You guys pick on the DEVS way too much

Seriously, ever since the notes on the upcoming update were released all I see is negative comments towards the devs and the game itself from the Forums to YouTubers thoughts about the update. There’s even a thread making fun of Almo for not answering a comment directed at him. For the amount of complaining and negativity that people give to this game and to the devs, people still play it. At the end of the day if it’s really an issue or if it bothers you that much then don’t play the video game simple as that. Let the devs do their job please. At the moment since the update is focusing on Pyramid Head and pop, all of the killer mains are upset. This is just a tip of advice for both roles, when something doesn’t go YOUR way, don’t lash out at the devs or anyone for that matter and let them do their job. You wouldn’t like it if you were working and someone lashed out at you for trying to do your job or tell you how to do your job. That’s all.
Almo one was funny as hell though. When I read his response I thought "But DS....??🤔"
It almost felt intentional. Like DS is about to get a surprise nerf and he was dropping bread crumbs to lead us to the truth.
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Let’s be real. Have you ever seen a complaint that called out the “Live Balancing Team”? Cause I haven’t. It’s always directed at the Devs and it makes sense at the same time why it’s directed at them. They’re a whole, they’re 1 company, a Team. In real life when someone complains about a store or a restaurant etc. they direct the entire company or the building, not certain sections or departments. Everything else I agree with. The game is getting stale at the moment.
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This community is like both sides are spoiled brats who don't respect their parents and the parents allow it
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yup agree with you 100%. Everyone wants their way and wants to be spoon fed and if something doesn’t go their way they yell at mom and dad. (In this case, BHVR)
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There have been many threads and suggestions on how to fix Pyramid head without making him Z tier, but the only thing they looked at was WAAAAAAAH no counterplay and nerfed that without looking at why nobody uses his power outside of animation locks.
We have had hundreds to thousands of posts abut OoO abuse with swf and DS being unfair (it is needed but not as anti momentum) but they nerf a perk that only someone in green ranks would ever complain about.
People are frustrated, and have given up being constructive.
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If I don't get chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast tomorrow I'm gonna throw a tantrum
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Yeah it's so ######### annoying, I feel like a high schooler who just got of their emo phase because I used to be like that... when I was rank 12. It's like these people don't think the dev's are human and expect them to make the perfectly balanced game. Like ######### do people forget how small this game was back in 2017? Where BHVR was small and didn't expect this to blow up? ######### I'm not gonna act like I been here that long I just heard about this game when I got friday late 2017, and that game was supposed to kill this one(######### lawsuit). Like if I had known how toxic it became I would've never joined, hell I joined because i was watching vids from a year ago thinking it hasn't changed for the worse, and boy was I wrong. I'm honestly disappointed in this community almsot as disappointed I am on the Washington Football Team
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Well to be fair, the Devs even said themselves that it was a lose/lose situation for the survivors when Pyramid Head fakes his power and that’s something the vast majority agreed on as well. As for the posts complaining about OOO and SWF and what not, you have to accept the fact that the devs don’t find a problem with it because it would have obviously been looked at a long time ago and fixed. Yes that is going to upset people but in all fairness, Nobody should be punished for playing with friends. Lots of games have that feature.
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Honestly, I couldn’t have said it any better myself. Facts. I got the game because I wasn’t sure if I wanted Friday the 13th or DBD. I just wanted a horror game you know? And then I saw lots of cool gameplay vids on YouTube and tutorials and I’ve adapted.
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That actually sounds good not gonna lie.
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How does removing OoO Punish swf? the perk is only used by them to basically cheat and troll killers.
This is exactly why people are mad. they make it very obvious they are following the money rather than the health of the game.
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What else am I supposed to do with my life?
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You must have misunderstood... I never said “removing OOO punishes SWF” please go back and read. I said “Nobody should be punished for playing with friends.” You probably got confused because I also said that “you have to accept the fact that the devs don’t have a problem with it because it would have obviously been fixed along time ago”.
