Top five killers you want added to dbd

Who are your top five killers you want added to dbd?
for me
jason vorheeves
jeepers creepers
candy man
Candyman x5
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Jason, chucky, and that´s about it as far as I´m concerned with licensed Killers.
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Chunky would be interesting but he is a little short I think. You wouldn’t see see him in the tall grass or even the medium grass. And there is the hooking problem
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I think the Terminator, Predator, Alien, Chucky, and Candyman would be cool. Jason isn't coming no question about it.
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Pennywise, Alien, Candyman, Jason, The Thing
I do want to point out to @ArthurDent and @Maperson Jeepers Creepers will never be coming to the game. And I mean that seriously with a certainty that I cannot say for any other license (even something booty like Fnaf). Unfortunately the director and/or license holder for Jeepers Creepers has been criminally charged as a pedophile or molester or something along the lines. Basically the guy is someone BHVR would never in a million years would never want to be affiliated or associated with in any way, shape, form, or fashion. Another way I heard it put is "he is someone they would never want to give money to" (because that's how licenses work, they purchase the license to use it).
I believe I faintly recall Mathieu Cote touching on the topic a long, long time ago saying they/he would never want to work with someone as "disgusting" as him. Jeepers Creepers for sure isn't a new suggestion and one that's cropped up every now and then (typically from new players who aren't aware) for years, but it's an idea that never lifts off the ground even slightly because of this information.
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Red from Us
Carrie White
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Yeah, I figured as much but it wasn't specified in OP description of the original thread if we were talking "any killer regardless of technical, legal, or other limitations" so I thought it needed to be re-clarified anyway just in case.
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SCP Of Some Kind
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Maybe even Candyman
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1. Jason is a given, he is the main slasher we're missing. I am sure if it is doable he will join the killers. However he wouldn't be that different to what already is in the game, still I'd like to have the full set of them.
2. I would love to see a vampire themed killer. I'm not too bother which movie he or she comes from. Thinking about it, it might be pretty cool having a female vampire, since so many of the other killers are male.
3. Pinhead, I enjoyed the movies. He would fit well into the game.
4. The Tall Man from Phantasm. He uses these metal spheres, bigger than a fist.
5 Candyman, he could be entertaining to have.
I've never really considered Alien before a few people mentioned it on this forum. The possibilities are intriguing, getting a face hugger attached to a survivor could be quite the dilemma.
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oger or ork
Sirene or harpyie
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Well, sorry to say, but in this line of work (Video games, Movies, and other media) the two are inextricably linked. Especially since the guy who was actually convicted filled those movies with subtle hints and jokes about Molestation and #########, which makes the connection even stronger the reminder even more ever present, and just in general all around even creepier (not in a horror kind of way, in a bad way).
And I know somebody will probably tell me "Freddy Krueger is a pedophile, so why would it matter if Jeepers Creepers makes those subtle allusions to pedophilia?" to which I will readily respond right now, because nobody on the crew least of all the director Wes Craven himself actually do any of those horrible things in real life.
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Well that sucks about keepers creepers. That is him scribed. So replace him with pumpkinhead
i am surprised at the little interest in pinhead. He is one of the larger killer franchises and the first couple were great movies too
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Results are in
candyman 7 votes
jason 6 votes
alien 5 votes
penny wise 4 votes
pinhead and chucky 3 votes
predator and jeepers 2 votes
one vote for
the thing
tall man
dentist ogre orc
iren harpy
other ideas are
Jack the Ripper
vlad the impailer
creature from the black lagoon swamp monster
ben Willis (I know what you did d last summer)
jack torrenz ( shining)
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For me, personally, I'd like them to branch out a little more from horror movies and such - like they did with Silent Hill (even though that was an iffy branch out because of the live-action film).
I'd like to see:
- Chucky - Actually tiny, actually terrifying.
- Dullahan (Headless Horseman) - Obviously without a horse; ranged killer that throws his "head" to damage survivors.
- Slenderman
- Vlad the Impaler - Though this might be hard given he is considered a national hero in Romania.
- Pennywise - This one should have been a given, but with the surge of IT craze I bet it's licensing fees are ridiculous.
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Love the headless horseman idea!!! Throwing the head is genius
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Literally the miss and cooldown animation could be the head whirling back to the killer - with his vision "tied" to the head, so like you throw it and your camera "follows" the head until it hits or misses - then the head flies back to the killer and your camera is locked looking at your body as it soars back to you (since the animation is meant to "hide" where Survivors run too, sometimes. Most animations of wiping weapons you can still see the survivor run.)
Edit: Or leaving your head somewhere like a "camera" that you can check with your power and/or teleport back to.
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Yep! Very cool!!!!
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I don't want Jason in the game because we already have Trapper. Maybe Jason can be a legendary skin for Trapper. Also Chucky is a dumb suggestion.
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I'm in LOVE with the game DbD. Its such a Thrill! And if I could suggest some Killers (as well Survivors or Stage Levels) I will say:
- Cenobite Hell Priest (a.k.a PinHead) - With Kirsty Cotton as a Survivor and the Labyrinth as the new Stage Level;
- Candyman - with Helen Lyle as Survivor and the Cabrini Green ruins as the new Stage Level;
- The Thing - with MacReady as the Survivor and the Antartica Research Station as the New Stage Level;
- The Headless Horseman - with Ichabod Crane as the Survivor and the Sleepy Hollow’s Bridge Surroundings as the New Stage Level;
- The Bloody Countess (the Myth of Erzsebet Bathory) - with a young anthropologist as a Survivor and a Hungarian autumnal forest as the New Stage Level.
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Nurarihyon from Gantz x5
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I wanna be honest with you guys.
Even though I allways wanted Pyramid Head (And they ended up adding them) for me personally I doesn't care which killer they add next.
Because at the end of the day it's about his power level.
If they add my favorite killer and he sucks, there won't be any fun playing him on higher ranks.
For me it's all about design/power level/fun level.
They could literally add a little fairy from Winx Club and I'd play her if shes strong and fun to play.
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Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf
The Horribly Slow Killer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon.
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An iconic enemy from an indie game would be cool, like Amnesia or Cry of Fear for example.
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Alien, Jason, Jeepers Creepers, Jack the Ripper, and Chucky/Bride of Chucky.
For Chucky/Bride of Chucky, I would like to see them both appear on the map and the killer gets to play one or the other and switch between the two. Play would be similar to Hag and her teleports. To hook a survivor the two would work in unison, basically where ever the downed survivor is the other doll would teleport to and help carry the survivor to the hook, then teleport back to their starting position.
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- Jason Vorhees (Friday the 13th)
- Eve (Parasite Eve)
- Nemesis (Resident Evil)
- Pinhead (Hellraiser)
- The Fisherman (I know what you did last summer)