Billy's Animations

Devs, its been 5 goddamn months and Billy's animations are still ######### up. You would think that they would have fixed them with the new rework, but no. As a double engravings main, the overheat already makes Billy a pain to play. But on top of that, when I do hit I nice flick, I cant even see it because he looks so far down for some reason. The old animation was literally perfect, the flick looked clean, you could actually see in front of you instead of having to awkwardly turn your camera up and then back down. Please devs, do something about it because Billy feels terrible to play at the moment.
Yes please. This is what I've been saying. If we could get Billy's old animations back it would make me so much happier. The new ones just look terrible especially the wobbly camera after you finish a chainsaw.
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too bad the devs dont care what we think and only abt the money they are making
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I don't care about the overheat, all I want is the old billy animations back. I hate being forced to look at the floor every ten seconds
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tbh they probably wont bring them back bc bringing back the old animations would also bring back skybilly and the devs dont like fun. they just think its an exploit even tho not a single soul complained about a billy getting on top of shack, they laughed their asses off
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I'm glad other people are speaking up about this and it's not just me anymore. Billy is a joke now. Over the course of...6 or 7 months now? He was a pretty well respected and fun killer to play as and against. Billy matches were never boring. definitely needed an add-on overhaul but nothing more. That was the general consensus on Billy. Now look at him... Jesus Christ. I remember the patch notes from the day it started happening. They wanted to fix a "sound bug" he had that tbh I had no idea even existed. Then whatever sound they tried to fix ended up breaking his camera fov, his curve sensitivity, his first person animations and his third person ones, and made false saws on survivors and pallets happen way more frequently than they did (they still happen btw. A lot.) So either their code is actually this appalling or they were making undocumented changes to him, which isn't exactly a first for BHVR.
But yeah, rant over, I'd make a post in the feedback tab but it never helps, especially when changes have already been made, BHVR are very stubborn about reverting changes.
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Dude I have already made a bunch of threads about this. Still zero bhvr read. the devs do not care and will not be changing his animations. sorry but if bhvr does not make money out of it just is not going to happen.
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they really do not care what killer mains think. after all, the devs are survivor mains
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you dont get it do you. i just want billy's animations back and for overheat to not affect double engravings as hard. its a simple change that would make the killer 10x more pleasing to play as. and yes the devs are suvivor mains. pop nerf but no ds nerf?
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I think I already know their reason if they were to comment on this. Would probably be because old Billy was able to clip his camera into lockers and thin walls at the end of a chainsaw so they changed his animations completely....even though they could've just made the camera not clip into objects. They coded the survivor camera to already do that couldn't they have done that to Billy's camera too? Like, b r u h.
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you can still look through walls and lockers with the new animation
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They also moved his camera forward .
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They were just the stealth nerfs they neglected to mention or it would have been fixed by now.
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i think they changed the animation to get rid of skybilly, which was fun as hell
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I wouldn't say I don't care at all about the overheat because I do care very slightly. However, I despise the sounds and camera effects so much that the overheat mechanic is currently not on my radar.