I'm starting to think the blight is just a noob stomper

I see so many people praising this killer but in that same breath they only beat survivors who know how to do nothing but hold forward and die for free..I'm getting frustrated with every tile being " welp have no power, welp have no power..oh look he stepped two steps left? Damn chant turn..you wanna know what I think now?.. I think blight is being carried by the terror radious bug..giving him tons of free hits..because if a survivor isnt a doofus hes got such easy counterplay that he goes from fun to rage inducing...and I wanted to believe he had potential..but now I believe it less and less because the actual good survivor players are making him out as a joke
Pretty much. That tight angle is his Achilles' heel and I'm surprised not many people have realised that. Just a simple turn to the left or right and he's effectively useless. Even running up to him at an angle or when he's in his first rush is a massive kick in the sack.
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There is one flaw to that theory, however:
Blight can turn up to 90 degrees if the player maximizes their turning on their mouse.
As soon as that cane goes up, there is a split second of control where the player can turn him to a 90-degree angle from his original facing direction. With proper reading and baiting techniques, Blight can easily hit Survivors who try to juke him.
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It's annoying because everyone is having a blast and hes already got an addon nerf incoming but it's going to be a complete ######### show come a month
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You don't believe me? I can prove his crazy turning angle power. I've done it plenty of times before.
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ANY killer is technically a "noob stomper"
But within the context of your statement, you can't run the Blight like he's other killers. Same way that you can't run in a straight line against someone like Hillbilly. Each killer has their own "rules of engagement" and it's up to the players to learn what each rule set is. It just seems like your opponents HAVE learned the Blight's rules and are playing accordingly.
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Please do..because every time I swing it stops at 45 degrees
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And by playing his rules made him garbage..fantastic
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I see so many people calling this killer weak because they are too scared to try him in loops and don't realise you are supposed to swing at where they will be, not where they are.
Is it because I was a Plague/Slinger main that I just fell I to that playstyle? I know it's a thing that only those two and Huntress even need to bother attempting.
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The issue is it's a melee attack..it makes sense with the other killers..but when I can just run sideways and the blight can't touch me as a result there's something wrong here
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Hes almost as big as trapper and he has hags camerw
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But... But I can touch you. Even if you run around debris... I'm right there and you don't have a loop. Time to get a thwack.
Also, if he had any more control he would actually be OP.
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I've heard nclean has said itll be raised but can't confirm..I did hear him say they've gotten feedback that it bothers people..and rightly so
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No..if it was the same as oni it would be fine ..oni one shots and can turn better than blight ffs
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No. I would literally never lose a trial. That would actually be stronger than Nurse. A killer who always has the best mobility in the game AND you cannot dodge no matter what you do? A killer who literally doesn't care about having to hit you twice because you're going down 5 seconds later? GGs.
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I believe the default swing angle is 45 degrees, but coupled with the camera turn prior to the swing, you can get a lot more out of it, as well as weave through some obstacles due to the length of the lunge.
There's definitely spots where you can't use your power... which is normal, that's how powers work.
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If your in the open you should expect to be punished..that logic is ludicrous
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Except when even in the limited space you have to attack you can be side stepped with no effort
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When survivors are out in the open when you are about to hit them, I believe just not lunging and just tapping M1 when you're right at the survivor will do the trick. Don't think survivors can properly dodge the attack if you do it right, but I am honestly not sure.
When they are around an object, you can strafe a bit so you are looking in the direction the survivor is, and then when you swing you can actually cover a fair distance around the object, more than 90 degree, but not 180 degree.
From what I am experiencing his lunge seems fine, if played right you can get enough hits against survivors with lethal rush, even if they know how to counterplay Blight. However I am not 100% sure.
Of course survivors do need that counterplay as well, if the turning was too good, dodging would possibly become a bit too hard.
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Honestly, it just sound alike you're bad at Blight. If I see a survivor in the open, they get hit, whether they dodge or not.
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Frankly, I've found that one of Blight's biggest strengths is unpredictability.
I've hit Survivors with Lethal Rush both head-on and by coming at weird angles. If Survivors can't EXPECT you to hit them a certain way, they won't juke it so much knowing you might use a different tactic.
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It can be, depending on the area. But not every hit needs to be in a chase, catching people out of position is as much a part of the game as nailing them in chases. Unpredictable or difficult angles work great, because you can reposition SO fast. They're used to dealing with you having to just follow them in a relatively slow straight line. Blight can work around that, work through it.
I don't consider myself some master player at all, but I'm really getting the hang of him, even went up against Superaaronnova last night after the tournament was over. Didn't appear to be a SWF or anything, but I could tell he was very good at dodging my attacks and definitely was the hardest to bring down, but eventually you run out of places to work with.
