Why can't survivors see each other's perks pre match?

I mean I think if we had the ability to see our team mates perks, it would help in the trial. First thing I think of is Inner Strength. I do bones for bloodpoints and completely forget that some people run that perk. And on the flip side when I run Inner Strength with my locker build, all the totems are done. If we could see everyone's perks then we could properly coordinate during the match. If I myself am not running Inner Strength but I see my team mate is, I'll avoid doing bones so they would have something to use to solo heal.
I think it's due to the amount that would dodge lobbies for things such as Self Care. Personally I would disagree with not implementing it for said reason, but thats the only real reason I can think not to show it.
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I don't really see why not. This is already a feature in DbD mobile after all.
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that would be sad survivors would dodge if I'm doing no mither builds
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Do people really hate self care that much? God...my playstyle revolves around distracting the killer but always able to lose him. I usually take a hit each time. I'd be out of a medkit in seconds and there won't be enough totems for me to do lol.
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self care is very useful in some situations, but I've seen enough threads here saying if they knew their teammates had self care theyd either dodge or sandbag them.
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because the survivor role was designed with lack of information in mind, only after a while SWFs were enabled, completely destroying the original game idea...
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There's literally a 0% chance that's the reason considering we've not been able to see each other's perks since Day One.
The more reasonable explanation is that there was never (and there still isn't) a need for that feature on PC, and console is just a PC port minus a chat.
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People like that shouldn't play the game.
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Which is why you can tell people your build pre-game. However with the introduction of cross-play this feature is no longer possible in many situations and hence showing the build may be fine.
Don't forget if solo life improves this means that killers can be buffed, especially if solo improves in a way that doesn't change swf.
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I don't know what you're going for here. Literally, the main reason that it's holding back devs from buffing solo q intel-wise it's the role design, period. Which is why they won't add kindred to base-kit or other improvements. Now, if the design it's outdated for the 2020 meta, that's a different story.
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If it was designed with people not knowing anything then, again, why could you and still can tell people your builds pre-game in the lobby chat? And console players can message each other their builds if messages are turned on.
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DBD was originally a game of "you can't trust your fellow survivors completely." This was part of it; you never knew if they planned to keep everyone alive or escape even if its causes the downfall of others.
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It was said above me, but it's because the game is not built explicitly to be a team game on the Survivor side. Even in the tutorial stuff, I seem to recall it basically saying that helping is good, but don't get yourself killed for it. So the idea is that you don't know if you can trust the other Survivors.
Basically, the Survivors aren't four friends thrown into a trial together. They're four strangers and why would they know what the others are capable of?
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People would dodge me!
*cries in autodidact*
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As we know, SWF was planned from the start. Also "lack of information in mind"... Thats why there is a Chat in the Lobby before the game? Only because nobody writes into it at the start, does not mean that the Survivors should lack information. The possibility to share the Perks is present.
Most likely to avoid Lobbydodging. So the same reason why Ranks are not displayed anymore to the other Survivors, which was a case due to a Bug. I liked this feature, because I at least knew if I would need to be more optimal or not, if there was a Rank 16-David in my team.
And well, players might dodge Lobbies if they see that you have Self Care or WGLF without BT or stuff like that. Playing No Mither would probably be impossible as well.
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I think this is a really good idea it tells your teammates if your running solidarity or a loot build. It helps with hook saves if your running bt or well make telling other survivors who is the best option to go for the save. Finally it wouldn't mess up the balance of the game at all at least nothing that i could think of.
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To be fair, It tells the unhooked Person that the Unhooker has e.g. We Will Make It already, but this does not prevent the unhooked Survivor to run to the other side of the Map.
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I just feel like if we had the ability to see everyones perks, it could possibly help kill off swf. People do SWF cause they want people to rely on and information on their team mate.
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Perks should be shown, it brings Solo and SWF a bit closer which is what we want.
Also SWF should be shown in the end screen just to dispell the idea that SWF is the bane of all killers.
And lastly the crossplay globe icon needs to be removed, I get it for the start so everyone can see crossplay is working and how well etc but now it just feeds into ignorance and confirmation bias, we all play the same game and all to the same skill level on average otherwise crossplay would not be a thing so yeah, remove that icon, we are all just players of the game, dont separate us this way as it only leads to bad views.
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I was mainly talking about if there a hooked survivor and the killer camping if you could see who has bt then another survivor could act as bait while the person with bt has a strong motive to go for the unhook since he brought the perk.
Or if the killer runs away from the hook looking for another survivor. a survivor might notice that sombody brought we make it and will continue on a gen or ect. If they see the person with well make it are being chased or injured they might go for the save themselves.
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Oh, I completely agree. Just wanted to say that the information we already have are sometimes not even used.
In general, I would say it is a good idea to have this, at least to close the Gap between SWF and Solos a little bit. But like I said in a different post, it will most likely never happen because then players might lobbydodge which results in longer wait times.
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I agree with this like you said if you see 3 clads with spine chill, urban, inner strength, and iron will then the survivor might want to lobby dodge. If you try to hide the perks until the game starts then it would increase dcs. What if only copertive perks are only showen to the other survivors and hiding ds, iron will, and ect. But, shows aftercare, bt, and ect. I honestly don't really know how some perks might get placed.
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As a solo survivor, this would help SO much. You could also avoid having multiple survivors running plunderer's. This would would definitely make the game a lot less frustrating as a solo player. Don't think they will ever add it in though.
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Somehow I feel like this is coming.
It’s definitely needed. I’m tired of questioning whether someone getting camped has DS or not.
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But dbd mobile lets you see your teammates perks in the lobby.
Post edited by SunaIIanu on1 -
Removing the icon won't do much, you will still see if someone is a from a different platform or not when you try to open the profile.
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lack of information because you don't know where everyone is unless you're directly speaking to him. You don't know if someone is going for the save, doing a gen etc... only recently things have gotten kinda better with the glowing red bar. SWFs was created to boost the game and because people wanted to play with their friends like in any other multiplayer, surely, considering devs current game knowledge, they didn't thought how strong SWF teams could be.
whole different game basically, can't be compared.
I don't think chat was added to write down your build to everyone every game. Sure, you can use it this way, but I think it was added not specifically for this purpose. Rather because most multiplayer games have pre-game or in-game chat.