Undying should not reveal auras.

It's one thing to request survivors to go around cleansing all the totems. That's no issue at all. This perk does that by forcing them to go cleanse totems because each cleanse simply transfers the hexes. However, it shouldn't also add the double-whammy of revealing the auras of anyone who either strolls by, or moves to cleanse. It already notifies the killer with an atomic bomb-sized explosion. Thrill of the Hunt, if I recall, already reveals the auras of survivors cleansing totems, but only when they start to cleanse them. I guess nobody even bothered to consider that perk before they just introduced Thrill on crack.
I agree. I’d be ok with that aspect being transferred to ToTH. That way if a killer wants to protect their Ruin, they have to commit to 3 perk slots: Ruin, Undying, ToTH
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My suggestion was to swap them kinda. Make ToTH give the aura reading but at a much larger zone (12 or 16 meters) to go with the theme of hunting. Give undying the notification when a hex is touched.
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They like to have perks be useless unless they make them to strong. Then its fine
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Thrill wasn't auras, just a location ping. Thrill was quite bad and Undying is what it should have been in the first place. I think Undying is fine, I'm not having any issues with it as survivor. Many times we just ignore it and finish all the gens with it and Ruin still up.
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Disagree, its a hex and can be removed therefore it should powerful which it is atm.. if undying is found first the transfer ability is gone... ive had both undying and ruin gone back to back at the start... sooooo..
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Seeing auras and actually being able to get to them are two different things altogether.
I had a match today where both Undying and Ruin were cleansed within 40 seconds of the match starting. I couldn't even get to either of the totems (on Blood Lodge) before they were gone (I saw the aura of the person cleansing Undying, but not the person on Ruin). Until totems on all maps are actually remotely difficult to find (in the above example, I wouldn't be shocked if rhe survivors had spawned directly in front of the totems), the aura reading, while helpful, isn't game-breaking at all. The killer has to be both close enough for it to matter and not otherwise occupied (in a chase, carrying someone to a hook, etc.).
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I just disconnect if I am in a map like hawkins or swamp
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Undying is a Hex.
Don't like it? Start breaking totems. Jesus Christ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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You clearly didn't read. Breaking totems is fine; it's the fact that this hex also reveals auras before anybody gets a chance to break them.
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It's powerful in the sense that it transfers other hexes. That should be enough.
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Give the aura to Thrill, it'll make it stronger and will synergize well with the aura effects.
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Then they should buff thrill by giving IT the aura reading, and leave Undying at simply transferring hexes.
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In all honesty, I've never found the aura reading to be a problem when playing survivor. I've yet to actually have a killer come for me when I've gone near a totem since alot of the time they're too distracted by chases or hooking which is what I've found using it as killer.
I'll occasionally see survivors on totems but most times they'll get them when I'm focused on another survivor
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Just some corrections to start:
Thrill of the Hunt has no aura reveal (this is a specific thing I'll get into for Undying) and creates a noise notification similar to a generator explosion, fast action on locker/window/pallet or even Discordance Perk proccing every 8~12 seconds. It can easily be lost in the confusion of other noise AND Peanits himself has stated that all loud noise notifications like these have a minimum and maximum range. The minimum range is so you hear the noise but there is no bubble polluting your screen (You'll see something similar with someone missing a skillcheck in line of sight of you closeby) and a maximum range (especially on bigger maps) where there is no sound bubble at all. Basically it is weak and only the first few totems will be delayed significantly by thrill as each totem gone, another 6% of cleansing slowdown is gone with it.
Next they released Deathslinger's Hex: Retribution perk which gave Oblivious for 45 to anyone who cleansed your dull totems but also a full out AURA reveal on ALL survivors for 10 seconds regardless of who broke the hex totem including Hex Retribution itself.
Hex: Undying has a 2m AURA reveal around every totem for 6 seconds then it completely fades out - it does not refresh on the same person again from the same totem for an unknown amount (someone let me know if there is a specific time) of time but it isn't within the next 20 seconds from my personal testing.
@LittilAvindar This last part is fairly important. Though this aura reveal is far longer range it's a simple matter of counting to 6 in your head instead of immediately beelining for the totem. I play solo queue survivor at R1 constantly and normally left to do all 5 bones alone - and as a Killer player who has tried the combo... seeing someone "running by" a hex totem from the distance does not make me want to go towards them and reveal my hex location to them. Pretending to run by then returning after counting 5 "one thousands" our loud will almost guarantee that you won't get interrupted at that hex unless you were the ONLY one the killer has any idea for where you area. Keep breaking Undying/Ruin combos - it's very possible for me to do all 5 in solo queue without even running Small Game or Detectives hunch anymore (Though the latter is very helpful).
