Ok be honest, how often do you really get camped or tunneled ?



  • Chilidawg
    Chilidawg Member Posts: 58

    Proxy camp? Just about every other game basically someone get's proxy camped to some extent unless it's blight, oni, or billy that travels across the map after a hook. Killer stays within 15-20m of the hook at all times and if someone get's an unhook they b line straight for injured survivor. Only option here is Borrowed Time or bodyblocking to a lesser extent. Literal face camp? probably 1/10-15 games which is usually a result of where the killer couldn't find someone for the first 2 mins then when they finally do they chased that survivor until they got them down and if that took longer than 3 gens or more they just facecamp them. I don't count it as facecamp if all gens are complete because the killer has no options.

    Game is super fun nowadays where rank 12 killers are inlated into red ranks and i have to deal with this nonsense all the time. I just play killer now because the role is so much less annoying to play than solo/duo survivor.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited October 2020

    I think most people just are way too quick to call someone a camper/tunneler. I started doing stats on my games as killer and survivor to see if perception and reality correlate. Some of the current stats say (note that these contain failed kobe, intentional selfkill):

    • on average, only every second game contains at least one double hook, meaning that the same survivor got hooked twice in a row
    • on average, there are 0.7 double hooks per game
    • the most "double hooks" were 5 in one game, and that was the perfect tunneler with hooking order 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4
      • that happened just once in 110 games, twice had 3 double hooks in one game, rest 0-2
    • 20% of the games even have 4 different survivors on the first 4 hooks of the game
    • average first kill is the 5.5th hook (6 when removing mori/DC games)
    • average hooks per game is 8
    • average hooks a survivor needed to die is 2,5 (2,7 when removing mori/DC games)

    The only thing I'm a bit concerned about is that I got 8 hooks on average per game, which seems a bit low. But I also have an average of 3k per game, which is also a bit too high, regarding the 2k average formulated by BHVR. Regarding that, I think I should have noted as well at how many gens left the kills happen. One thing I noticed is that some bad killer games end up with 3-4k because survivors don't like to leave someone behind, and sometimes failing hard on getting the late game unhooks. But I can't say if this is the main reason for these two stats. NOED probably also has some effect on that

    But I think the above bullet points at least prove so far that tunneling really isn't such a bad thing. Camping can't really be evaluated by the hooking order I took. Just a subjective note on that: with Ruin Undying I noticed that killers camp WAAAY less than normally (also, there is a difference between camping, face camping and proxy camping, while facecamping actually is a relic, you cannot facecamp anymore, but people still like to say it)

    I play red ranks in EU

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I don't pay close enough attention to be honest. When it happens I just accept that it is part of the game. I get what I can out of the match, and move on. I know I'm camped and tunneled in the minority of matches. It sticks out in my mind that I'm tunneled and camped by Wraiths more often than any other Killer of late. I don't know where that trend came from or why. But overall, I simply don't see it happening enough to consider it anything other than just the fortunes of war.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I'm wondering how many of the "proxy camp" accusations take into account if the unhook happened within 10 seconds of the hook. Just curious

  • The_Sniper
    The_Sniper Member Posts: 79

    Once every 5-10 games for me. It's not a big problem, at least for Red Ranks.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Not much at the endgame though if they don't have a kill and need one the they will but it's fine. So overall it's rare but it's super obnoxious when it does happen which creates complaints. And I see tunnels more then camps.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    In the red ranks (killers) very often, but I include also instances where others get instantly tunneled. By that I mean tunneled through possible bt and even immediately picking up possible ds. In figures, I would say at least half of my games easily.

    I disregard obvious situations like gens completed or 2 survivors remaining.

  • SandS_Hero
    SandS_Hero Member Posts: 29

    I tend to witness camping more than be camped myself. I know as a killer i have camped during EGC which I have only done against survivors who have been walking all over me. The only way to try and get a decent score at that point. I'll admit I'm not proud of that.

    As for tunneling it has only really happened because other Survivors go for obviously unsafe unhook. Can't really blame a killer for taking me down in that situation.

  • TurkimasMaximas
    TurkimasMaximas Member Posts: 1

    Honestly, I get tunneled quite regularly. Mostly I belive because of maining Felix at the moment. But I honestly understand the point, I see pretty much every gen at all times, so I dont fully complain. I 100% see the appeal.

