I hate survivors who abuse Borrowed Time



  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    As someone who remembers it vividly, here it was:

    • One-time use perk
    • Would protect the unhooker and the unhooked
    • 40 second bleed-out timer (later reduced to 25 seconds)
    • You needed someone else to heal you, or self-care/a medkit, to heal from the bleed-out timer
    • It didn't pause in a chase
    • It didn't pause whilst being healed
  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I said 'led.' Survivors that are smart enough to know BT can bodyblock, are also smart enough to simply gun for a pallet, being shielded by their BT survivor. Could be to shack pallet, could be to a jungle gym. Doesn't matter. So long as it's to a pallet, it's safe. Doesn't happen often, no, but then, I don't run into BT abuse all that much. Usually in a SWF.

    It's not JUST DS. You slug, they have Unbreakable. They get on a hook, three others can swoop in with BT and simply rotate protection hits. There will be a flashlight, or a toolbox to hit that hook you're nearing. Again, it's not often, but when you do run into a SWF like this, it leaves a lasting impression.

    The real problem with BT, and DS, is EGC. Killer doesn't have anything else to do when the timer starts ticking down but protect what they have.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 945

    people looking at that may think it's not that bad but it as long as you were healing you would not go down even if the timer ran out and self-care was meta at the time which made it even worse

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I only play killer and Borrowed Time doesn’t bother me. I don’t stick around hooks waiting for survivors, and so if someone runs in while I’m there it’s usually because they have Borrowed Time. So I just hit and hopefully down the person doing the unhook, and if the BT person is still in range I hit them too since it forces them to waste about 10 seconds Mending the wound (kind of like a half-Pop Goes the Weasel in a sense).

    The only time Borrowed Time can be a little frustrating might be when the Exits are open and you happen to have multiple survivors with both Borrowed Time and Decisive Strike just running in and rescuing in front of you. Even if you down the rescuer and hook them the person they just rescued can turn around and rescue them with Borrowed Time and be immune to a rehook for a full minute. Fortunately though that’s a pretty rare situation.

  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363

    First my answer will only be for swf groups. BT can't be abused since even if you hit person under BT they need to mend so time wasting. Even if they block your path on choke points and want to force you to tunnel them cz of BT and DS combination that is abuse but not BT abuse but DS. Even that it is team play skill game so lets say that abuse is acceptable. Then why that "abuse" have so much impact on the killers and is felt like abuse but not team play? Simple gen speed. If surv team progres is somehow under more controll then those teamplays BT and DS combo would only be for their own protection not and if someone would use as time waste combo it would be more punishable for players that force tunneling that for the ones that use only for their own protection.

    Either gens should be fixed or BT, DS combo nerfed like if bt is activated then DS deactivade or something like that. I am more for gen controll perks to be buffed then for BT, DS combo nerfed. With that done many survs will then usualy focus on heal if needed and doing gens instead of abusing killers and forcing then to get tunnel chase cz of all kind of protections they have...

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    Bubba = rush gen, but never dehock the team..

    Nurse (a very good Nurse) never dehock..

    Myers never dehock..

    Spirit (a very good Spirit) never dehock..

    The bravest teams end up getting all down if they do. One day it will be necessary to prepare for a possible nerve of the tunnel and camp, because of a waterfall of tears...🤗

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    BT only bothers me when I'm chasing a survivor near the hook, and the survivor with BT comes rushing in to bodyblock and then has DS on top of that so that when I down them for their mistake, I get punished instead. Survivors don't want us to tunnel, but then throw themselves in our path. Are we supposed to ignore that? If you throw yourself at me, I'm going to down you and eat your DS and then tunnel you to death.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    How do you "abuse" a perk? Do you mean by using it the way you're supposed to? If so, that's more of a personal issue you need to work on.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    I run BT and DS so i can play the game when the killer wants to try endgame tactics in the beginning of the game. Running strong perks doesn't make me or anyone here bad.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,503

    I'm not saying that you're bad, what I'm saying is that any high ranked players I've played with are usually running those and they do little if anything during the match to help others so I wonder how they got that high a rank in the first place if they played so selfishly.