Again, not some super 4-man SWF killsquad, obviously just a bunch of solo players and not even rank 1s at that, but I get those, too. Sometimes I beat them, sometimes they beat me, but I do well enough to stay at rank 1 just using Blight, y'know?
Blight's really good, but you can absolutely dodge him. That's fine, that's good. I think his relative power level will even out as the survivor base gets used to how to deal with him, but I'm not terribly worried because frankly when I catch you out of position, there's nothing you can do. I can get right up on you and my lunge will even make it through your entire Dead Hard.
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That goes for ANY killer, not just the Blight.
My two best examples of this are the Clown and the Legion. Against a Clown, you avoid chases or pre-drop pallets nullifying his gas bottles and making him near useless. Same goes for Legion, keep healing up and they either stop using their power altogether OR they never really secure a down because of how Feral Frenzy operates.
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But how does that help 9nce u are in full sprint and then the surv turns? You seen to be missing the point.
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E? I only have X, Y, A and B!
As for the camera, yes. It needs to be shifted up slightly. Stealth, though, is an incredibly effective technique against all killers, bar the Doctor at base kit. Detection perks do help, but they don't stop he issue.
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Lol I'd wager your wrong
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Yeah terror radius fix could make him harder to get free hit but POV change gonna make his tracking better
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It might just be a complete coincidence, but my performance as the Blight noticeably increased when I unlocked Hex: Ruin to pair with Hex: Undying.
Is the Blight really that good or survivors just unable to do bones ?
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If the Survivor jukes you, it's often directly to your left or right, yes?
By doing what I like to call a "Point-Turn", Blight goes from a measly 45° angle to a 90° angle as soon as he winds up for the swing.
Survivor goes right, you wait and bait out their turn, and you Point-Turn after them, smacking them anyway.
I have no idea if this is intended, but I hope it is. It's a ridiculous tech.
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I can't play him right something not fun.
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No idea
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Can you explain in detail exactly what you're doing? Like which stick are you turning and when and how quickly argue attacking after turning the stick? A video tutorial would definitely help the whole community on YouTube. Would definitely get a like and sub from me
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I play on PC, so there is no *stick*. It's a pretty simple concept, as well. You turn toward your target, and just before you lunge, start moving your mouse in the direction you want to go. The harder you flick your mouse, the further you turn, up to 90 degrees.
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So yea controller users are not wrong when they say he's ######### then. Its not them not knowing how to play him. They have a valid complaint
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But I can't tell who plays on what unless they go out and state that beforehand. Controller players will ALWAYS be at a disadvantage, no matter what the context is. Controllers are inferior to mouse and keyboard in all aspects, IMO.
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This again.. I'm doing pretty well with him at rank 1. You have to be creative with his power and turning addons are insanely good for making sure you hit your target. Most of the time if i miss it was my fault or the survivor was just barely around a corner or something. That's frustrating but do you really think you should get EVERY hit? Dead hard is a nuisance but that's about it.
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And this is why you wait with changes untill people learned how to play.
Survivors have started to figure out what to do against blight
Now we wait to see if Blight can do something against their counterplay
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Something many blight players might miss is: You play blight all the time so you get better faster then survivor (cuz they play against different killers). Give em a few weeks and they will start to juke blight left and right (atleast in red ranks).
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That is the single piece of advice that I can suggest as well, if they're out in the open, take just a few milliseconds to get even closer (if you have enough time). And in rush Blight runs at 230% speed compared to the survivors 100% run speed, most of the time when the Blight is that close, it's almost guaranteed you'll get the hit. I save lunges for when they're at a pallet or going for a window, or when my rush is about to end. It's pretty crazy how much of a difference that made when I started doing that.
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Still iffy
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on thing is learning the rules and the other is when it is literally 1 move that works 99% of the time even if blight expects it.
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So the Blight's rules are easier to follow.........
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dude, if killer can be countered completely by making simplest flick this is not okay.
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Mate, that's if he is relying on his POWER for downs. You don't have to use it!
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and nurse is a noob stomper and billy is a noob stomper and huntress is a noob stomper and oni is a noob stomper and hag is a noob stomper
your always get stomped as a noob
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lol. my friend with over 10k hours literally never loses playing blight. hes fun and good, dont buff him more plz, not to mention his ADDONS peepoWTF
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That Doesn't mean anything tho..the matchmaking is non existent..
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i played against him with me and my swf with like 15k total hours and we still lost hard
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Then you're not a good swf lol