Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Should myers be buffed?



  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Most gens don't have LOS with enough distance to avoid getting hit when he is spotted. A jungle gym is just one example. A little terror radius would be fair because he still has the stalking power for 1-shot. Imagine a Myers Tier 2 with no terror radius on demand. Ridiculous. Both preschool buildings with breakable walls is now killer sided, I've never seen a killer break the walls because of this, just another killer buff that never ends.

  • Member Posts: 27

    -Remove Tier 1.

    -Have Stalking remove his terror radius.

    -Rework add-ons, especially one that gives stalk-walk speed the same as normal walking speed so you can have the same effect as Tier 1 at the cost of some visibility.

  • Member Posts: 932
    edited September 2020

    Judith's Tombstone should let you mori people in lockers and on the ground. To compensate, tombstoning now consumes a PWYF stack, Myers can no longer lunge in EW3 (No using the lunge to down a guy then tombstone him on the ground), and the evil required to hit EW3 with Tombstone + Tuft is all 4 survivors drained completely.

    I also think Vanity Mirror needs a small buff. The slowdown it applies is pretty horrible when I thought the whole point of Vanity Mirror was being able to hit EW2 so you can move faster than Scratched Mirror.

    Post edited by Toybasher on
  • Member Posts: 24

    Increase Ew1 movement speed up to 110% (4.4 m/s)

    Give Ew1 a lunge but have it set to either 4.4 or 4.6 m/s

    Allow Ew1 to gain bloodlust

    Switch between Ew1 and Ew2 with a toggle on an alternate power button, disable stalking in Ew1

    Survivors gain back evil passively at a rate of 1% every 6 seconds

    Increase the vault speed increases for both Ew2 and Ew3 by 10-15%

    Increase Ew3 movement speed to 120% (4.8 m/s)

    Increase Ew3 lunge by 5%

  • Member Posts: 24

    Also spine chill should not work on undetectable killers. If a killer goes undetectable the survivors spine chill should be lit up the entire time, that way they still get a benefit out of their perk but they still don't know where the killer is.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    I don't want them to get rid of tier 1. I love tier 1. Maybe the devs could decrease the amount of stalking it takes to get out of tier 1?

    Also, he should be immune to Spine Chill while in tier 1 like he was back in the old days. He's slow, he has no lunge, he doesn't get bloodlust; he shouldn't set off Spine Chill.

  • Member Posts: 29

    Myers is much easier to find than GH, and Wraith if survivors are looking around. If spine chill still works for Spirit(and it should), it doesn't make sense to disable it for Myers. I would say the biggest problem with Myers is that entering T3 takes him too much time, maybe 3 gens for first T3 if every survivor is playing smart enough, and that's why we find Myers needs to be buffed at high ranks. Less energy needed to enter T3 and less time would work for me.

  • Member Posts: 24

    Exactly! Michael, the wraith, ghostface and the pig are all already struggling compared to the more mobile characters and their entire power can be countered with one perk that requires zero survivor input. It's especially true of ghostface and the pig since michael at least can stalk survivors who know he's there and the wraith got some extra help with his buff last year giving him extra movement speed while cloaked.

  • Member Posts: 186

    No thank you. There are enough killers for sweats in this game. You can have a lot of fun on tier 1. Leave my scary mikey alone.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503
    edited September 2020

    I'd say in the majority of my matches I see three to four survivors running Spine Chill. I actually see it more than DS, and it affects me more than DS because I try not to tunnel off the hook whether or not there's an obsession. Spine Chill is good for countering Spirit who can't be seen, and it's good for knowing if that killer with a Terror Radius is heading for you or someone else, but it lets survivors counter stealth killers without having to pay attention to their surroundings which, I mean, why even play the game if you're just going to ignore one of the few horror aspects it has?

    I still think Tier 1 Mikey suffers the most from Spine Chill. Ghost Face can crouch and lean and exposes survivors while in stealth mode. Piggy is low to the ground so she's harder to see and she has a dash attack. Wraith is partially invisible and has his lunge when he's uncloaking. But Mikey, he's standing tall and wearing a bright white mask; if the survivors bother to look around they can see him clear as day. He's slow, has no lunge, and has no Bloodlust. When he stalks survivors in Tier 1, they don't become exposed, he becomes un-Undetectable, which in some ways benefits survivors because now he has a TR and red stain. He has no way to get out of stealth mode by himself (unlike the other killers who can leave it at any time by pressing a button); he needs to stalk survivors to exit that stealth mode, he can't re-enter that stealth mode once he leaves it, and as I described he's weaker than other killers while in stealth mode. So, why the [BAD WORD] does Spine Chill work against him in Tier 1? It's looney.

  • Member Posts: 402

    As I said in previous comments, they can keep scratched mirror

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    Lessen the penalty while Stalking from range (not remove it, just lessen it), buff tier 1 by either more movement speed or some other form of utility (detection, stall, anything) and it should be fine.

