A Shift in Meta

The amount of people wanting nerfs to Spine Chill is highlighting the fact that it has shifted to meta with all of the undetectable options a killer has available now and it being one of the only counters to a stealth killer or a killer with high map pressure that's closing in on you (ex. Billy, spirit) so the problem is there aren't many options at all really available to counter stealth in this game , more perks or options need to become available to be an active counter so the perk isn't ran so often , I for one only use it for my ultimate vault build with resilience but I like to have it off for the occasional jumpscares so I feel the vibe but it doesn't change the fact that some people run this every game because it's the only option available to counter stealth , the million dollar question becomes If you could create a perk that has a counter to stealth but isn't OP what would it be?


  • Make spine chill only activate while the player is crouched, so it's a sort of "immersed dork vs. immersed dork" type of dynamic. After all, what better way to counter someone trying to be stealthy than just attempting to out-stealth them?

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    But what perk would you create aside from spine chill that has a good counterplay for stealth killers ? I'm saying that it shouldn't be the only perk option for a survivor against stealth and at the moment it kinda is

  • xillucide
    xillucide Member Posts: 92

    yeahhh no, spine chill isn't the meta. DS+Unbreakable+Sprint Burst+Adrenaline/Borrowed Time is still the meta. however spine chill is still a very good perk. I wouldn't nerf it at all, it does its job and it does it well. spine chill can easily be countered by just not looking at the person lol. if I could create another perk to counter stealth, I literally wouldn't because stealth is an ability both sides have, and one side has a direct counter to it, the other doesn't. spine chill is fine, stealth is fine, no other stealth-counter perk needs to be added atm.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    On the contrary; if Spine Chill wasn't nerfed to make stealth useless against Survivors using it (which I 100% disagree with and do not believe stealth play needs a hard counter; just play more cautiously and watch your back better, imo) - I would instead make a Killer equivalent that is a direct counter to Survivor stealth with roughly the same power - essentially pointing out anyone "stealing" around you.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Just remove Spine Chills effect on Wraith, GF and crouching Pig. The other killers can handle themselves.

  • Really don't know to be honest. The mechanics of the game don't really permit for anything much better or diverse than what spine chill is, I feel like, because the killer's tracking/hunting in this game is almost exclusively tied to "auras"(see:wallhacks). How do you really counter that in any way besides knowing when the killer is heading your way? The ways that killers can track survivors need to be much more dynamic and thought-out than just "do this thing and get wallhacks for x amount of seconds" in order to create more dynamic ways to go against it. The game's own limitations are the reason the perk is so widely used, tracking needs to be overhauled in order for stealth killers' efficiency and survivors' counter-ability to be more than what it is now

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641


    I'm seeing a large deal of Spine Chill still - whether it's easy to counter or not. I personally think it is in the survivor meta at the moment.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I don't want to nerf it I'm saying with the amount of complaining it shows that it's the only true perk that offers a counterplay to stealth without requiring you to be in a already bad situation

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    But why? That's ridiculous when that's literally why the perk was made was to counter stealth and it's the only option available in a perk, kinda like how whispers counters survivor stealth. I'm just saying that with all the undetectable effects people are seeing more spine chill because that's the only real counter they have to stealth killers or killers with undetectable

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Did you forget whispers exist? Literally the killer equivalent of spine chill. It's hypocritical to want spine chill nerfed while killers have multiple aura reading add ons and perks that counter survivor stealth while survivors have only one perk they can slap on to counter it

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
    edited September 2020

    I'm a very avid Spine Chills user when I play survivor, together with Iron Will, but I gotta say I think a slight nerf could be a good idea.

    The problem right now is that Spine Chills is a hard counter to certain killers and, even against all the other killers, it promotes play styles that make the game infuriating for killers: stealth and hold w (the latter luckily counterable by very high mobility killers, but still..).

    It's not that much of a problem against solo survivor and/or a single spine chills user, but when there's a couple of them, or they are in comm, it starts to get a bit tiring - which is not to say it is OP, it's just not fun to go against.

    I do like the proposal to make spine chills active only when crouched, but this would promote an even more stealthy play style - survivors won't even work on gens at that point, since they can't hold w anymore.

    I'd like Spine Chills to be a perk able to reward players that don't shy away from the killers instead.

    One possible solution could be to switch to a token system, for example:

    For each 10 seconds you are in a chase, you gain a Token up to a maximum of 5.

    Press the Active Ability Button while not running to consume 1 token and enable Spine Chill for 5 seconds.

    While Spine Chill is enabled, you activate Spine Chill when the Killer is looking directly in your direction and standing within a range of 36 metres.

    While Spine Chill is active, Skill Check trigger odds are increased by 10 % with success zones reduced by 10 %.

    While Spine Chill is active, your Repair, Healing, Sabotage, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Exit Gate Opening, and Chest Unlocking speeds are increased by 2/4/6 %.

    In bold the only differences I made to the current description. Numbers are just placeholders, the concept is what matters.

    EDIT: The "active ability button" may conflict with Diversion or other perks - still, pick a button that you can use :P

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Personally I feel like spine chill is in a good place because it's the only perk that can counter stealth , if there were more options available perk wise to counter it we wouldn't be having this discussion about it but you're basically dedicating a slot in your build to have that heads up instead of something else thats considered a crutch perk, I just think the devs need to release another generic perk package ( perks like spine chill, plunderers, resilience are generic perks ) and throw in some small things that aren't really op that can help with gameplay , and the killers need new generic perks also it would be nice to see something like this get tossed in I'd even pay for it

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    In the other post you mentioned premonition, so it seems there might be more available than just SC.

    Neat! Given how strong SC is I agree that it justifies some sort of limitation or nerf. Claiming a perk slot is "wasted" for using is doesn´t seem like a valid point to me.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    No, I did not forget --- Spine Chill is 100% active everytime the killer meets that condition.

    Whispers is sporadic and does not always activate when Survivors are within the radius; nor does it give a directional indication like Spine Chill does.

    If you're going to equate the two - then yes Spine Chill needs to be brought down to Whispers level - sporadic activation, non-directional "hey you're close"... Whispers is literally just a non-100% Heartbeat Killers can turn on for Survivors. While Survivors get a 100% active perk anytime a killer tries to come up from behind, which is kind of crap.

    Survivors have a ######### ton of aura-reading perks too and flat-out counters and hand-holding when it comes to not having to be taken by surprise.

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641
    edited September 2020

    I'll like to point out that if Spine Chill did not have a directional indication based on Killers looking in that direction and was purely radial like Whispers then it would make survivors even more flighty than it does now and have no direct mechanical counterplay that you as a killer could employ to successfully ambush anyway. While this might be a huge loss in productivity if survivors are more likely to run or hide just at the sheer sight of you being within 36m away - it still doesn't garner any increase in interaction and address current killers complaints in this thread about Spine Chill gamers.

    Anyways on another note - Spine chill is in the top 6 survivor perks over 250 matches for popular usage and a noted increase for me since adding Crossplay matches.


  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    Loss of productivity by forcing Survivors to flee is better than increased productivity by the speed bonus of Spine Chill and Survivors being aware that the killer is looking in their direction and not just passing nearby.

    If anything, remove Spine Chill's speed bonus and it'd be an "anti-stealth" perk still, but without adding an increased benefit to objectives.