  • Creepa99
    Creepa99 Member Posts: 80

    Tbh it only happens in low ranks where the killers and survivors are brain dead idiots. I already was good at the game before I started playing console bc I played on mobile and the starting ranks were arguably harder to get through than higher ranks due to face camping.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    Very rarely, and if I do get tunneled it is normally closer to the end of the game when the killer is losing and out of options. Tbh it isn't nearly as big of an issue as people on the forums make it out to be. Also I never use crutch perks as a survivor, my personal favorite builds are vault build and a build around autodidact.

  • Robotman200
    Robotman200 Member Posts: 49

    Tunneled: not very much

    Camped: its happened 7 times out of the 9 games ive played today

  • TimeMonster
    TimeMonster Member Posts: 152

    Tuneled - Pretty often...

    Camped - not often...

  • riotangel
    riotangel Member Posts: 176

    Camping on the spot is pretty extreme and rarely happens. But rather inexplicable when it happens with a killer equipping BBQ&C + MYC.

    However, killers do pretty often hang around nearby to tunnel same victim for quick boot-out of the match. I don't keep exact statistics, but probably around 20%.

    Some are so hardcore they'd abandon a chase and come back all the way from the opposite side of the map just to tunnel the unhooked.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Camped once per 30-50 perhaps it's super rare in high ranks on Xbox. Tunneling once per 10 games, not a lot but still not fun. When the MMR system was introduced I as a rank 1 killer suddenly med rank 13-20 killers then there were a lot of camping. I think that is just a low rank thing.

  • HEX_MalusGrey
    HEX_MalusGrey Member Posts: 231

    Camped like 4 out of 10 matches. But patroul camped, not facecamped. Facecamp happens very rarely to me.

    Tunneled however happens fairly often. Especially with Mori noobs. They run after you for minutes to get their kill leaving other survivors left and right, which absolutely sucks. Mori is the biggest bullshit atm.

  • The_C12H15NO2
    The_C12H15NO2 Member Posts: 335

    Personally I see proxy camping more often than straight up face camping. Proxy camping isn't too difficult to work around with a competent team. I usually play solo Q so that's 50/50. I agree with some comments above, i usually only see hard camping only after the survivor acts toxic towards the killer. Or recently it's been b/c of the rift challenges. I think the challenge to kill the obsession really caused an uptick in camping/tunneling. But we should be past that now since it's been a couple weeks when that challenge dropped.

  • SnackPac
    SnackPac Member Posts: 11

    So rarely I can't even remember the last time it happened

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    It depens if you count when killers secure a sacrifice after last gen has been popped.

    If it does count: pretty often.

    If it doesent: barely ever.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Survivor main here. I have over 3k hours and play solo 95%+ of the time. (I main Quentin if that matters).

    From my experience, it really depends on the killer. Huntress, Pyramid Head, Wraith and Spirit tend to be the ones who camp and tunnel the most.

    I'd say 1/4 games tunnel or camp. Facecamping very rarely.

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    It doesn't happen all the time, but it happens sometimes.

    I mostly play Survivor, but I play Killer sometimes to do daily rituals and stuff and sometimes I just happen to find the same person numerous times. It's just bad luck, I guess. When I find the same person numerous times, I usually either knock them down and leave them to be healed or just ignore them. Not long ago, I hooked this Claudette and someone rescued her, and I was going after the rescuer, but Claudette was going the same way, so I'm sure she thought I was after her again but I wasn't. I also tunneled someone the other day because I had one more daily ritual and I was tired of playing Killer so I just went after one person. When I knocked them down, I did let them escape. I don't like tunneling but I was so tired of playing as Killer xD

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Once every three or four games as solo survivor.

    I was chased by a huntress last night and while being chased two gens popped. As soon as i was unhooked she was after me again. Two more gens popped by the time she tunneled me out of the game. No one else was hooked when I was sacrificed. I much prefer to be killer and killers like that are why the rest of us get screwed over in the role.

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    I'd say tunneling happens in about 1/2 of games, and full camping in about 1/5 of games, and this is either red or purple ranks.

  • Allhel1
    Allhel1 Member Posts: 56

    I think it depends on what you play on cause I play primarily on PlayStation but also play on pc and on pc I hardly ever get camped but on console it’s almost every game. I don’t teabag or spam flash light. I’ve noticed in the 4 years I’ve played this game console is generally more toxic than pc especially with hate messages and camping.

  • MPGamer18
    MPGamer18 Member Posts: 124

    It depends on the player and platform. I have no problem being face-camped or tunneled if I run the killer most of the match. That comes with the territory.

    However, late night games against Playstation killers are the worst. They will not only camp and tunnel, they will bring in a mori too. I play across PC, PS and Xbox and PS is by far the worst platform for lower rank (red and purple) killers. It's why I started playing SWF on PS. It's just no fun playing against lowered skilled players who won't put in the time to learn how to play.