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It’s a hex and it forces the Killer to drop whatever they’re doing to defend the totem. Undying is fine.
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If I already said Undying was fine where it was at then why would I want to nerf it? Thrill should get something else.
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Because just because you think something is fine, doesn't mean it is. I think Decisive Strike is fine. How bout that?
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I just made a post about this though. It can be very oppressive as a solo player when every time an attempt to cleanse any totem causes the killer to be right on you before the cleansing can be finished. It’s gonna get worse if the Thana changes go live.
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It's possible to mind game the killers from rushing straight at you by running past the hex you saw and pretending you're walking away for 6s. There is a significant cooldown on the same totem revealing again that isn't noted, it isn't a constant reveal. Coming back after a few seconds keeps you obscured for the entire time you are doing the hex as I have dealt with a ton of Undying/Ruin Blights this way as a solo queue survivor who has to break all 5 totems alone.
Now I would be perfectly fine with Hex: Undying's aura reveal being swapped with Hex: Thrill of the Hunt's noise explosion when it's being worked on nearby as one is definitely more powerful than the other and Thrill is specifically a hex aimed to protect other totems by reducing cleansing speed but getting weaker as more totems fall - it can also be cleansed first just like Undying negating it's protections. Undying already has a "high risk" totem respawning mechanic that can net you some insane value if they have to cleanse Ruin/Dull totems 4 times because Undying is either 4th or 5th., especially for solo queues who can't coordinate 2 hexes at once reliably.
I do "not" agree with outright removing any other benefit from Hex: Undying other than it's respawning mechanic as it's realistically making hexes more common - which I welcome rather than Q.Q. about since it's far more fun as a survivor to deal with secondary objectives as an option to weaken the killer.
Post edited by ZCerebrate on0 -
I have a good bit of experience and my experience disagrees. That's how opinions work.
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Every perk should have effect even if you bring only this perk alone. Of course Undying is good for its synergy but side effect is necessary. Also it isn't so bad for survivors get their aura revealed for couple of seconds. Just cleanse when killer is busy chasing or picking up another survivor and he never notice you there.
Only exception come to mind is Open-handed from Ace. This bad designed perk only work in synergy. Also Ace doesn't even have any aura reading perks to make synergy when you run Adept Ace build.
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Lol, experience eh? So I guess that trumps my opinion then, because you "have more experience." With what, exactly, your opinion? Even other killer mains think it should be transferred over to ToTH.
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It's not the biggest problem, unless killers start to camp totems. Either way, I am hearing arguments that those other perks should be buffed, instead of Undying nerfed. The issue is that they need to make sure they BALANCE the perks, or no matter what they do, Undying will be picked over the others because of its overall benefit. Nerf some, buff others.
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Killer that camp totems is biggest present to your team. Why would you want cleanse then? Just do the gens while he camping totems.
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I never said my opinion trumped yours, you inferred that on your own.
Experience was referencing play time. It was simply stating how I formed my opinion.
Many other players also think it shouldn't be transferred.
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It shows the aura but other than that it doesn't give the killer a notification. If the killer is not near the totem it's unlikely they'll A: be able to get to it in time; and B: even notice the aura because a good killer will be almost constantly in a chase, carrying a survivor, kicking a gen, or breaking a pallet.
The only good aura perks for killers, imo, are ones that can be used in a chase (I'm All Ears) or give information to locations (BBQ), because they avoid time waste and against an optimal team literally every second counts, which in high ranks are over 50% of game.
Personally as someone that plays both sides I don't see an issue with Undying. You get a lot of BP for cleansing totems, most maps have consistent/highly visible spawns, unless you're pretty much on top of the Survivor the aura being shown is low risk for them, and there is no auditory/large visual notification for when a Survivor gets close to or begins working on a totem.
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They shouldn’t completely remove the aura reading I think they should just make it so your aura is revealed when you start cleansing the totem rather than when you’re near it.
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I dunno, I like that it reveals auras. Perhaps the auras could be removed whilst survivors cleanse? That way, the only indication that the killer had about survivors being there is the brief window where they run up to the totem.
Or they could put the effect on TOTH, but I'd appreciate it if it didn't replace the loud notification. TOTH is much better at pure totem defence simply because you cannot miss it.
