The person On the hook should be able to give themselves Borrowed Time

Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117
edited September 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Regardless of how you play and what you think of it, tunneling off the hook and getting someone dead quickly is the easiest way to win as killer. 4 survivors alive = 1 in chase and 3 on gens, while 3 survivors alive = 1 in chase and 2 on gens, meaning 33% of potential gen progress is lost when 1 survivor dies.

There's already a big power level difference between swf and solo, aside from no comms not having reliable teammates as a result of bad matchmaking really hurts the solo experience. This change to BT would make solo stronger (which it desperately needs) and actually work to counter Freddy's BT counter (which is pretty dumb).

The game punishes solo survivors for not being in a swf and rewards killers for not playing around perks because they know they're playing against solo trash. Time to fix this.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811 Currently there is a plethora of ways (perks) the Survivors can use to negate Killer play, we don´t need more of those.

    I agree though that solo should recieve some buffs to bring them closer to SWF. As someone who has never played as SWF before I know the ins and outs of frustration that comes with it, but getting tunneled off hook is more often than not the correct play for the Killer. This is why DS is so popular, as it forces Killers to play suboptimally.

    Qeueing as Survivor you have to accept that this is a possibility, just like getting slugged or Moried.

    Qeueing as Killer you have to accept the possibility that you will be forced to run around a car 12 times before the pallet is dropped, you could be sent to Ormond and hence be forced to kick 35+ safe pallets, that hooks will be prevented via flashlight, sabo or bodyblocking, that 4 Survivors use DS+UB and hence rendering you with basically no options, etc etc.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,007

    What you're describing is the exact reason why DS still exists. BT is already strong as is.

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    DS+Unbreakable is a stupid combo that you shouldn't have to rely on and gets countered by mori's.

    Swf groups already all have BT, If you're playing solo and you bring BT you deserve to have it work for your unhook.

    Sorry but you are completely wrong, this BT buff would help a lot for game balance.

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    DS is a dumb perk that doesn't just counter tunneling but also counters the killer playing well in general. DS should be reworked and BT should be enough.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited September 2020

    I remember when BT applied to both the unhooked and the unhooker. That was broken and I am glad they changed it to what it is now. Out of all the perks survivors have I feel BT is the most balanced.

    OP, I think your issue is your team. They are the problem, not the game itself. They should either bring BT or make a safe save. If no safe save is possible then they should do gens. Honestly I think that should be one of the tips in the loading screen. "If the killer is giving you no chance to make a rescue, then don't."

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    No lol

    On top of that, DS should also not proc if survivor unhooks themselves. It is you who decides to unhook yourself in killer's reach, you deserve to be punished for that and not getting carried by perks and other bullshit

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited September 2020

    Again, the problem isn't the perk. It works fine the way it is. SWF is OP as sin but I don't feel solo needs a buff. Solo can always git gud. SWF more likely needs a nerf or killer needs some sort of buff when facing a swf.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    "I don't feel solo needs a buff"

    This quote means your opinion doesn't matter, cheers.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    If you can't handle someone having an opposing opinion than stay off the internet. Or move to California :P

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    What this ######### game needs its comms and balance maps, perks, killers and survivors action. You know what that mean? Erase the game and start again.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    You know what as a survivor main now i agree 100%, also the person unhooking should also get BT and DS should activate once per hook state. Also make it to wear Exhaustion still fills up if you're running, how hard is that!

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    You're not entitled to a free protection hit off hook. Learn how to play safer, and play with people that know how to play safer.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871
    edited September 2020

    Yeah and you're not entitled to a free protection hit. You realize the killer is a person too. If your team is bad and can't make safe saves against unique killers that affect the terror radius (or perks), that doesn't mean the perk needs to be changed. The players need to get better.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2020

    Im honestly being genuine killer is too frustrating so i main survivor now, why not give me self BT to pair with my deliverance and let me DS afterwards. Might as well

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    "You can't rely on your teammate to make BT work so you should bring DS every game"

    Why not just have BT work for your unhook and not have to use DS?

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    How can anyone argue for a counter to hook farm into mori it blows my mind, SWF ALREADY HAVE 4 BT"S, let solo have some anti tunnel insurance without using nonsense DS+Unbreakable combo.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    Its because if you're a competent survivor the last thing on your mind is "anti tunnel" lol

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    This entire thread is starting to look like bait. Your pretty much rejecting anyone who doesn't agree with you. Also, ending your sentence with cheers doesn't make your arguement more compelling.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    You're joking right? You got caught, your on the hook. You can't do anything for yourself. Your entire life depends on your teammates. It's an Asymettrical game, you can't face the killer alone. Period. In all 1v1 situationst he killer should be stronger than you. You have to rely on your team to play better than you if you REQUIRE to use hooks to escape.

    If you don't like that, don't play an Asymetrical game, maybe CIV 5 is more your speed.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871
    edited September 2020

    Learn to play better so you don't get caught in the first place.

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    My whole point is that solo matchmaking sucks and you can't rely on your teammates, this BT buff wouldn't fix that but it would help a lot. You seem pretty dumb for not realizing this.

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    "Just don't get caught 4Head" ya that's a good one, I also like "Just apply more pressure 4Head", that's ones also pretty good.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,700

    Since OP keeps insulting and attacking whoever shares a different opinion, I decided to close this thread.

This discussion has been closed.