    Decisive Strike needs to be changed back to what it was.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742


    8-9/10 games. Killer is irrelevant.

  • Leovanni
    Leovanni Member Posts: 52

    50% of games at least me or one friend gets tunneled/ camped (red to purple ranks). If we get a green rank killer, its more like 90% of the time (noed included). Two days ago I almost lost a rank because I was tunneled 4 games in a row. This is counting face / proxy camping and obvious tunneling / magically they chose the same person to chase and hook 3 times before even hitting another survivor.

    I play average 10 games a day.

    (Anyone willing to count up the stats for this thread?)

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I took a long break and started back up as a rank 20 survivor. I couldn't believe how often I was camped and/or tunneled. It's no wonder new players don't stick with this game. You need to make it to around rank 10 where you don't see it as often.

    I know it's because the noob killers don't know what to do, but it is a major turnoff for the noob survivors.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    i get tunneled most of the time when i do play survivor which is one of the big reasons i stick exclusively to killer

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    I get proxy camped maybe 1/8 games. usually get tunneled off hook when that happens. I cant recall being hard camped that wasn’t after the gates were powered. When the gates are powered I think a lot of players expect the killer to leave them when the smart play is to stay nearby.

  • Luna_P
    Luna_P Member Posts: 8

    I play for a few hours most days of the week and at least 2-3 times a week I will get camped. I find that really frustrating. One particularly frustrating game which happened about a week ago I was faced camped to an extreme and felt this player was just super toxic. The other survivors were great and tried to unhook me, the killer (wraith) would make him/herself invisible in front of me, wait for a survivor, appear and then hit them, didn't chase them, and just waited until I was sacrificed. I find it annoying because I enjoy playing the game in its entirety and when I get camped this diminishes the fun for me. I also feel that people who are choosing this course of game play aren't playing the game at all.

    Tunneling, I rarely get tunneled and when it happens I don't mind it. I just need to learn how to be more crafty with my escapes.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    At least 3 times a day.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    Yh I have the same sort of experience. I rarely get camped or funneled unless someone like unsafe unhooks me which honestly is less on the killer and more the survivor for being extremely stupid. However when I play killer which I'd say is less then survivor I get a toxic survivor at least everywhere other match if not a full toxic swf. That and hate messages to like go ######### or racist, homophobic etc. This makes me wonder if the survivors on here who say like 8 out 10 games they get face camped or tunneled are either very over dramatic and don't know what counts as these 2 things. Or they play really toxic like. Spamming flashlights. Tbagging etc. Which in that case you deserve being tunneled or camped. If you're gonna be a toxic survivor don't expect killers to be really nice to you.

    On the topic of messages I can say without a doubt I've only ever received one offensive message from a killer. Maybe even non my memories slightly fuzzy on it but I believe it was to do with him thinking we were in a swf which I was not and he got bad matchmaking. The rest are ggs and discussion. Whereas survivors I can play as fair or "fun" for the survivor and still get entire swf bombarding me with toxic messages.

    Maybe this is because we go against 4 survivors and not 1 so therefore we are bound to meet more toxic survivors just due to the numbers. But I don't really believe that is the main reason.

    I have honestly come to believe that there is just a lot more toxic survivors which considering more people play survivor like me makes sense. But I've almost given up with this game.

    Sorry if it feels like I'm ranting. I want to play this game but it's repetitive at times.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    But you do realise the same arguement can be made right back by killers? No one side is to blame. And killers don't camp every round or as you say proxy camp. If That's like every round there's no way survivors wouldn't be raging about it every chance they get. But they don't only some people say silly things like oh I get them every round. You don't. No one is that unlucky. Proxy camping yes can be annoying and yea can be a legitimate strategy for certain killers but it's also very easy to counter.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774

    Some camping but more tunneling lately. More Keys and Mori's than usual too, like players are using them up before a potential double nurf.

    Like others have said Entity help ya if there's no Obsession...

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    It depends on the rank of the killer, the lower the rank the more you’ll see that kind of gameplay

  • Nickromancy
    Nickromancy Member Posts: 3

    As someone who plays solo mostly and mostly Killer. When I do play Survivor with or without friends we run into someone tunneling once every 3 or 4 games and a hard camper once every 6 or 7.

    Tunneling in this case is not just including tunneling off hook, but also literal tunnel vision on a single survivor no matter how well or how long it takes to down them.

    Hard camping is not including coming back to the hook every now and then but hard face camping.