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I'm positive that the aura reading is only granted when a survivor enters 2m radius of a totem. Meaning as long as you stay inside that 2m radius your aura won't be shown again after the 6 seconds. But if you move out and enter the radius again your aura will be shown again.
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I think the aura should show when a survivor interacts with it not when a survivor is near/walking by it.
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Only If it doesn't get broken first.. which in most cases its a 50/50 since most will run the undying/ruin combo... also when you start doing dull bones it gives no place for another to move to... which again, 5 totems total, most cases 3 dull.. so when you break it down, it's not all that powerful... only when you play the chase game of breaking hex after hex.
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Undying and ruin is the new meta and it doesn't revolve around skill, it is more luck based in a sense due to how fast survivors will find and cleanse totems. It just give the killer more time and in maps like midwich, hawkings, mother's dwelling and other huge maps it makes finding and cleasing totems the main objective instead of the secondary. Ultimately makes the match very boring and too long. It definitely should be changed, maybe for a single transfer and without aura reading.
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Oh no a killer perk combo works, let's nerf it.....this gets old, ADAPT. We are humans not Dodo birds damn
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no, it should stay just as it is
the only high risk high reward hex perk in the game
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Only aura reading when survivor cleaning the totem. Not 5 free aura reading in the map
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I'd be fine with removing the auras IF (and only if) the put it back so that when Undying gets cleansed it moves itself to an available dull Totem like in the play test.
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Remove aura reading on Dull totems but keep the Aura reading for any active hex totem. Then just remove ToTH, because it's pretty much useless anyway. That's fair for everyone.
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Don't remove ToTH, I like that perk...slowing totem cleansing is a good idea, it could use a small(really small) buff....like 3 more seconds of cleansing to get more use ut of it
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ToTH: make a noise noti, increase time to break totem by 2-3sec
Undying: show aura for 6sec, transfer broken Hex into a dull totem
Both effects from Undying is far stronger than ToTH. I agree their info effects should be swapped.
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Except Thrill doesn't reveal auras. Without it, the notification noise only plays after a totem is broken, meaning camp it, revealing it to anyone paying attention and lose pressure, or hope the ridiculous spawns are so bad they get immediately cleansed.
Survivors have OoO, Kindred, dark sense, and alert, ALL of which reveal the killers aura. Killers get Nurses, BBQ, Retribution, Iron Maiden, and Infectious Fright. All but retribution and Iron Maiden are distance locked. OoO is the only one NOT distance locked for survivors. As it stands, Undying is just doing what retribution SHOULD have been doing for active totems BEFORE they were cleansed to begin with.
So no.
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Undying is fine. Stop crying about it because it makes you have to work and think harder about totems. That is the majority of the problem Survivor mains/players have with it.
Thrill gives audio ping and location, but no aura.
Undying requires killer to be looking in direction of a totem to see the aura; only lasts 6s; and has a considerable 'cooldown' from triggering on the same Survivor. It is desnged to make Survivors think twice about rushing to a totem to break it - and instead, play with their brains a bit: move close to trigger Undying if it exists; move away from the detection radius (it is short range, after all); and then move back after the 6s period had ended and break the totem during its cooldown.
Many players just don't like that now they have to worry that running to any totem they see will cause them to draw the killer's attention; instead of just being able to run around like 'oh look bones, let me break real quick' and moving on like you did to every bones until now.
Having to think more/play more cautiously =/= perk being too strong or broken.
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Absolutely not. With how long it takes to get into matches sometimes, it is appalling to hear "matches take too long" when you're actually in them. Just because you find the act of having to actually find the totems and break them cautiously a less-interesting M1 simulator than the 'hello I'm a generator' poles jutting out of the ground on outdoor maps, does not mean that because you now have a second objective instead of rushing down just one objective and proceeding to use the rest of the match time to drag out and troll and 'farm' emblem points, the matches are "boring".
And for the record, running BT, DS, etc. etc. does not require "skill" either. Survivor players like you just are upset that it provides a period of time where the game slows down for once and you have to do something other than annoy the killer or complete your main objective. And Undying/Hex combo is a 50/50 on being broken upon the first hex totem being cleansed - and otherwise, depends on other dull totems not being broken.
I think the biggest issue is Survivors that pay zero attention to their surroundings are getting salty about having their auras revealed because they run by a totem they overlooked. But Undying's range is ridiculously small to even be worrying about.
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simply put, no
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16 meters would be as busted as old Hangmans Trick.