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POSSIBLE Nurse reworks

RSB Member Posts: 2,258
edited October 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

No, this is not a "nurf nerse op plz nerf" thread.

Devs said they want to rework her, and that she will be different. So, we all heard about complaints, that she is OP, "wha am i suppozd to doo" and "999 blink nerses evriwher, unfair, plz nerf, loopin doz nod work ;<<<". Yeah, sure...

Let's pretend, that Nurse is really too OP, that 4 blink Nurses are everywhere etc. What could we change, to make her "fair" without making her trash? People cry for nerfs, but don't say how should she work. 1 blink? Trash. Smaller blink distance? Trash. Longer cooldown? Trash. So what she should be like?

The only LOGICAL change, for me, is to rework all +1 blink addons (leave the only rarest one) so she would be able to have max 2 blinks, delete one blink, slightly lower the cooldown and make her 115% movement speed. This way she could use her power quite effectively, would not be restricted to use it to move, and survivors would get rid of imaginary "5 blink nerses evriwher".



  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    I really dont understand why people cry so much about blink addons.

    I consider the range addons the strongest ones by far. Blink addons just make it easier to catch survivors and it feels bad to play against, but gameplay wise I consider range addons stronger

    But even then, throw a 5 blink nurse against the depip squad and look how well that goes

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    I was actually wondering how people might feel about a suggestion to increase her movement speed (I was thinking more 110% initially), in exchange for slightly less Blink range (ultimately, it would cover the same distance, but the Nurse would be far less dependent on her power to move around).

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    The nurse is the only gamble devs took in the entire game.
    Killer that is required to use her power to move around and player's skill affects entire gameplay.

    I have seen handful of nurses that were actually very good and require good survivors to go against her to win as in escape with few survivors.
    On the other hand I have seen way more nurses that couldn't hit ######### for entire game duration.

    Her addons need reworks.
    Extra blinks are hindering her more then help. Range addons are very good but pretty much every other one is useless.
    Why would anyone sacrifice chain blink for Ultra long blink charge time?!

  • Tazare
    Tazare Member Posts: 39

    I belive that the thing that makes Nurse 'hard' and fun is the reliant on her ability, making her like every other killer that has an ability but can walk too will not make her as hard or fun, and tbh the hours needed to get to an 'op' nurse skill level shouldnt be punished because people get destroyed by it.

    Personally i think 2 blinks should stay as her base, and adding extra blink add ons to me is kinda dumb and extra blinks is probably one of her worst add ons since you shouldnt be missing with 2 blinks anyway, and if you miss all 5 blinks you got a long ass fatigue time and the killer's meta is map control and time management, 5 blinks is a waste of time and i doubt youd even get to the 5th before hitting.

    I think nurse is fine now and some areas are broken to blink through. Survivors playstyle against the nurse should change. Rather than a nurse rework think of something that can buff survivors against her but not nerf every other killer. Nurse is the only viable killer against swf, maybe billy too, there shouldnt be a nerf to the only thing that doesnt get a killer bullied.