Beating a Dead Horse Until...

Behavior does something about it. Not a hate post on Devs, they work hard and obviously have tons of complaints on their plate.

But when will Keys and Moris (specifically eboni) be swept from the game, or at least nerfed to hell? As a new killer I'm tired of seeing multiple bad survivors have a free escape before gens are done. But, also tired of bad killers getting a one hook kill off of me while in the meantime everyone else escapes. Congrats, you showed your Twitch audience that you suck without free escapes / kills.

With Noed you can blame not doing totems (an unrealized core mechanic by most). But dood you should not be rewarded for not completing the objective efficiently on either side.

Few biased complaints lead to unnecessary nerfs on killers that are difficult but fine. But multiple complaints to BOTH keys and moris by both sides are ignored. Why?