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Honestly, the devs bring it on themselves. Like pop, the reason they gave for nerfing it is the exact same complaint about ds, but they dont nerf it.
Old ruin and doc is another one, only talking about survivor fun. Feels like an insult to half of the community.
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"OoO abuse (with) swf" i think you missed the "with" when i mentioned OoO as that is why people complain about it otherwise nobody would care.
I don't agree with nerfing swf, they need to make solo survivors boosted and then balance killers to cope with the outcome.
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Yeah personally I like friday better since I can make both sides happy when I'm counselor, I beat Jason's ass for fun and he gets to kill me win/win. But in this game no one cares about fun it seems. And I'm getting tired of seeing blendettes, I literally have a power that makes you glow and you still tryna hide
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I wholeheartedly agree that the devs do not deserve any hate speech, but as many others have pointed out, there is a lot of valid criticism to be had.
DBD is a 4 year old game, and yet the amount of bugs and glitches that continue to exist means they don't thoroughly play test their own game. That, or they figure they'll fix everything on the back end.
Recruiting new players is nearly impossible given the state of matchmaking, and while I understand that the survivor base makes up the majority of the players within the game, DBD wouldn't exist without it's small and dedicated killer base. For all the nerfs that keep being applied to Killers and killer perks in general, the exact opposite is happening with survivors. Case in point - PGTW. POP is getting nerfed because they feel that killers are being given too much time to do other things while POP remains active, yet somehow that same logic doesn't apply to decisive strike?
Because of choices like this, Killer mains feel like they're being overlooked and ignored, and I think they have a point. Being an ass won't do you any favors in getting that point across, but when you feel like you're being ignored, sometimes people feel that being an ass is all they have left.
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Most of it is criticism on how to improve the game. Sometimes it goes too far however.
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They have never been constructive since I've been in here.
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Yes. Sometimes. Not everytime someone says something about the dev's they're attacking them lol.
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TBF if solos were buffed to be at swf level, which they should do that imo, OoO would still be broken, it needs to change.
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Criticizing balancing choices is fair game, but yes, people take it too far.
"The Pop nerf is stupid" - Fair critcism.
"Why would you nerf Pop for the reasons you did, but leave DS untouched?" - Even Fairer.
"The Devs are morons and should be fired and replaced because I disagree!" - A moron who should probably be ignored.
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👆🏽Completely THIS👆🏽
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I would have said "more often than not", but yeah. I get what you mean.
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Atleast get paid to defend the company that makes millions of dollars, don't play yourself man.
I don't personally attack the devs on an individual basis and i don't see it that often besides what's happened with Almo it's not that often that people attack individuals in the company but the company itself is fair game and the nameless higher ups are usually in charge of what takes priority anyway which is what i direct some of my frustrations with the game at.
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DBD is more popular than ever based on steam stats so they are doing something right.
That being said, do you really expect more from a group of people that are trying to rant and look for confirmation bias?
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I get that and I do also have my criticisms with companies like Games Workshop, but I don't belittle every employee who talks to anyone. Games Workshop are deliberately trying to screw people out of their money, where as bHVR are trying to balance two separate games competing against each other at the same time and dealing with the most entitled community I have ever seen.
That and I've been where Almo is right now. It feels horrible, and I never wish it for anyone. I'm just trying to be the support and helping hand I wish I had when I needed it.
I don't expect you, or anyone, to understand. It's not about the company or their decisions. It's about the people behind them that we're dealing with and how we go about them.
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It’s Behaviour’s game.
They can do whatever they want with it.
Yet, it’s mind-boggling how much they really absolutely DO actually listen to the players, and have given so much, and put forth so much effort to try and cater to everyone, and minimal credit goes their direction, for anything.
