
I love him, I love his design and his ability and how much he changes the way you think about the map. Hes one of the most interesting killers lorewise, being focused more on the Entity's realm itself instead of the standard backstory, though that is still pretty cool. I love his addons, they are almost all useful and strong. I am also a big fan of the way hes balanced, being done extremely well. The only thing I think he could use is a small buff to his turning speed. His perks are actually great, Dragons Grip has some cool uses and Undying is the biggest killer perk since Corrupt on Plague. Blood Favor is a little disappointing but at least its decent on small maps. Big fan of this guy.
The One Thing That Ruins It
After all the greatness I just spoke about, you might wonder about what could tank my enjoyment of it. Some of you probably guessed, it's the bugs. I have been playing this game since it came out and I am so sick and tired of something cool getting bogged down and torn up by the fact the team can't hire more bug fixers. I want nothing more than to open this game and enjoy all the new content. But I just can't. Instead I try playing killer and I can't hook survivors; Alright fine, I'll play survivor. Oh wait, I can't ######### hear anything. Don't even get me started on Freddy. Getting tunneled off hook by killer? Good thing you brought DS, oh wait its broken and you got downed anyways.
Devs, I am pleading with you here. For the hope of the Entity, hire more bug fixers. There are so many friends I have that would play this game outside of KYF if it wasn't being broken every few months. Of course some bugs just slip through the cracks sometimes, and thats fine, but there is no excuse for the sheer amount of these damn things.
Thanks or reading this yall and stay safe out there. I hope to see you in the fog.
Thank god not the only one that thinks Blight is awesome also I agree with the turn and also maybe raise the camera a little higher so we can see if a Survivor is behind a box.
Also glad they made the Gentleman outfit since he looks and feels alot like Mr Hyde.
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Hell yeah dude, blight is my main, and I think this is the best chapter since demogorgon. Strong, fun, balanced killer which the art team did a great job on designing. A survivor with 2 extremely underrated perks and some great map updates that look aesthetically pleasing. ######### the hook bugs though, and the flashlight changes.
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I totally forgot about his POV, I'm really surprised they haven't changed it. I could have sworn it was just another bug at first.
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I wish it was a bug but sadly no, and maybe they should make it so Blight can slide a tad bit incase he is stuck on something since kind find that annoying sometimes. I just really hope they Buff Blight instead of nerfing since he is pretty balanced since all he does is bounce off things and runs very fast because of it.
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Blight is really limited on console. And that is an issue, that he is good on PC, but not on console... I want to play as him, but I get more frustrated with him than I do as Nurse, and I hate nurse. : P
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Felix's perks are definitely underrated. Bond for generators makes indoor maps more tolerable. Made some decent comebacks with Desperate Measures. And Built to Last I'm surprised I don't see more of. It's made for maps and flashlights.
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I feel the same. Some of these bugs are so game breaking that they just completely suck the fun out of the game which is such a shame because blight is so fun even if he is hard to use
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Im amazed no one has gotten a free wiggle out on my when I have to try 3 to 4 times to hook them. Don't even understand how that bug would show up, they didn't do anything with the hooks. Same with DS, most of the bugs don't have anything to do with the stuff they changed.
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I like to imagine it in my head like this:
DbD community: wow, can we please get all these bugs fixed please? It's getting so hard to enjoy playing DbD.
BHVR: Oh, about some Greek themed skins though?
DbD community: uh, ok thanks but about those bugs...
BHVR: Yup, we hear what you're saying but in the meantime what about crossplay? And then did you say you wanted new characters and a change to the graphics? Because here's some graphics changes on two maps, a new killer and a new survivor-isn't the game great fun now?
DbD community: WOW thanks! ...ummm...about those old bugs though, some of them seem worse and there's some new ones-any chance at all you'll get these fixed so the game isn't so painful to play?
DbD community: did you say you wanted Oktoberfest skins? No problem guys!
I've got some ranty thread I've been working on in my head but the highlights from the last month playing on PS4 are irregular CE-34878 blue screen of death, lag spike games (500 ms for one, 1020 ms for another 😆 jumping back 1 second in time gets trippy) and in crossplay PC killers getting hitboxes on you so big you just have to laugh at getting downed halfway up some stairs while the killer is still on the ground 😂.
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Tbh, it makes sense The Blight doesn't have his own map. In Talbot's lore, he is known to travel through different realms at will, so every map is universal to him in reality.
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I hope they fix ds soon, was being chased after I got unhooked against a pig on the swamp map and was in a really great looking location, I was downed and still had a few seconds of ds available so I used it and started to loop again only to be downed before I could even get to the vault location which was only a few more steps away. I still have yet to fight a blight tho, I tried him out but since I'm console it's really hard to play him. I'm also trying to lv up felix to play him since I only have like 3 survivor at lv 50 while my others are below 10, I would play killer but I'm not very good at it so I kinda stick to survivor for BP.
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Sometimes it wont let me hook at all and I'm actually kinda sick of it. Also when I play the plague and use vile purge I just lag and teleport its very frustrating atm
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Our poor Plague just can't catch a break can she? She's had something wrong with her since dedicated servers came out. Everytime they fix something about her, 2 more things break. It actually blows my mind.
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I like the Blight character and perks. Bumping face first into objects is kinda funny and Definitely dumb. I don't get this power concept??? to odd. Felix is all around generic looking and has perks that I don't see a lot of use in. I'm surprised ya'll like it.
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He's a really interesting killer and I'd like to play him more, but his viewheight makes him pretty much unplayable for me. Trying to see anything in this game is hard enough when you're colorblind, and having the camera be in your belt buckle doesn't help that any.
Also shoutouts to it not matching his visual representation, being even lower than his head when accounting for the hunchback. If it was intentional for it to be that low, he should have at least had some "running on all fours" animation with the cane in his mouth or something :D
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i think the one thing that ruins it for me is the huge amount of missed potential the blight could have had, lore wise.
sadly his story is just another stereotypical "killer backstory" -> obsession over something, tragic event happening, ruthless methodes to get his objective done (willingly risking lifes), unstable mental health, abducted by the entity and made a killer.
just for a second, imagine him not having this backstory. imagine him being a normal person, interested in chemistry and biology, who was abducted by the entity as a survivor and experienced the fog from that perspective - but instead of losing hope, he started researching the place he was in and found out about the Blighted Serum earned from the Postula Petal Flowers. during his research however, he was ambushed by the Trapper, who (which now makes sense) tried to kill him.
during their fight however he injected himself with the serum and became super powerful for a limited time - which he used to beat the Trapper and chain him up in that old house, experimenting on him and the effects the serum in different doses had on the human body. however, the strength he gained that one time he injected himself with the serum had a price, as he became extremely addicted to it and started injecting himself with it more and more. Until the Event ended, he could no longer get more serum and his supply started running out, which lead to great despair on his part, where he actually begged the entity to give him more of the serum, he would do whatever it wanted from him.
This resulted in a deal with the entity, where he would turn against the survivors he previously teamed up with and started sacrificing them for the entity, in exchange he would be granted unlimited access to the Postula Petal flowers, so he could extract as much serum as he liked.
a story line like this would have had so much more potential.
we could have learned so much more about the entity, about the different worlds within it (e.g. the "Void") and what the entity even is.
HE could have been like the guy from the Tomes, another person educated in the entity, maybe they could have had some interesting interactions aswell (thats still possible, but different).
thinking about all of this just results in me being disappointed in this chapter - which is kinda weird, considering the awesome visuals, the interesting power and the fun perks this chapter brings.