DBD Solo Survivor is fun and fair

Impermanent Member Posts: 48
edited September 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Unless you play vs spirit

Or Michael with unlimited tier 3 and/or instakill

Or Wraith with Coxcomb and speed addons or All Seeing Blood

Or Oni with infectious fright

Or Huntress w/IH and extra hatchets

Or Doctor with the anti-gens build on any indoor map

Or Hag with Mint Rag or Rusty Shackles

Or PC Rank 1s using their S tier killer main

Or the killer face camps you 

Or the killer tunnels you 

Or you start 3 seconds away from the killer in a corner

Or you get the Midwich map

Especially if you get Midwich and start in the bathrooms

Or you get downed across a pallet AFTER stunning the killer (nearly every game)

Or you get downed 6 feet past a window vault

Or the killer has massive lag so you get hit 20 yards away

Or you run into a closet instead of through a window because they are the same button

Or you get downed after you only get a 99.9% heal from your glitched medkit

Or your teammates farm you

Or your teammates quit immediately

Especially when your teammates quit immediately and the killer acts like its a fair game and slaughters the one or 2 people that didn’t quit

Or your Balanced Landing doesn’t kick in after falling off a hill

Or your Balanced Landing does kick in after falling 2 inches off a first step on a staircase

Or your dead hard doesn’t work (nearly every game)

Or your teammates won’t touch gens

Or your teammates won’t save you off the hook, even with kindred showing its safe

Or matchmaking puts you with folks 5-10 ranks lower vs a red rank killer (all non-primetime hours)

Or the totem you need to break is inaccessible due to map glitches

Or you get stuck in the map

Or you get hooked in basement and the killer proxy camps

Especially if its hag or trapper

Or you play vs hag and your teammates don’t understand the concept of crouching

Or you play with teammates that hate your survivor for some reason (claudette) so they don’t help you

Or your teammates won’t accept an 8 second We’ll Make It heal

Or your teammates sandbag you

Or your teammates blow skill checks and run leaving you to get caught

Or your teammates blow skill checks while healing you then run leaving you to get caught

Or your teammates don’t understand Head On so keep opening your locker

Or your teammates are afraid to do the last gen or 2 gens so they leave it to you while they hide

Or your teammates want to show you they can moonwalk more than they want to win

Or your teammates won’t take a hit for you while your running injured to the exit

Or your teammates 99 the doors but leave them so you die trying to open them

Or you get downed in a chase because a stick or other 2 inch high obstacle stops your forward progress like a brick wall

Or the killer brought an ebony mori

Or the killer ran NOED and gets a bunch of cheap kills he doesn’t deserve

Or you make endgame and the doors are easily guardable (75% of the time)

Or you get hatch just before killer but he still manages to close it on you

Or your teammates don’t like the perks you chose (SC or UE) and so don’t help you because you’re not cool like them

Or you medium vault a window you ran to at an 85 degree angle and get downed

Or the killer does an 180 degree lunge and downs you from the other side of a wall through a pallet

Or Pyramid Head finds you in a hallway 

Or Pyramid Head decides to camp a hook

Or Pyramid Head uses Nurses plus range add ons

But otherwise. Yeah. Pretty fun.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    I genuinely enjoy solo queue as survivor in most situations as long as it isn't someone camping, tunneling or playing Pyramid Head.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,004

    Replace Pyramidhead with Hag and otherwise, yeah, this.

    (Not saying I even hate Hag here either, just that randoms are spectacularly incompetent against her.)

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    As much as your list is debatable, I do agree solo playing is so unfun and where I've played so much I've become so bored of this game, I have no motivation to play it anymore.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274
    edited September 2020

    I generally don't mind the solo survivor experience. Though my friends don't play DbD much, so I don't really get a choice in the matter.

    The only killer tactics that deeply bother me are killers who face/proxy camp (earlier than the EGC. If we're in endgame, then I care less) and killers who tunnel excessively.

    The only killers I loathe going against are Ghost Face for his inconsistent mechanics (if they can ever fix that part, he'll be great) and Spirit/Clown/Plague for lacking fun interactivity (their powers don't encourage interesting changes in gameplay).

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Dude, you have that many issues you deem unfair? come on. I play solo exclusively and it´s fun most of the time still. Of course experiences differ but it is extraordinarily rare to get "facecamped" (doesnt exist anymore, when will people realise?).

    My biggest issues with solo are really bad teammates at times and moris, but that´s about it.

  • DankDragon8753
    DankDragon8753 Member Posts: 13

    I 100% agree with you but Killers face camp when you just good at the game or tunnel you. Unless you're T O X I C which I kinda understand. I have the same exact issue with soloq that you have. Plus I think this guy just needs to get good because killers can use perks to help them and their power the way its suppose to.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Solo experience is terrible.

    "Oh my teammate got in a locker after all the gens are done? Guess I'll point him out even though he's the obsession and the killer might have Rancor."

    "Oh my teammate is on his second hook, and just finished the last generator? Better leave through the hatch instead of trying to save him."

    It's not the killer that's the problem. It's other survivors. Some of them are really bad teammates.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Sounds like you just need to git gud.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Your list is a meme but the sentiment is true

    solo is like bashing your head against a wall and being surprised when you get hurt

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Nova you've hurt my feelings :'(

    How could you Diss Daddy Dorito like that?

  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248

    Imagine unironically playing this game for fun

  • jackal470
    jackal470 Member Posts: 122

    I only solo que and I love the game as a whole except OoO and Iri heads (distant instadown?) Sometimes it's the persons behavior not the perks or offerings that are the problem...

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Yeah, that's why I've gone to a smurf to de-rank my main.