Instead, there is comment after comment festering with negativity, pouring from the mouths of some people who sound-off in entitled tones, often abusively demanding they get whatever they want, however they want, whenever they want it, behaving like a bunch of little Veruca Salts.
There’s so much chaos and nonsense in the world that we all have to deal with in some form or another, and people are bickering and complaining about Pop Goes the Weasel and Decisive Strike!? That’s just kinda sad.
Be thankful you get to play games and have the gear to do so on, and a house to game in and people to game with, not to mention the developers you have, who are putting their very souls into creating for you what it is you refuse to stop playing everyday of your lives.
All the whining sounds like a bunch of Hollywood celebrity snobs who have SO much and still grudge about not getting every last morsel from Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, then the keys to the factory, itself, and every last item on all their childhood lists to Santa.
Life goes pretty fast, it’s not worth it to live shrouded in fussing and toxicity.
We have to snap out of this selfishness and bickering, already.
We’re better than this.
Pro gamers show love and empathy to their fellow gamers and respect each other and the creators who gave them the opportunity to game their fav games.
I can’t be the only one who can play DBD contently, and legit have fun.
I just know I’m not the only one.
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You're not.
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The devs make batty, blatantly unfair decisions that aren't just designed to make survivors more 'fun' but at the direct expense of killers.
Why did they remove killer matchmaking?
Why did they remove the protections against a high tier survivor group queuing with a deranked/smurf account to troll lowbie killers?
What are killer mains, especially those of us without thousands of hours of experienced supposed to think at this point?
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Because the devs take months, in some cases years, to make ANY noteworthy changes. God loops took almost four years to address, and they STILL exist. Maps like Ormond and Haddonfield are a thing. DCing without husks is a thing. Perks to make up for gameplay mechanic fails is still a thing. Faulty matchmaking is still a thing. Screwy emblem system is still a thing. The out dated Shrine and bloodweb are still a thing. No push to bring solo experience to SWF standards. Incredibly slow push to bring the old killers up to todays standards. Nurse still has the most bugs to her gameplay over any killer. Keys and moris have yet to be addressed.
But so long as they keep pumping out those cosmetics, all is dandy in the world!
Can some threads/posts be bullying? Sure, I'll admit that. But again, this batch of perk changes took, what, eight months to get out? EIGHT months? Maybe, just maybe, if they expanded the balance team to speed things along, so we didn't have to wait two months at a time to get a balance pass, sometimes not even that, everybody wouldn't be so high strung with changes.
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Was this written by a first grader? The forums are made for this very purpose, I don't agree with everything said here but like me everyone here is a paying customer. I'm pretty sure the developers don't need you kissing their ass. They're adults, they could handle criticism and right now this is a pretty controversial change.
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The Clown comment has forever put the balance team in the "Yeah, uhh, can we get someone else?" category for me.
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He doesn't mean critique, he means when like in the last situation with almo, the forums started clowning on him
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The FTP mechanics are the worse. The game should be free. I was amazed the fanbase even went along with it when they introduced a battle pass. I have completely moved on, I have only been playing lately because I met a cool group that wanted to run some games. But who needs damage control when you have corporate bootlickers like the person you were responding to.
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I love this.^^
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Easy for you to say this when you were cheering for some of the changes.
Had they gutted something you paid for and enjoyed I think you would be singing a different tune.
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it's not all 100% him, we don't know the behind the scenes stuff and hell maybe his responses aren't coming from him but the higher ups. We just don't know. SO DON'T ASSUME STUFF ABOUT A DEVELOPER FOR A GAME YOU AREN'T INVOLVED IN. And I really question your personality if your second post is calling someone autistic for disagreeing with you. Oh no he didn't go to my killer bias let's bash him. Like please get off your high horse. I want you to try to develop a game with 1 other person at home with limited tools. All the while the community you are working for is clowning you. And then (possibly we just don't know) you are told to say something even though you aren't a community manager and either ######### up or are told to say something you disagree with.
