Can we change BT to work off proximity instead of TR?

For the most part I am a killer main and I have no issues with BT because I remember the old version. The one that applied to both people and everyone got away. I have huge issues with DS+UB but I feel BT is a fair perk because it's literally anti tunnel, unlike another perk previously mentioned.
Either way can we change BT to work on the killer's proximity to the hook instead of being inside their TR? Some killers can control their TR. With M&A, Freddy's dream world, or some stealth killers can flat out shut off their TR. The thing I hate the most is when a Wraith hooks someone, cloaks and just never leaves. I'm not against camping or tunneling when it's beneficial to the killer's objective but even as a killer main that sort of behavior sickens me. It's why 2nd chance perks are in this game to begin with -.-
To begin saying you are a killer main doesn't make me believe it. Secondly while I do agree freddy shouldn't be able to completely ignore BT, stealth killers are already pretty crap, and if a stealth killer is camping just do the gens and escape leaving that wraith with a 1k and a depip.
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For the killer main part. Can't really do anything to prove it. All I can say is if you've seen some of my previous posts it's pretty obvious who I support 80% of the time.
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I'd agree for Freddy, as unless you're not asleep there is no way to counter this, however I think BT is fine the way it is for the rest of the cast.
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To be honest that feels more like an oversight than anything intentional.
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Yea, Ghostfaces, Wraiths, Myers, and Pigs shouldn't be crazy better at camping and tunnelling just because they're stealth Killers.
As a counter nerf so that we're not just buffing one of the most used Survivor perks, Borrowed Time should take a lot longer to Mend from and it should deactivate when the End Game Collapse is active.
No more freshly unhooked Survivors body blocking for their fully healed teammates because they have BT and DS - you wanna save a teammate at the end of the game; you'll need your other teammates' help. Not just outplay the Killer with your perk.
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I have to disagree. When I play Freddy I love being able to tell who is quite possibly running Borrowed Time because they're just about the only Survivors desperate to not being the asleep state -- because the state is worthless without add-ons and doesn't hinder a Survivor at all anymore.
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BT shouldn't be a mending action. It should be a healing one. i.e. if you can't find another survivor to heal you or heal yourself, you go down. As in, old borrowed time but only applied to the survivor just freshly unhooked.
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So... my answer partially depends on the answer to this question:
I don't use BT much... does it light up a la spine chill when you are inside of a Terror Radius?
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Honestly I think BT should just always trigger. At survivor speed of 4 m/s they travel standard terror radius distance in 8 seconds so if a survivor has to run for more than 8 seconds to get in your way and try and block you as killer then it will be very easy to just wait it out as they'll have less than 7 seconds left and it will also counter sitting just outside of range of the hook and running back as soon as the unhook happens.
Post edited by SkeletalElite on0 -
Yeah but do you really need to go for a survivor that has just been unhooked? Just chase the survivor saving them. If they increased the mend time slightly to discourage body-blocking using BT, then I wouldn't mind it being proximity based.
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I personally don't because im fine with hook trades but others may want to play optimally and get that first survivor out as quick as possible
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If someone unhooks in front of me I assume they have BT and DS. So I go for the unhooker. Hopefully I can down them before the person they saved gets healed and does gens. That's why I like MYC. It's not technically tunneling :P
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Yes. Please.
BT is clearly intended as an anti-camping perk, there's literally mo reason for it not to be distance based.
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BT is often used really aggressively in my games. I'm wandering around, someone gets unhooked, I'm chasing an injured survivor, another survivor comes out of nowhere (injured), I hit survivor. Survivor doesn't go down and can just go mend, allowing the perk to be used in situations where I'm not tunneling or camping to trade mending time (or not if I choose to chase that survivor) for a down.
I am not a fan of that, but I am a fan of letting BT be a perk that prevents recently unhooked survivors from being downed by a killer that focuses them.