  • BOT_Ethan
    BOT_Ethan Member Posts: 29

    I hope that match up system can be tested and changed ASAP. There should be a mmr system for killers so that we can practice new killers without meeting a r1 SWF in the first game of playing Blight. And there should be a better matchup system for survivors, 2red and 2yellow survivors with a purple killer is far from a plausible matchup, devs you cannot simply calculate the mean of survivors' ranks!

    Yes there're so many issues to be improved but please realize that add-ons and offerings are there to change the balance of the game. Try to enjoy your games even if you cannot escape!

  • Pipefish
    Pipefish Member Posts: 331

    I think your taking this game to seriously. Don't expect to survive and you'll have a lot more fun playing solo.

  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248

    You are an absolute genius. Why didn't I do that yet? Is what I am asking myself

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    My guess would be that you're a PC player and have to pay for new accounts.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Then do it. It's free for us (Xbox player), and since we already KNOW how to play the game, we can use dumb perks like Lightweight and just have a good time with it.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427


    you are not wrong

  • I always thought it was just me and my hilariously awful judgement that accidentally went into lockers while trying to vault a window. I'm oddly soothed to know other survivours have had the same mistake.

    Though admittedly I have done it twice in a row. I missed a vault and hopped into a locker accidentally, the killer swung and hit the locker. I thought "Ha, this is my chance!" And jumped out of the locker and turned sharply to the window -- only to have my character, upon pressing space bar, immediately turn and use the locker again instead.

    Sadly the killer doesn't seem to mess up twice like I do. They usually just stare blankly at my life choices before wrenching me forcibly back out of the locker.

    Anyone? Just me?

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    Nah on console the logic is that if a survivor doesn't go down in 2 seconds they need to get tunneled and camped

  • Canoing is balanced- being friends or anti camp perks

  • Eathian
    Eathian Member Posts: 82

    This gave me a good laugh.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    What a difference the lack of teammentality and voicechat can do to the survivors.

    Its like theyre free to only look out for themselves.

    You forgot the most common thing of solos who are used to swf'ing:

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    I've had so much ######### in this post happen today. I ######### hate rank reset because there is NO ######### REASON for it. Rank reset doesn't encourage me to play it encourages the very opposite. I play and I'm partnered with these rank 8-13 survivors that don't do anything while having a rank 9 killer using an ebony mori. And rank reset idk what the ######### it is about rank reset but everybody and their ######### mom brings out the ebony mories and decide they wanna tunnel and the survivors are playing like they've never played the game before. There is no reason to rank reset it just makes the game way more unfair in matchmaking

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482

    The list is somewhat hyperbole but the sentiment is true. I'll readily admit that I'm not the best survivor, but I can't help but notice that when I play solo I too often get survivors who feel like rank 20's but when I play killer I'll go up against really good survivors, I recently got a rank 1 SWF, or at least survivors who used flashlights and headon so effectively it felt like SWF, when I was only rank 14.

    Yet when I play survivor my team never plays that good. Solo is a sad life, ngl.

    Devs need to close the gap between solo and SWF so they can properly balance the game, because right now any nerf to SWF always hurts solo the most.

  • kawaiikannibal
    kawaiikannibal Member Posts: 74

    1. Propose a method in which the devs can fix crappy teammates.

    2. Get good.

    3. Profit

  • Impermanent
    Impermanent Member Posts: 48

    Just FYI, I posted this mainly to show all the ways solo survivors get screwed as opposed to killers or SWFs. When people complain about the solo experience its because the game is FULL of this crap. I dont need to git gud. I'm devotion 25+ Rank 1 every season solo survivor. And thats even when I suicide a lot of games for garbage like this. The comment about banging your head against a wall and being surprised when it hurts is fairly accurate. But if you want to play this game and your friends aren't around you solo. You can withstand a lot of this crap happening and still pip or safety so you still work your way up the ladder if that's your goal and still earn BPs so thats why (at least I) find myself still playing.

    I also made an alt account and it was fun as heck for the few days it took to get to red ranks. So now I generally use my alt account to solo and my main account in SWF or in primetime when matchmaking isnt awful.

  • Proof that survivors are the whiny side of DBD

  • jasonjbird
    jasonjbird Member Posts: 20

    Loved your post. I almost exclusively play solo and it gave a good laugh. Most of the issues I experience have to do with other survivors more than the killers or bugs in the game. It does suck when you get hooked first and then tunneled and you don't get a good chance to play, but thats on me just as much as I need to get better in chases which is my weakness at the moment.

  • Lumpytoad
    Lumpytoad Member Posts: 16

    Kindred is a must for solo queue.

    It doesn't guarantee that you'll be saved from a hook (several Bubbas have managed to make me die first hook) but that's not what it's entirely for.

    It gives me enough map data that I can prevent half of the scenarios you listed from happening for the most part.

    You can tell they have BBQ&Chili while they on Kindred Cam, and then hide in lockers every hook after. When leaving locker 5 second after hook, assess who the killer is chasing based on Kindred auras, and make your next play safely.

    You'll play perfect all game with this method, then end up being on death hook finally as gates open, as someone steps in to Bear Trap or triggers NOED, and you are left behind.

    It's just enough that you typically pip and get 18-20k blood points. But don't plan on escaping more than 1/5 games max.

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    Seeing the title: Get a load of this guy.

    Reading the OP: Ah, I have been out-intelligenced.

  • endexxon
    endexxon Member Posts: 7

    For me the only thing I hate is lag and the doctor.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    I play solo when my squad isn't playing, and I agree. My problem is usually being teamed up with other survivors that are swf and dont give a darn about randoms, or solos that are just me me me, and benefit from others hard work.

  • axelsilvajr
    axelsilvajr Member Posts: 9

    Sounds like you need to get good.

    Its all part of the game, and you knew that before you started to search for a lobby. You know whats NOT part of the game? Voice chat during the game.