Rip thana and PGTW

Thanaphobia was one of the few perks along side with sloppy butcher to get survivors off of their objectives to buy time for the killer to find someone else while said survivors are healing so that games don't go so fast, but now its gonna be ######### (Come on, don't deny it, every perk that had to do with slowing survivors objectives down directly has been crap) and how was thanaphobia a lose-lose situation? And if anything why should it NOT be a lose-lose? Its a KILLER perk. With this new change to thana its doesn't even make it a lose-win, its now just a simple lose situation. Also this change disregards most of the definition of thanaphobia if not all.
Also, do they not realize how much this is gonna hurt Oni? Oni Relies on survivors being injured as long as possible
And now with the nerf to PGTW, becuase you know, 60 seconds is too much time, but 60 seconds for DS staying active is not (And no, "just don't tunnel" its not an vailed argument as I can hook x survivor that has ds, that survivor gets saved, I down another survivor, hook that one, and end up downing the survivor later on that was saved and has DS and not realize it and get hit with it because there was like probably 5 seconds left on it)
Curel limites is another example that BHVR listens too much to the survivor side of the community as they changed it to 24m not because THEY were afraid, but because the survivor community were afraid and now seeing as its not a problems after 373848282 years they gave it the buff it needed and now the perk is back to the way it should have been
Thank you for coming to my ted talk, oh and also
This is just straight up a lie. *Cough* GhostFace *Cough*
thanatophobia, makes survivors afraid of death, so they will stop doing gens and heal instead
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Bloody hell, the changes haven't even been tested on PTB yet, can't you wait until then to complain?
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Cruel limits will still be useless most maps have gens literally nowhere near windows
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Pop is not dead. Thana was tier B perk and this dont change nothings, maybe better for plague or legion. For killer meta perk are ruin undying pop ci bbq noed
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Thana is getting buffed outside of slowing down healing. Sloppy Butcher exists.
And you seriously ever need 46 seconds to use PGTW?
Quit whining.
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I don't think going to 45 seconds makes Pop useless. Still plenty of time to find and kick a gen.
Personally I only ever thought Thana was good on Plague and Legion.
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they removed the healing penalty from thana so that they could buff the gen slowdown aspect of the perk. When they said it was lose lose they meant that they wanted to buff it but felt they couldn't if it made it impossible to heal. the idea of thana was to make survivors prioritize healing over gens, therefore delaying the game, but if they made it tough to heal then survivors would just power through it. I think you'll find that thana and sloppy will still go great together, possibly more so since survivors will absolutely heal up rather than eat the buffed slowdown on gens
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Not dead, but the pop nerf is completely unnecessary.
Thana might actually be better after the update.
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Depending on the numbers, new Thana could be fantastic. Especially on Legion. Making it punish the survivors even more for not healing when I can get that health state off them almost for free is good in my book.
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As an oni main I never run thana bad point. Thana ain't even in the main build the majority of onis use.
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Imo they should have buffed Repressed Alliance to at least 45 seconds.
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We don't even need a PTB for like half of theses changes expect for the changes to pyramid head and the updated maps
Legion might be the only killer who could make new thana useful, yes more penalty on action speed but then you have to remeber how fast survivors can heal with their perks and items with no heal slow down.
Clearly you skimed over my thread and only read what you wanted to read as I clearly mentioned about sloppy butcher.
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That means you can just stop them from healing,that means they can neither do gens or heal,so while chasing,you know generator speed will be much slower.
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This post just proves that the devs can make a perk SLOW DOWN GENS MORE yet still killers complain.
Thana first off isn't a great Oni perk. There are a lot better perks to run on him.
Secondly they are right about the lose-lose thing. You either heal which is slow or you do gens slow. The new one will now encourage survivors to heal ahead of working on gens.
Lastly I see this change as a buff to Plague. It now makes gens slower or the survivors cleanse and give her corrupt purge.
The example they gave for Pop was correct. You can down someone and still have time to use Pop which is a bit overkill. This change isn't going to destroy the perk like people are trying to imply it will.
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Yep. I keep saying this but Cruel Limits could be a GLOBAL window blocker and still be a bad perk. There are several factors in this.
- A generator needs to be completed and this perk can only proc 5 times. You only have 5 chances to take advantage of this perk.
- When a generator is done usually it's no where near you. Meaning a survivor has plenty of time to move on to the next area where there is likely other windows and even pallets. Even so the duration isn't that long to begin with all things considered.
- Most maps don't have very many windows nearby. The ones that do are broken beyond belief to begin with in favor of survivors.
My honest to god opinion is this perk needs different activation conditions and it should be the exact same as Tinkerer. That way the perk has more opportunities to proc. At 70% repair on the generator or if it gets completed when a survivor lets go of a generator after this condition is met then the windows block. Thematically it would make sense and it would even be a play on the name. It would basically work like Tinkerer + Mindbreaker.
