You should PLAY the killer before complaining about them
no that means the survivors were trash or you just played well
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and i main spirit and i want her to be reworked
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You dont even need to be out of postion you could see him coming and a pallet could be 10 meters away but you can make it. All he has to do is press m2.
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Blah blah blah
No point arguing with someone that demands all killer powers have clear and defined counterplay.
Replace killers with bots already because their skill shouldn't matter and it should always be the survivors fault 100% for getting hit.
It is the single, most boring and frustrating argument in this forum.
THERE IS A REASON PEOPLE DONT USE PYRAMIDHEADS ATTACK IN THE OPEN because it isn't up to him if the survivor gets hit by it. This is what clear and defined counterplay causes.
You want Deathslinger to slow to 90% when aiming with a longer aim time and 2 to 3 second cooldown so you can jiggle about and force the teeny tiny hitbox to miss through your "skill" of swiveling a stick. Or be slowed for so long that you reach the safety net every time with no opposition.
We get it.
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While I agree with the conclusion I disagree with the reasoning.
Things that annoy you from the PoV of the Survivor aren't likely to annoy you from the PoV of the Killer, that doesn't mean there isn't a problem.
That said, what playing the Killer/Survivor perk/Whatever CAN help you do is come up with viable solutions.
Sometimes an annoying Killer mechanic is also vital to that Killers success, sometimes a mechanic is causing annoyances on both sides and sometimes it's just a side thing. Knowing this improves the quality of any suggested solutions.
For example if you know an annoying mechanic is also important for balance reasons, then you'd know to counterbalance it's removal with a large buff to take it's place.
Whereas if it turns out to be a minor portion of their kit, an addon for example, then less compensation is needed.
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1. It was a joke,
2. I played well since I didn't miss that many chainsaws(thank my knowledge on billy for that)
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If you are running to a pallet in a straight line, it's a 50/50 whether you don't accept bait or dodge unless he is close. There is also going path that block LOS towards pallets so it can be dropped safely (such as pallet gyms).
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This is a strawman argument and you reaching at everything you can can. I never said I counterplay that's easy, or super clear or whatever you are trying to say. I want counterplay where my input/skill matters. I thought I made that clear. Or maybe you dont have any argument to say so this is your last resort.
Nobody wants bot killers. Survivors just want a chance to win a chase.
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Yea I play console and no one plays nurse here because of fps rank 3 surivor said they would report me because I could blink In and out of basement i tell you I choked on my ramen when reading that
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Yea then you killer gets nerfed ahem billy
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It's a 50/50 for the survivor but not for him.
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It's a 50/50 for both sides, he needs you to predict if you'll dodge, or commit to the pallet.
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He just has to have his gun out and be patient there is no guessing.
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So much this. I'm tired of people saying any killer they hate going up against is "brain dead" or takes no skill, this is often said to manipulate people into doing things they want them to do. I had this same perspective when I started off, I only played survivor and thought the plight of killers were hilarious until I started playing more killer myself. That's not to say there isn't any validity to survivors' frustrations, but when they pretend that every tool you use is an easy win button that irks me off.
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If he thinks you'll dodge and you commit he just lost a hit. Deathslinger isn't op at all in loops, only time he actually shines is in open areas, where you are already screwed with any other ranged killer, nurse? Get blinked on. Huntress? Get sniped Demo? You incorrectly predict them to attack and you get hit PH? Well his ability is crap in the open. Clown? He slows you down and m1 you etc etc. There are killers who do way worse yet yall choose a weak and boring killer to complain about. That's like saying old freddy should have been nerfed.
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I would point out that people could still play both sides and could still disagree with you.
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I also believe just playing killer isnt enough sometimes. Playing at the top % is the true defining of what it means to play killer. Try your hardest to get the highest rank you can as killer. Once you see how brutal it can be at high ranks you really get an understanding of why killers play do dirty at times. It also helps you just overall get better at survivor too because you have a more whole and complex understanding of the overall mechanics. I play high rank both sides and it's made me a better player all around. I also get much less frustrated and angry when playing really stressful rounds. I think everyone should do if only to experience it and go back to your preferred side.
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People having differing opinions? impossible, clearly someone has to be lying about playing both sides in that case
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There are no complex killer mechanics. As survivors it is prettty easy to deciver how each killer works without playing them for even a second. There is no benefit in playing killer.
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Quality sarcasm LOL. I almost choked on my Welch's
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So are you telling me you can learn everything about a killer by just playing against them as survivor? And all of their counters, mindsets, etc? Because I know that is not the case
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people should play games solo without DS and see how much fun they have before posting complaint #2000 on it
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A lot of their complaints are suddenly making sense >_>;;
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I play solo without DS and agree to an extent about the complaints about DS. I'm indifferent as of whether or not it gets nerfed though.
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Same with survivor. Im sick of people complaining about DS LMAO. Don't tunnel maybe?
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Funny thing is I tell people this all the time! But if we are being honest, there are very few player's like this! Survivor's want to constantly have the 51% advantage in chase and mindlessly loop killers until they are in a dead zone, and killer's just wanna hold W and press M1 when they are close enough!