  • Member Posts: 247

    I just wrote a lot text here, but this stupid site started to IP check or something and I lost ALL my wall of text.

    anyways, I do it short now, then.

    Yes he needs buffs, he lacks mobility, easily countered with Spine Chill, T3 isn't enough as pallets are your friends and you kinda need Bamboozle. I wish killer like Myers could benefit from many other perks than just few. There's many killers those are better than Myers rn, like Spirit, Oni, Deathslinger...

  • Member Posts: 32

    He definetely needs a buff mobility-wise and also something for his T3 so he's on par with Oni, I also agree that Multi-stalk should come back and that distance should not influance your stalk rate, of course, corn and tall grass should not block your power completely and survivors shouldn't have limited evil.

    Also it would be nice if he would look more movie accurate, and yes, im aware of the fact they used a William Shatner mask so they can't copy the likeness directly, however they could pull a Halloween 2018 and make it look like the original mask with slight changes (chin is slighly less sharp etc.) and his overalls could use a bit more detail as well, and the base knife should look more like a kitchen knife then a triagnle on a stick.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    Not everyone uses Scratched Mirror. That requires an add-on; getting through Bloodwebs and getting one specific desired add-on is expensive. I just like being in Tier 1, I don't need auras.

    However, I do think it sucks how long it can take to get out of Tier 1. They should reduce the amount of stalking he needs to do to get out of it, and he should be immune to Spine Chill in Tier 1 so he can actually stalk survivors from afar being all spooky rather than being forced to try to stalk them from around obstacles like a big dork because the survivor ran to the nearest loop the moment Spine Chill proc'd.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    Short answer: Yes.

    Long answer:

    Myers' unique 3 Tiers should stay. No removing EWI etc. So how would I buff him to be able to keep up with GF?

    1. Buff EWI. It's his biggest weakness more a liability than something you can work with. If you don't get out of it asap, gens will fly. So I suggest to buff his MS from 105% to 110% and/or give him his detection immunity back (no spine chill, Premonition and no Object at all).

    2. Addons:

    -Scratched Mirror: ms still 105% and detection immunity for the real old Jumpscare.

    -Vanity Mirror: Buff ms from 107% to 110% in EWII. No ms penalty in EWI. Reduces TR by 4m. Yes you could have 0m TR EWII Myers with this, M&A and Dead Rabbit, but you would have a red light and would be detectable with object etc.

    -Lock of Hair: adds 40s to EWIII for +2.5 more stalk points (instead of 5.0)

    -Mirror Shard Addon series: The most useless add-ons. Just rework them.

    3. Buff Stalking. Multistalk, make it distance independent (like GF). Let Myers (as well as GF) have collision while stalking. Bubba, Billy, Plague and Oni all can trap you in a corner and insta down you. Why not our Stalky Boi?

  • Member Posts: 402

    Damn this looks really good, by the way survivors can pass trough Ghostface when he's stalking , that never happens but hey they can.

  • Member Posts: 482
    edited September 2020

    Definitely not, Myers is one of the strongest killers, he doesn't have a lot of mobility, and a slow start can really hurt him, but he has a lot of snowball potentional and he is the only Killer who can have an infinite T3 and mori survivors instantly.

    He is add on reliant in high ranks, but he has some great add ons. Tier 1 Myers can also be more dangerous than T3. Lerys with the scratched mirrior, gl.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    Maybe true on low to mid ranks where people don't really know how not to feed him.

    His slugging potential is no good when Unbreakable is a common perk in higher ranks.

    Infinite EWIII and Tombstone or just the TS piece needs a LOT of stalk and can be easily countered by not feeding him and doing gens. The Tombstone also heavily reduces his movespeed to 94.65% in EWI and to 104.65% in EWII and EWIII. So PWYF is a must have.

    Mirror Myers on Lèry's needs a special build and is countered by common perks like Spine Chill and by... well... running straight (he's only 105% without blood lust).

    He's not one of the strongest killers. He's the killer with the worst early game and can be easily denied of his power (if you know how). He's only strong against weaker teams where people like to camp pallets or if they think tbagging in your face or generally feeding you is a good idea.

  • Member Posts: 144
    edited September 2020

    Why hard-buff bad mechanics to try and make them slightly less bad instead of just reworking/removing them? EW1 almost always ends up being a net negative on michael's power: it slows down your early game and gives up your surprise element as soon as you reach tier 2, and all of this because there is a very small chance that you get a 4-man slugfest.

    If EW1 is so bad to the point where you'd want to buff it to almost being nonexistent, why not just rework it?

    It could be a secondary power, like you can turn it on and off to make you completely undetectable (spine chill, etc...) at the cost of consuming your stalking progress.

    As for Scratched mirror, you can just decrease michael speed to 4.2 m/s, decrease his lunge and give him wallhacks while stalking.

