So.. pop is nerfed because killers are too good?



  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I complained because there's another aura reading perk and now it is tied to slowing the game down. Killers depending on such perks to win means they are not winning, the perks are winning the game for them. If killrates are very high, which I can guarantee they are, then these kind of perks need nerfing. It's also too oppressive on fast killers.

    A fast killer with an aura read is going to be oppressive to play against, guarding a totem all game and that's exactly what is going to happen. Will they nerf it, I'm already hoping so. If the hag can still cross the map is 45 secs then it isn't a nerf at all. It just means she can't stop and get a drink on the way.

    I actually played killer when the game first came out when kills was actually no easy feat, so you might want to stop there. I remember when all four had sprint burst that replenished mid-chase, self-care was faster, insta-heals, insta-gens, and before DS was ever nerfed (3 times btw). Borrowed time protected the unhooker. Jungle gyms all had two pallets each and they were all vacuums. And maps had several jungle gyms. Every building had an infinite window. You killers have no idea how easy you have it now.

  • mike1288mccarthy
    mike1288mccarthy Member Posts: 78

    It's not even a nerf its 15 seconds less than it is now and 15 seconds more than when it came out so the just split the difference. If you can't regress a gen in 45 seconds which isn't hard unless it's in the corner of the map across from you it wouldn't matter anyway you would never be able to get there before they popped it anyway

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641
    edited September 2020

    It's directly a nerf towards arriving at that generator - finishing that chase in a leeway of a 30~40 second amount of time then kicking that gen for ~give or take 20 seconds of time then hooking that other survivor to get another 20seconds someone else on the map if you can get to that gen in time. I understand the nerf but also understand why people are upset that a "momentum" perk that bandaids the problem of base kick being near worthless and gen speeds being basically unhindered by base regression while simulatanously raising concerns that the "viable" alternative is to once again rely on Hex: Ruin now with it's Hex: Undying sibling... which is arguably an even more braindead slowdown perk.

    It's still very much useable and I'll probably still run it since more often than not I'm rushing to a gen to get a single hit - then kicking the gen before resuming chase anyway but value is definitely being lost where more and more agency is being taken away from the killer while people don't like that the current state of multiple DSes isn't being addressed at the same time (Another bandaid to the unhealthy problem of tunneling out individuals - just notice killer games when there are no obsession at all at R1 and you'll know what I mean).

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Half of those are situational 1-time use and depends on what the killer does.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Isn't that what killer slow down perks do but on a more consistent basis?

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    What is wrong with I'm all ears though? I've heard you complain about it.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951
    edited September 2020

    I love how people are complaining about a perk that only works one time with a strict time limit and you have to pass a difficult skill check. So there is no guarantee you're going to get utility out of it necessarily. Not to mention the fact that most Killers go out of their way to circumvent the perk entirely. Pop is still a very compelling perk. Make a decision, 45 seconds is still very generous. The perk isn't necessarily intended for you to get use out of it every single time you get a hook. You have to make decisions.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I'm not going to engage a debate about DS, because every topic veers into that and every talking point has been discussed. So far haven't seen anything new introduced to convince me otherwise. DS is a perk that depends on The Killer. The only way DS is forced is if you engage a Survivor within the well established window. The description and activation conditions are well known, so if you pick-up a Survivor that was hooked within the last 60s you may get struck with DS. People can miss DS, it's not a guaranteed redemption even when you grab someone within 60s. On topic, PGTW at 45s seems fine to me. I run it sometimes and usually know exactly where I am going and make it within seconds.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    It's not guaranteed because people miss it. I didn't ignore but chose not to waste my time debating about DS, a point I made clear. So while you're calling me a hypocrite, next time read what someone said. I just find it funny and made that point. You can compare and debate with a willing participate but don't confuse my disinterest in wasting time with this topic as a sign of lacking merit. Your arguments don't move me, as I already stated. You make a lot of generalized statements, both over and under inclusive about Survivors as if they are a monolith. You've convinced yourself of "god mode" so I know where you stand, not wasting my time.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I've heard it all, nothing you nor anyone else here hasn't already been said is my point. I just find it funny and that's what I stated. Every topic shifts to keys, mori's, IH, and DS, etc. Until I see new material or arguments made, not interested in regurgitating the same talking points. Feel free to do so but no thanks.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Kill rates are high because surviving isn't required to pip.

    I have had many games where i killed all 4 survivors after the gens are done and the doors are 99 because they wanted to save someone instead of just leaving.

    If death caused a depip or only a safety pip like not killing survivors does to killers then we would see different results.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    you could leave down another guy pop a gen hook him pop another gen and continue with just a wave of pressure that unless your on comms you couldnt really do anything, i do think their are perks that shouldve had higher priorities than pop looking at you ds

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    Or maybe it is cause most fun for survivors come from saving others/running the killer. If everything was only about do the gens, leave the game that game would've been dead long ago. Ever thought about that ?

  • Rigbeta
    Rigbeta Member Posts: 182

    The map can be traversed with excessive ease within 45 seconds. If pop is active, you'll have a gen in mind to use it on (usually) and you'll get to disrupt the progress just fine unless repressed alliance is used, which would have the same effect with the 60 second timer.

    Most killers that use Pop are almost exclusively the high mobility ones, so they'll get there in no time anyway. If its a low mobility killer, they still can traverse at there base or slightly slower speed.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    I honestly dont mind the pop change,its not really a big deal,and this will make killers go for gens more when having pop,I've seen so many killers running pop running around without a care because they had 1 minute to decide what gen to pop,if they wanna chase and everything,I honestly like all the upcoming changes in the ptb and hope more perks and maps will be reworked,a step in the right direction if you ask me,still waiting for that ds nerf and all the survivor meta perks that haven't been properly balanced in the past.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    I would be agree with infinite timer unless they dont make any action outta vault and pallet drop or get healthy status effect.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Not responding is just not responding. Saying we (forum users) engaged in bad faith by setting "traps" just guarantees we'll get fewer responses from now on, because they'll assume we're being dishonest about our intentions.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Nope, they just get downed again before the timer runs out, sometimes you down one survivor, sometimes two inbetween and you still get hit by it. This is especially fun when they wear the same outfit. Most of the survivors do not bring this perk due to tunneling but because it is busted af and they know it. Tunneling is just a claim to legitimize that perk.

  • LARI
    LARI Member Posts: 66

    What's the big deal? 15s nerf. Not that big of a deal to me.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I'm an avid supporter of DS but I don't agree with their reasoning behind the Pop nerf.

    It makes 0 sense.

  • C_Frank
    C_Frank Member Posts: 179

    Pop is meta. Neft Ds and kill rate go to 90%. I hope ds neft to make more skill survivor play but is not gonna happens

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    So are you going to change DS because it just gives 60 second immunity without conditions? Like turn the timer infinite in chase BUT DS-deactivates the second you go touch a generator etc.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    This is a case of Us vs Them, how dare you touch my timer on my perk when the other side has a timer.

    The two perks are nowhere similar and I find amusement they are compared.

    DS has already been nerfed heavily 3 times, I don't think it needs looked at. Killers do need to grow a pair and stop asking for survivors to be dead on a silver platter.

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