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Im just waitin for ds to eventually get a time nerf and survivors commense world war 3.
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Rip lol, a little bit dramatic wouldnt you say. New Thana sounds better, need to try it first and everyone that used Pop will still use Pop.
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Huh? Many gens are right in or next to a loop tile, like the Slaughterhouse with a gen in the middle, T-L type tiles with a gen in the middle, the Farmhouse with a gen on the upper floor, Lerys with vaults all over the place, the killer shack with a gen in the middle, the houses on Haddenfield, etc. I’m actually having trouble thinking of gens that aren’t within 15-30 meters of vaults.
My issue with the current version of Cruel limits is the range was so short that the survivors would just run too far away from them after the gen finished for the perk to do anything. The new version has a 32 meter radius which is about 8 seconds running distance for a survivor. So basically if you can be within chase distance of a survivor when they finish a gen then you’ll have at least 8 seconds to hit them before they reach a vault. (Although they can still drop pallets. Now if Cruel Limits also blocked pallets then THAT could be more popular!)
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I’m not surprised they’re toning down Pop Goes the Weasel, prior to Hex:Undying + Ruin being the new meta Pop was one of the most popular perks so it makes sense they were keeping an eye on it. I’ll still be using it personally, 45 seconds is still a lot of time to find a gen to kick.
Also they didn’t say how much they’re increasing the gen speed slowdown on Thanatophobia. It’s quite possible that the increase makes up for the survivors healing more quickly.
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If thana numbers are high get ready for even more hook suicides vs Legion. Just rework this chump already.
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Why are you using common sense to argue here? here, I'll show you how to do it:
The devs are the worst! All they care about is making survivors happy so they can suck the $$$ out of them when a new skin comes out. Also nerf ds and bt.
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I'm actually pretty interested to see the Thanata numbers. If hypothetically in exchange for losing the heal debuff it gains 5% more objective slow then that seems quite decent. All depends on the number.
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If Thana gets a buff to gen penalties I'm fine with it losing out on healing time too. It'd still be very effective when combined with Sloppy and/or Ruin.
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Anyone else remember the last time they "buffed" Thanatophobia?
It was brought up to 24% slowdown max during one ptb which was an actually decent 9% buff.
Then they decided that would make Legion too strong (lol) and gave it a fat 1% buff when it came to live instead. I'm pretty sure this change will keep the perk a garbage tier borderline placebo but I'd love to be wrong.
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pgtw was always strong hell i used it when the timer was 30 seconds and never complained, in fact i have always felt that the 60 seconds to use the perk is very generous. I will still use this perk and since i often kick a well progressed gen before a chase incase it gets worked on again this change will hardly affect me. It will mostly affect players who are greedy and try to get a down after hooking a survivor then going and kicking a gen with pgtw remaining time.
As for the thano "nerf" its actually a buff imo because good survivors prefer to get gens done before healing. they are removing its affect on healing but increasing the time it will take to do gens, remember when it was buffed in a ptb to i believe 6% per survivor? a lot of players said that was good because it slowed gens this is what the perk will be good for now instead of a barely useful anti everything perk that was basically only useable on legion. for the record max thano added 2 seconds per heal and 12 seconds per gen(which is getting increased after its buffed) which is nothing because it often wont be at max stacks anyway.
tdlr: pgtw will still be very useable and good, its timer was extremely generous. thano now is better for putting pressure on gens by getting more survivors injured instead of barely doing anything in the match with its fluctuating percentages of measly 4%-16%.
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PGTW won't even get a nerf from my perspective.
I rarely had problems with it being 30 seconds, though that was definitely unfavorable.
45 though, still very much a good Perk.
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I also made another thread on Thana and Mindbreaker.
Regarding thana, I think it is mostly used on Plague and Legion, and will buff them heavily. Plague because cleansing powers her up and Legion because they can easily keep the stacks up. And I'm not sure if other killers will profit from Thana that much, because I rarely see no-heal-metas which means you will most likely still get up to max 2 stacks most of the time. Depends on the buff to slowdown, but the higher the buff, the more meta and the more annoying Thana will be on Legion/Plague. So I'm really not sure if this is a good chage
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imagine thinking pop's op,thats almost like thinking flip flop is op( the comparison im making here because both hinder theability the other side has to do their objective, you can't hook anyone if they get less wiggle progress to do, and you can't fix a gen if the killer keeps repeatedly popping it, the only difference is flip flop rewards you for going down while pop rewards you for getting hooks)
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am i the only survivor who just dose gens instead of healing? because thanatophobia just made me not want to heal and just rush gens harder because 4% up to the max 16% slow equals 12 extra seconds on a gen which is nothing.
but now if that make it something like 6% per injured survivor up to 24% that would make gens take almost 20 seconds longer which would make me feel more pressured to heal over the current version.
the only killers i see this hurting are the one who wanted survivors to stay injured longer like oni. but i think this change will make thanatophobia a meta perk on killers who injure easily like legion and plague or oppress the survivors into not healing like nurse.