    Post edited by Maníaco_da_garrafa on
  • Member Posts: 482
    edited September 2020

    EW1 allows you to do gen grabs tho, it's great fun and always startles survivors.You should always go for those in EW1 as Myers, it's a great early game advantage when you pull it off.

  • Meh. In most cases, they just notice your 2,5 meter body or your loud breathing and just run to deny stalking, and with grab roll-backs being a thing, you might aswell just get out of EW1 as soon as possible to avoid losses.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    That is an interesting way to rework EWI. Consuming stalk progress for pure undetecability seems nice. You can hit EWIII 7 times normally, which I never ever did in any Myers game, nor did I play against a Myers who did. Not even with insta stalk. So using stalk for this seems a good idea.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    Yep. I grab more people while in EWII than in EWI due to the higher movement speed when I use M&A and maybe the Rabbit.

    Spine Chill could be a problem too.

  • Member Posts: 402
  • Member Posts: 9,513

    I think Myers just needs full rework in general. his concept is suppose to be that he has "Unlimited lethality" and he gets "Unlimited power" as the game progresses but the way they categorize this for him is by giving him Unlimited Mori potencial which does not work with emblem system and Unlimited instant down potencial, but this is very worthless because once you get unlimited instant down, once the survivor figures this out, Its like your playing vs Legion or any killer and not healing and this is extremely detrimental to the killer as generators fly faster. Also, what good is Unlimited instant down if the survivor plays extremely defensive with pallets and never allows you to capitalize on it and Mori aspect is not a good way to make a killer "strong". At best its just cheesy and if killers wanted mori, They'd just use the offering which itself has serious balance issues. Also the idea of "Earning" Instant down is bad concept itself as Leatherface and Billy have instant down on demand without requirement to earn it and can break pallets very quickly. Myers is just way too outdated killer that probably has is easiest killer to loop in the entire game.

    I think a good rework to Myers would be that he starts at EV1->EV2->EV3 and every 60 seconds, he changes and transforms as his name implies as being "The Shape" as the game progresses. His base stats are normal, He has 115% movement speed in all tiers, a base lunge and 32 TR.

    Tier 1 = 12 meters of Aura reading & Undetectable when stalking

    Tier 2 = He gains 10% Pallet break speed, 10% Vaulting speed and 30% Stun reducation from pallets

    Tier 3 = He gains instant down and extended lunge

    You lose each bonus for moving up a tier.

    His pink add-on stay the same with small twist

    Judith Tombstone unlocks stalking at tier 3, You can mori a survivor if you stalk them fully to red -No longer reduces his movement speed(Purely used to gain the acheivement)

    Tusk of Hair: Allows you to stay permanently in tier 3 but you must wait 60 seconds x2 to go from tier 1 to tier 3 at the start of the game(This amount of time can be increased if required).

    Scratch mirror(Purple): Allows you to stay in tier 1 for the entire game

    Vanity Mirror(Purple): Allows you to stay in tier 2 for the entire game

    Lock of hair: Decreases duration of tier 1 and tier 3, Increases duration of tier 2

    Hair bow: Increases duration of tier 3, reduces duration of tier 1 and tier 2

    Yellow add-on: Increases duration of tier 1, reduce duration of 3 and 2.

    Dead Rabbit: Reduces TR in Tier 2, Increases TR in 3

    new add-on 1: Increases pallet break speed, Vault speed and stun reduction from pallets in tier 2

    New add-on 2: Increases aura-reading in Evil within 1.

    new add-on 3: Increases lunge speed in tier 3

    There are a lot of possible add-on he could get in term of creativity. I am sure there would be optimal add-on and perk choices that maximize each tier and playstyle. If they're brave, they could try to make an add-on that allows him to get attack cooldown recovery that stacks on top of his perk (Save the best for Last) if they want preserve the idea of "becoming stronger as the game progress" or give him extra movement speed in Tier 3(From his PWYF Perk) but I think those type of add-on might be too powerful in the end if not tested or calibrated properly. In any case, I think there way better ways to make Killers strong than just "Allows you to instant kill a survivor" button which is very uninteresting.

  • Member Posts: 333

    Gf actually isnt as good as people think they clearly modeled him after myers which is why he has that trex armed myers m1 lunge. If anything they need to fix gf lunge, myers is pretty balanced all things considered he has multiple ways of playing him which in its own is a mindgame because survivors dont know what kind of myers they are getting. But seriously though fix gf baby arms.

  • Member Posts: 402
    edited September 2020

    Oh my this post blew out. I guess people love Halloween films too much.

  • Member Posts: 74

    remove tier 1. Make tier 2 the same terror radius as it normally is with a 115 movement speed and a normal lunge. However give him no red stain in tier 2. Same amount of stalk to go from tier 2 to 3 and increase the range that you can stalk from. Otherwise he needs a rework as his power in general is so underwhelming.

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