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Yeah that how plain this game works. There is not a single arguments against this.
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How are they not?
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Oh, I don't doubt that for a second. I just never expected people to do so on the level that they did.
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A strike may be too far because why will the devs do anything for us of we dont care for the game and it wasnt really a buff but a quality of life change
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Yes, I've learned that I am extremely unpopular amongs the Slinger mains because I used to main him whilst pointing out that it was all down to me screwing up, not the survivor outplaying me.
They don't like it when you do what they want and still disagree with evidence to back your opinion. They really, really don't like it.
Still love Slinger. Point that out every chance I get. But I walked far more than a mile in his shoes and still saw massive, massive unfairness.
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And killers having too much counter-play is literally a response you can put in the current survey for a killer being TOO WEAK!
The plague has a strong power in theory but because her power is almost entirely determind by the survivors she is one of the weakest killers in practice in the game.
Yes if you get caught out(If he's close enough to shoot at 18(13-14 realistically due to travel time and you running away) meters with direct LoS then you were caught out as that's how his power works) then you get smacked but that is also true with most killers.
In the same situation with an oni you go splat, billy can see that you saw you own demise, blight will run you over, Leather face would show you the pain train, The wraith would go ding dong your dead, the nurse and spirit would make you say nani before you died, and ext.
If he's close enough to shoot(18 max and 13-14 meters realistically) out in the open with direct LoS away from a pallet nearly any killer could hit you there.
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I completely agree. I see so many complaints about even the basic mechanics of being killer that it's obvious they don't play killer. I started playing mainly killer and would complain about survivor things and then when I started playing survivor alot makes sense. I don't act like a toxic player tho, from either side, that's where it gets really annoying and even i complain about it.
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I dont think deathslinger is op I'm gonna start off with that. He doesnt just shine in open areas short wall loops, shacks even jungle gyms if ran correctly by the deathslinger.
Even outside of animation lock and windows all he has to do is put his gun up and walk at you. If he doesnt go for quickshlts and hard aims you have to dodge.
You could say he has to guess but as soon as you run through he can shoot. On demo it's obvious when hes zoning he also slows down huntress and nurse are whole different story. I think slingers problem is that he in the open can just cheese you. Even against nurse and huntress you still have a chance if there's trees around but slinger it's just cheese.
Slinger has an oppressive ability thats why we choose him. Atleast for me. That is an opinion technically I suppose since alot of people dont feel that way.
Post edited by azame on0 -
You have been given a valid opinion by a complete stranger on the internet.
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Every killer should at least give you some feedback, and take skill to play, like a nurse, Billy, or blight.
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Azame, don't bother arguing with that guy, trust me, he thinks karu is a bad PH because he doesn't mindlessly zone.
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I've played a LOT of Deathslinger, and nothing I've learned or do with him has helped me against other Deathslingers at all. All I've learned is that bad Deathslinger players will quickscope at corners almost all the time, and good Deathslinger players have a brain and decent aim and will hit you no matter what because it's physically impossible to react to him shooting you. There's no strat it's just don't get spotted or you die in 10 to 20 seconds, unless they're not aiming well and having an off day or something.
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Yes I understand if you are out of position any killer could get you that's not even what I'm arguing.
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It makes the argument more valid but it doesn't automatically make your arguments correct. You just won't complain about things that weaker players would.
Of course, whether it's right or wrong mainly comes down to opinion.
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Wait what? He thinks karu of all people is bad at PH? Alrigt thanks for the info music nerd I guess I'll stop it there.
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Yes, do you know his reason? Because karu goes for skillful shots and doesn't play him "optimally" by zoning with no counterplay.
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why are you kicking my gens?
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So becaus karu rather use the power for it's intended use hes bad? Yikes I havent really interacted with him head on much I would never know.
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That's fair.
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NGL I'm a little guilty of this with DS. He's fun AF to play but I still think he's really easy. Now against top tier skilled survivors it gets a bit difficult they almost always get a 4k escape on me. But all the other killers that I think are BS other than nurse. I still think are decently easy. PH before was the same as DS for me but after his changes it's easier since you can spam the power more. But spirit is easy if you use headset.
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Blight is most fun for me. Next in line is DS, Demo, Spirit, Huntress. Everyone else is a pain in my ass to play as.
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The controls in this game are to basic for your input to matter beyond what i just said.
For your input to matter beyond 50/50 guessing, the killers input can't matter.
You want to force Deathslinger to shoot or be punnished giving you an extra loop or letting you get in position.
At 25 ping almost everyone reacts to the initial aim before i can even physically shoot.
Putting known and reliable restrictions on him would kill him if their changes to hit detection work
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Oh yeah you really didn't know? Because I actually try for fun trickshots and hit them, I'm not good, every single survivor I've faced since June/July has just been bad. It's got nothing to do with my skill, at all, only that of the survivors, since clearly your skill doesn't matter no matter what you do 🙃
Ngl I think they're just jealous they can't have these fabulous hits