Making Decisive Strike infinite

after being unhooked by a teammate, ds activates. if the killer picks you up while ds is active you hit a skillcheck to stun the killer for 5 seconds.
ds will deactivate if you are healed to healthy, touch a generator, start searching a chest, start cleansing a totem, start unhooking a teammate, start healing a teammate, start opening an exit gate or enter a locker.
ds will start a 40/50/60 second countdown when you are put into the dying state.
This way ds will always protect you from being tunneled, since having a timer that only pauses in a chase could be exploited by a killer that can easily break chases and good players could outrun the sixty second timer and render the perk useless. But if you want to do anything that could advance the game you have to give up your ds. So if you are hit with ds by someone you didn't tunnel you know that that survivor has been acting as dead weight while you were chasing someone else.
EDIT: also doesn't activate after the last gen is completed and deactivates if the egc is triggered.
Does it deactivate during endgame? Otherwise it's just a free escape then.
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So, closer to the original DS, but it's disabled if you're not being tunneled or if you're put into the dying state? I can see this working, as long as it's also disabled during the collapse (thanks, Xzan).
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I think it should deactivate during the endgame, you can't be tunneling the survivor if they're your only objective left to defend
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I think this change would be good but I can guarantee a large portion of survivors will fight this tooth and nail.
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can someone explain why DS should be deactivated at the end game? DS is supposed to prevent tunneling right, and regardless of its in the beginning or end of the game tunneling is tunneling. How is it fair for the survivor to be tunnled at the end game?
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I...would not be against this, then it would be a actual anti-tunnel perk
too bad survs will cry like the world is ending if DS is changed in anyway that isn't a buff
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So not deactivate during endgame but deactivate when you are the last survivor. OFC you can be tunneled during endgame. In fact, getting tunneled during endgame is 100% guaranteed.
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tunneling is when you ignore all other objectives just to kill one survivor. The issue with the endgame is that the killer has no other objectives left to defend. All the gens are completed and more often than not the gates are already 99'd. Because of this, tunneling during the endgame is completely justified.
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I would not be opposed to having DS work like this with the caveats already made that:
- It ends instantly if you interact with the rest of the game in any way, i.e. working generators, cleansing totems, getting healed, etc.
- It ends the moment the ECG starts.
- Basically have it activate when you come off the hook and stays active UNTIL you interact or another Survivor is Hooked.
I personally Tunnel early in a game specifically to get rid of the DS. I'd rather have it hit me when it means less, instead of it hitting me in the ECG where an entire squad gets out because of it.
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This wouldn't be a terrible change but it would still have to only work once or be completely deactivated during endgame collapse.
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Similar to suggestions I have made and others -- I would change "healing to healthy" to healing any health state - so if they are slugged and start the timer, they can't be healed and still have their protection on them.
This could be a fair trade-off though. Having no timer, but if you do anything but run from the killer; touch any part of the game; or heal yourself or get healed, then you lose your Decisive.
And yes, definitely deactivate during EGC because killers only objective at that point is secure their kill and tunneling is 100% justified there.
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I could mostly agree with this (in addition to what some other people have said regarding the EGC).
There are just two things I would change and one I would add (or clarify, I guess):
- I don't think hiding in lockers should deactivate DS, as the survivor may just be trying to hide in order to avoid being tunneled in the first place. I think using a locker should instead prematurely activate the DS timer. If you really want to punish survivors ducking in lockers, this could also inflict Mangled, Hindered, and/or any of the other status effects (excluding Broken and Deep Wounds) on the offending survivor for the remainder of the DS timer
- I don't think searching chests should deactivate DS. The survivor may just be searching for a medkit so that they can heal themselves. Chests don't progress the survivor goal (like gens) nor do they have the potential to remove killer perks (like totems); this seems like an unnecessary stipulation.
- Wasn't sure if this was implied as part of making it "infinite", but DS should activate any time you are unhooked and not be perma-deactivated after one use (or failed attempt-to-use). If it is going to better discourage tunneling, it may as well work after both of a survivor's possible unhookings.
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Again this disable nonsense. Its getting old.