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"buff to plague"
Plague is unplayable since dedicated servers lmao.
Can't wait for thana numbers to increase by like 4%.
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I think your putting too much faith into BVHR. it will probably be like 1% increase... I mean desperate measure is 14% extra to healing so if this perk was 14% extra to gens than it would be ok but that's wishful thinking. maybe they switch 4% that was on healing to gen so for 8% per stack but again, very wishful thinking. Killers only used it to get marginal better sloppy butcher and its questionable if it was even worth the perk slot for like Oni power.
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Interesting how Pop went from irrelevant to “OP” just because they increased the timer.
I’m guessing this is the “the other side keeps using this and im sick of it therefore it must be OP” mentality.
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I think the Thana changes are good if the number increased is worth losing the slightly slower heal speed. It'll push survivors to heal over gens which is generally favorable to the killer and sloppy can still be used to increase that heal time so Thana + Sloppy will still be a good combo.
Right now Thana just doesn't have good enough numbers that survivors can just power through gens ignoring Thana.
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On no. Your forever builds are just a microscopic amount of time reduced now.
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Wait until the PTB. Yet on paper PGTW barely makes much difference at all (perhaps it makes Repressed Alliance more viable, but that's it), and Thanatophobia forces survivors moreso now than ever to forget doing gens and heal themselves. It may really make things tough for Survivors.
These changes look good on paper, and may make people create new perk combinations. Plus, I am looking for the Slippery Meat Kobe Challenge!
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Oh I'm not saying they will, I'm just not gonna be overly critical till I see the definitive number. You are right though, if it holds true to their past tweaking I'm expecting a number increase that's not substantial enough to matter.
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Thanatophobia is now good on Plague, since it affects other actions more and doesn't affect healing.
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POP is op, call the embulance for DBD.
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Um, if you played killer, there are plenty of times where I down a person, use Pop, down a person, use Pop, all within 45 seconds. Usually when survivors are ultra altruistic or just flat out bad. But we should penalize killer for that, naturally.
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I Think a better buff to the perk would be that when chasing a survivors and a generator is finished windows that are nearest to the survivor and you are blocked
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Clearly you skimed over my thread and only read what you wanted to read as I clearly mentioned about sloppy butcher.
You mentioned Sloppy Butcher exactly once, and you did it very off-handedly. You may as well have not mentioned it.
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Who tf uses thana for HEAL SPEEDS??? If you are using it for anything but gen speeds, you are using it wrong
Pop is perfectly fine, its just now a bit riskier to commit to a chase before using it, this is a good idea, risk should always be present when making a choice
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I feel like the PGTW nerf isn't required at all. First off, it's a good perk but not OP or BS, secondly it is something you can run in place of ruin which I think is a good thing. This nerf isn't serious but seems a bit unnecessary. I for one would leave the perk alone, if you are able to hook someone, find someone else and down them in less than 60s then you deserve a second pop. The rest of the perk changes seem fantastic though.
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Thana actually feels like a buff.
It's gonna be disgusting on Legion and Plague with Ruin+Undying. Get ready for a DC wave.
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I mean, who runs Thana without Sloppy anyway? Not too bad and it seems to be getting a decent sized buff. PGTW though... can't say I like it.
Still, best to reserve judgment until tested.
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As an Oni main.....just no. Why would I ever use thana?? I could care less if survivors heal because I'm just gonna insta down them in two seconds. In fact I encourage healing because it makes blood pools for me to gobble up and it means survivors aren't doing gens. I run brown add-ons and have my power up 90% of the match. No need for thana.
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Well then again this is DBD so its not that surprising
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She may be unplayable but even if she is it's still a buff to her.
If it was increased by 4% that would be amazing lol
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I'm gonna be honest, I've loved Pop since Clown came out, so 45 seconds isn't a big deal to me. In fact, there've been some times recently where I've found a gen and been like "wow, Pop is STILL active." It can afford the nerf. The only issue is the inconsistency between killer and survivor. Oh, 60 seconds is too much leisure time for killers, but here survivors, have your minute of immunity still!
Thana is a great change. If the values for gen slowing are going up that's only positive. It was a pretty oppressive perk with its counter being countered by itself, but it meant the values were always kept pitiful. And what does it matter, it's most used on killers with ways of injuring lots of people and keeping them that way anyway.
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How is this a nerf? If you ignore the perk it's stronger, because gens take longer, if you don't ignore it you have to heal which is a slowdown because you can't do gens??
medkits won't make a difference because if you had a medkit before the slowdown from thana on healing was barely noticeable anyway