If you wanna know why you insult made me upset go past the spoiler.
I was slow as a child and only now have I reached my full potential. My little brother is autistic and I have received a lot of verbal bullying due to not being that bright at a young age, hell I couldn't even speak before I could read. Tbh i only think I'm book smart because sometimes I'm dumb as a rock. Anyway before you make insult think before you press post.
Post edited by Rizzo on8 -
👆🏽This is where all the upvotes belong👆🏽
Wake-up awesome DBD community an show each other some love 🧡 my goodness.
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
I don't agree with the decisions they make, but that rubbed me the wrong way also. That was super abelist and as someone who went through the same thing, that was uncool
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I honestly don't think these people care. Anytime a drastic and controversial change is made((usually toward killers)) some hero makes a post to guilt trip people into not being annoyed. I fail to see who this helps, certainly not the developers.
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I'm glad to see more people recognize that the devs get way too much ######### from the community. I'm baffled they haven't just abandoned the game altogether and moved on to better things.
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The main problem is the near-lack of communication and absolutely glacial response time. After 4 months, PH is finally getting his broken toy fixed. And we're supposed to be grateful? It's a live game and it's taken how long? And we keep telling each other that it's a good response time? That... That really is not okay. Not just that it's taken this long, but that many of us were acceptant that is wasn't going to happen EVER.
Yeah. Call me a Dev basher. Maybe people would complain less if they felt the team was more involved with the community and actually gave a damn. It doesn't help that every time they reply to a post they never follow up for fear of getting hurt or inflaming a situation by not applying the critical thinking required to be a developer to criticism and complaints.
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The frustration player's feel is not born out of nowhere, is consequence of the game not fullfiling their expectations.
Setting a higher bar for player expectation fullfillment would be a good place to start by BE. Many of the DBD features don't feel like that bar is currently at a high height to be honest:
- Ranking system reset pairing pros with noobs
- Build system with lots of combinatorial posibilities but somehow ending up bringing up a repetitive gameplay environment
- Found OP strategy -> Nerf -> new OP mechanic implementation cycle
- Season passes that to be completed you need to expend unhealthy amounts of time
- ...
Notice how all of the mentioned points have been plaguing the online game industry for a while. They always bring up frustration.
So why bringing them up again?
It's not all on devs, as we have the responsability of stopping supporting these games over and over, but they are not innocent either.
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It kinda depends on what people are mad at.
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I just feel like people don’t understand how they push stuff to live. Odds are they had those perk changes finalized a while back but only were able to include them in this update. Dunno just really tired
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The community managers take way too much of the flak when they aren't even responsible for changes. Like if the balance team decide that clown's bottle throw being ranged means he should be a 110 speed it's the CM's job to come here and explain that this is a very sensible and not idiotic change, but it's not their doing. Probably why you don't see them around here much now.
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The devs come off as smug while discussing changes, they change things that no one really complains about, and they tend to ignore things that players say that spend twice as much time playing the game as the devs do developing it.
If it was just ignorance it would be excusable, but considering the pattern of this behavior, it's quite intentional. The most glaring issue is that they don't seem to learn from their mistakes, especially when it comes to communicating things to the community. The fact that they haven't specifically hired a PR team to manage information and communication to the community after 4 years of this is nothing short of miraculous, and it is part of why I say that what they do is intentional.
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I agree that alot of the hate and abuse thrown at the devs is completely over the top and unacceptable. It sums up this community alot of the time which is really saddening.
But at the same time, some of the decisions that they make can honestly be so frustrating to deal with, especially when they give very a limited response to why they made those decisions. The lack of communication can also just make it feel so much worse.
Now I'm not saying this justifies any insults hurled at the devs because nothing justifies doing that, but there have been numerous amount of patches and changes in the last 4 years that have literally made say aloud "What?! Why the hell have they done that!?" And for them to either not say anything about it or give a very unusual reason just kills alot of motivation to keep playing.