  • Chicken
    Chicken Member Posts: 123

    Every time i'm camped its because i either deserved it (acted "cuntish") or because the killer has nothing do lose. same thing for tunneling, if i'm using OoO or playing blendette the killer has an extra reason to get me out of the game early. but thats pretty rare.

  • Earthwormjim
    Earthwormjim Member Posts: 1

    Playing with my purple/red rank survivor friends not much. Like the occasional wraith or ghost face who'll just hide near hooks to get incoming survivors (really wish bt relied on range instead of terror radius)

    But when it comes to my rank 16-20 friends who play only occasionally, holy #########. It's easily 80% of the games that I'll see this. Not even like camping around the hooks, they just stand there right in front of you waiting for you to die. And if it's not that it'll be moris and tunneling. I get the point a lot of people make about chasing weak survivors (I myself am red rank) but these killers will give up free hits on multiple survivors that are right in front of them trying to take a hit just to mori people out of games.

    A lot of people saying it's not really a serious issue don't get that for casual players who don't play it all he time the game is ruined 80% of the time with literal face camping and tunneling. The difference is quite jarring when I solo or play with red rank friends compared to playing with rank 18ish friends.

  • Nogun61
    Nogun61 Member Posts: 5

    As a survivor main, I get tunneled almost every game (like 8/10 times). I'm around green ranks to be fair.

    Also for reference I get face camping killers at average around 1/3 to 1/2 the time, depends on the day.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    9/10 games me or anyone on my Team gets camped, tunneled or slugged. And in 8/9 of these games i can guess the nation of the killer. Also watching several streamers at the same time showing off nearly the same results. Its just annoying to play on the german EU servers.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,957

    1/20, but I also really good at hiding.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    I got a LF that facecamped someone, and a trapper that camped someone to death back to back.

  • Murd3rousClyd3
    Murd3rousClyd3 Member Posts: 71

    So as a killer main, I rarely see people camping. While I think it's a strategy, I think it's a poor strategy, and I don't use it.

    But I've ran into a few campers that also tunnel, just today. It is always either a stealth killer (I'm looking at you, Wraith)... Or Bubba. Literally just had back to back matches with a camping/tunneling Wraith then Bubba.

    It was ridiculous, and is exactly why I main killer and only play survivor for challenges.

  • ThatsSoKelso
    ThatsSoKelso Member Posts: 24

    Oh i get the tunnelers constsntly. The face campers come when they get mad at me for being a survivor and RUNNING. Im gonna try to outrun you an juke you while you're trying to kill me bruh...lol but they take it all hard thst you doing what you supposed to do an running trying to avoid them an they get you an face camp you. The tunnelers are literally almost every game tho. They hook you an the second you unhooked they hot on your ass because they do loops around to wait for someone to try to save you. I play both killer an survivor but as the killer I try to play fair an be fun. Give the players a chance to do something. If someken was hooked an let off i dont chase them cuz they the one hurt I go for whoever helped them off so they have a chance to play too. Not everyone is like that tho. Its "try hards" at its finest

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Last night, about a third of the games I played, the killer tunneled and/or camped. Whether it was the nurse that constantly left and teleported back repeatedly, the hag that refused to chase anyone away from a hook after teleporting to her phantasm, the pig that crouched behind a fence, or the Ghostface that hooked me up on a hill and just walked around me until I died.

  • MLG360Proscoper
    MLG360Proscoper Member Posts: 4

    Face camping? Barely a problem for me, like once a week maybe a little more? Tunneling? Several times a day, sometimes several games in a row. They need to make tunneling more penalizing. I know, I know ds, and I run it, but sometimes I run them for it's duration and sometimes I already used it. Like fr please bhvr

  • quazzi76
    quazzi76 Member Posts: 77

    I am 2months into DBD, first posting, and play as a killer. As far as camping in front of a hook - beginners trying to get an understanding of the game. I camped a lot. Why not? As a killer it is your job to kill. Most hunter/killers wait for their prey to die watching them. If it also brings you more prey, then bonus. After awhile I learned that some people care about team mates and others did generators only. I switched my tactics to hook n leave. I only return if i am short ways away and they get unhooked. As far as chasing, if you want to play ring around the rosy - I leave you alone. Other players to chase and just ignore the hell out of you.

    The most bs part is survivor's tea bagging at the end. That is when I would have liked to camp that player and slash the heck out of them on the hook. The other part is if you get hit in that end gate you shouldn't be able to move to the exit. That is crap. I would give if you can crawl across the first gate I would say that you can crawl to second. Hanging around just to taunt should be a penalty.

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